December 13, 2009

Above the Influence?

We all know what happened at Pioneer last week.  The news vans descended on us, people were talking about it on Facebook and My Space and we all found out that our 'Someplace Special' is just like everywhere else.  It's unfortunate but, like everything, it can be used as a learning experience.

Click HERE to read information about over-the-counter drug abuse.  Then, click HERE to read the Seventeen article about Sarah's story.  The purpose is to learn more about the damage and pain these choices can make.

Your assignment is to give your reaction.  What can you take away from this situation?  Why do you think kids do this?  What can you do to change it?  As always, your comment must be a minimum of 4 well-written, complete sentences and must be done by Friday at 3:30 pm.

December 7, 2009

‘Sexting’ bullying cited in teen’s suicide

You may have heard this story on the news recently.  Another teen, Hope Witsell, commited suicide over bullying and pressure after 'sexting' images of herself.  So, so sad.

Please click HERE to read the article.   Take the time to read it carefully.  This girl was only 13 and she made a mistake.  What can you take away from this story?  What can you do, learn or change to ensure that this doesn't happen to anyone again?

As always, your comment must be a minimum of 4 well-written, complete sentences and must be done by Friday at 3:30 pm.

Hope Witsell

November 29, 2009

Week in Pictures

Your Assignment: 
Click HERE to view MSNBC's Week in Pictures.  
Take a moment to look at all of the pictures.  
Write about which photo(s) had the most effect on you (you liked it, hated it, it fascinated you, etc.), then vote.

As always, write a minimum four well-written, complete sentences.
Comments are due by Friday at 3:30 pm!

November 20, 2009

Jive Turkey

 Point of View
by Shel Silverstein

Thanksgiving dinner's sad and thankless
Christmas dinner's dark and blue
When you stop and try to see it
From the turkey's point of view.

Sunday dinner isn't sunny
Easter feasts are just bad luck
When you see it from the viewpoint
Of a chicken or a duck.

Oh how I once loved tuna salad
Pork and lobsters, lamb chops too
'Til I stopped and looked at dinner
From the dinner's point of view.

This is one of my favorite poems. I just had to share it with you. What do you think?

Your Assignment: Write about some of the most important things that you are thankful for! (Minimum four well-written, complete sentences.) Comments are due by Friday at 3:30 pm!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

November 15, 2009

Land of the Free...

Intercom: Good morning. Teachers, please turn on your televisions for the morning announcements.

TV: Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

...sound familiar? Every day at school students are asked to stand with hand-on-heart and recite the Pledge. While it is not mandatory to say the Pledge, it's encouraged as a way to honor our Country. At the very least, it is important not to create a disturbance during the Pledge as a sign of respect. Instead of the Pledge, some school have students stand at silent, respectful attention to the playing of our National Anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key (see the first stanza below).

O! say can you see by the dawn's early light / What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? / Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, / O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? / And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, / Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. / O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave / O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Your Assignment: How do you feel about the Pledge and/or the National Anthem. What do you do during this time? Do you agree with the idea of being respectful towards these ceremonies? Why/Why not? Explain. Your comment must be at least 4 complete and well-written sentences and is due no later than Friday at 3:30 pm.

For fun... here is the late, great Jimi Hendrix performing his very cool rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner at Woodstock in 1969.

November 7, 2009

Michael Brewer...

By now I am sure you've heard of Michael Brewer from Deerfield Beach.  Fifteen-year-old Brewer was doused with rubbing alcohol and set on fire by neighborhood kids, once considered friends, because of a $40 debt for a video game.  Watch the video below and read this article for the complete story. 

Your Assignment: Write about your reaction to the Michael Brewer story. Your comment must be at least 4 complete and well-written sentences and is due no later than Friday at 3:30 pm.

October 31, 2009

Decisions, Decisions...

Last month we went to JA Finance World to learn life lessons in managing money. For those who went, it was a great opportunity to get a glimpse into the responsibilities of real life... dealing with family, work and BILLS!  Hopefully it gave you a better insight into;  #1 appreciating your family for all the hard work they go through to take care of you,  #2  not rushing through your childhood (because you'll be grown with lots of responsiblity soon enough), and  #3  concentrating on doing well in school and in life to ensure you don't end up like some of you did on the trip... single with 2 or 3 kids making $19,000 a year!

Your Assignment:  Write AT LEAST 4 COMPLETE AND WELL-WRITTEN sentences about YOUR GOALS and WHAT YOU WANT TO DO when you're older.  You can write about where you hope to go to school (college) and what career you'd like to have, etc.  Your comment is due no later than Friday at 3:30 pm.

Oh, and take a look at the slide show below!

October 19, 2009

Blogging for the NEW kids!

Ok, so we're entering the second quarter of the school year and it's time to start blogging! 

We will be using this blog as another way to communicate with eachother... kind of like the class journals we tried.  Or, the comments you post to your Facebook, My Space & Twitter.  Many of you may already be professional bloggers, we'll see.

Let's just start from the beginning... for 'Blogging Assignments' in Language Arts, you will be asked to read my posts and the comments of your classmates and make your comment on a weekly basis.  Each week I'll put my posts up by Monday and you have until Friday to comment for 10 points each.  No comment = no points!

Remember this is a school assignment, in this arena you must still use the conventions of good writing in your comments. That means no IM language, use capitals & proper punctuation and check your spelling. I AM TAKING OFF POINTS FOR BAD CONVENTIONS!!! 

In addition, take precautions to protect your privacy; your comments are being posted on the internet... FOREVER!!  Any information too personal will be deleted and you will get a zero.  Don't post your telephone number, address or other pesonal info.  Don't post where you will be... consider that all the world can ready this stuff and think about your privacy.  

Before you publish your comment, you will be asked to Choose an Identity. I want you to select NAME/URL and enter your FIRST NAME & LAST INITIAL & PERIOD NUMBER! Leave URL blank, unless you have a cool website you'd like to link to.  If these requirements are not met, you will not earn points for your posting!

Let's start right now and ease into it. Being that Halloween is coming up and there are lots of scary movies out now, think about your favorite movies.  Your assignment is to post a comment about your favorite movies in these three categories:  best scary movie, best action or drama or comedy and best overall.  Explain some of the things about these movies that make them your favorites.  (Minimum four well-written, complete sentences.)  Comments are due by Friday, 10/30 at 3:30 pm!

May 18, 2009

Nothing to see here...

Due to popular demand... no blog this week. As a matter of fact, no more blogs, ever!
Yes, I can hear you cheering right now.

Cool people comment anyway :)

May 9, 2009

Week in Pictures

Take a look at MSNBC's Week in Pictures site. Your assignment is to choose your favorite picture and write at least three well-written, complete sentences describing it and why you chose it. Your comment is due by Friday, May 15th at 3:30 pm.

May 1, 2009

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is Sunday, May 10th, 2009.
Think about the mothers and wonderful female figures in your life and how they have affected your life. Don't forget to do something special for them to let them know how much you appreciate them.

Your assignment is to give those special ladies a shout out and let them know you care. A poem, a few nice lines thanking them, dedicate a song to her, find a special quote, etc.
Your comment is due by Friday, March 8th, 2009 at 3:30 pm.

Don't forget to appreciate Dad's and male role models in June!

April 27, 2009

10th Anniversary of Columbine

Last week was the tenth anniversary of Columbine murders. As we continue our unit on Anne Frank, notice the similarities of hate and discrimination.

My favorite quotes from this video are from the Principal, "The world breaks everyone then we are stronger in broken places." I also liked when he said, "When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure."

It's a good time to reflect on the ideas in Rachel's Challenge where their mission is to our reach as many people as possible with the message of kindness and compassion.

Your assignment is to click on the links above, watch the video below and post your comments (your thoughts on these issues) in at least THREE COMPLETE & WELL-WRITTEN sentences no later than Friday at 3:30 pm.

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

April 19, 2009

Why do we study the Holocaust?

The history of the Holocaust represents one of the most extensively documented subjects for examination of basic moral issues. The hope is that through our study of the Holocaust, you will come to realize that silence and indifference to the suffering of others and the infringement of civil rights in any society is a problem. The Holocaust was not an accident in history -- it occurred because individuals, organizations, and governments made choices which not only legalized discrimination, but which allowed prejudice, hatred, and ultimately, mass murder to occur.

Studying Anne Frank’s story will help you to understand the results of prejudice, racism, and stereotyping in any society. Hopefully you will think about the use and abuse of power, and the role and responsibilities of individuals, organizations, and nations when confronted with civil rights violations and/or policies of genocide. The repetition of human tragedies in the world today reminds us that we must be vigilant and learn lessons of the Holocaust again and again.

Your assignment is to write at least THREE COMPLETE and WELL-WRITTEN sentences about what we can do in schools to educate people about the perils of discrimination. Your comments must be made by Friday, 4/24 at 3:30 pm.

April 4, 2009

High School Electives

On Wednesday, April 15th, the CCHS Guidance Counselors will be in our classroom to register you for your 9th grade courses. We've talked about required courses and electives. What electives are you interested in? Click here for a list of electives for 9th graders? Did you know that a whole new world of electives opens up for you in 10th grade? Click here for a list of electives available to 10th - 12th graders.

Your assignment is to write at least 4 COMPLETE AND WELL-WRITTEN sentences about electives. You can write about the electives you are interested in, the ones you hope to be taking, the ones you would like to know more about and/or the ones you don't want to take at all. Your comment is due no later than Friday, April 17th at 3:30 pm.

March 30, 2009

YAY! Blogging is Back!!

Welcome to the 4th quarter! Aren't you thrilled that Blogging is back? I know, me too! Well, we have a lot to look forward to this quarter! Soon we are selecting our high school classes, going on some field trips, participating in Field Day and tons more. Then, before you know it, Summer will be here! YAY!!
OK, do you remember how to use this thing? Let's start slow to wipe away the cobwebs in our minds. This week your assignment is just to check in and give me at least three complete sentences about what you think this last quarter will be like. Your post is due by Friday, April 3rd at 3:30 pm.

Holla at cha' girl!

March 20, 2009

Blast from the Past Letters

To my students from 2006-2007... Wow! I can't believe that it's been 2 years since you were in the 8th grade. If you are reading this you've recieved the letter I asked you to write to your future self. I can't decide if it feels like just yesterday or if it feels like a million years ago since you sat in room 24 for Language Arts. Maybe a little bit of both. :)

I hope that you are doing wonderfully... feeling happy, doing well in school and having fun. Please leave me a comment. Let me know how reading your letter affected you. I also want to know what you are up to and how you are doing.

Take care and I hope to talk to you soon!

Mrs. Santana

January 15, 2009

Done, Done & Done...

Ok, we are done with blogs for the second quarter and there will be no regular blog posts for the third quarter. Oh, who knows what we'll do instead... :)
If you start to suffer from BWS "Blog Withdrawl Syndrome" don't worry, you can comment here and I'll publish your posts every so often!

January 10, 2009

! ! ! W H A T E V E R ! ! !

Hey guys, this is the last week of the quarter and our last blog for a little while. So, you have free choice for this one. Keep it interesting... remember, I have to read these things!
Your assignment:
Post your comment about whatever you want in at least three sentences no later than Thursday, January 15th, 2009 at 3:30 pm.

January 2, 2009

Happy 2009!

Happy New Year!

For better or for worse, 2008 is over. Below is a video about the Top News Stories of 2008.
Here's the fineprint:
Your assignment is to give me at least 3 sentences on ONE of the following topics OR mix them up!
1. What were the worst parts of 2008 for you?
2. What were the best parts of 2008 for you?
3. What are you looking forward to in 2009?
Comments are due no later than Friday, January 9th, 2009 at 3:30 pm.