Hey guys, this is the last week of the quarter and our last blog for a little while. So, you have free choice for this one. Keep it interesting... remember, I have to read these things!
Your assignment:
Post your comment about whatever you want in at least three sentences no later than Thursday, January 15th, 2009 at 3:30 pm.

My comment is about the 7 foot sailfish that I caught with my dad today. This morning in Key Largo I woke up early to go fishing with my dad like usual. When we got out to about 20 feet of water we started to fish for snapper. We were not catchin much so we caught a whole bunch of baitfish and went out to about 100 feet of water. We were looking for birds eating and we finaly spotted some. We raced over there as fast as we could and I casted my line in the water. After about five minutes the line on the rod started screaming out.Zzzzzzz...I grabed the rod and started reeling it in. Next thing I know a 7 foot sailfish is jumping out the water doing arial displays. After 30 minuted of fighting the fish i finaly landed it. It was the biggest sailfish I have ever caught.
This school year has gone by so fast.I can't believe second quarter is ending.I can't wait till high school.
Yes! I am the first person to blog this week, i deserve a prize. Anyway, the thing i want to blog about is the Miami Dolphins. They did great. They were criticized all the time last year for only winning one game. Now, they go to the playoffs. The whole team transformed. It just shows you if you put a little effort into your athletics you will be pleased with your performence. Hey that was a long blog! Another prize.
saturday the 10th i went to the beach with my boyfriend and my best friend brandii. we stayed till like 11:30 at nite. it was freezig sitting on the beach. we had a bbg. and a bunch of friends came. but then me and my best friend brandii went for a walk on the beach and i steped on a blue jelly fish and stung my foot. it hurts really bad. and on my foot i had a pink line going across my foot and had puss. ewww.
so we can write about anything, huh? Well, this weekend I planted a mango tree in my backyard, and a avacado tree in my front yard. I also went to my friend's house and played Gears of War 2. I don't have that game, so I stink at it. Finally, he switched the game to Halo 3 and then I was having fun. Also I saw a shooting star when I was driving to Blockbuster. But my dad was driving me.
P.S. I was the first guy to post!
This weekend was fun. After my hockey practice I went to my friends house.We play hockey together. We went to the aventra mall. After that my friends parents took us to a returant called the Knife.
this weekend was fun. friday i went to cold stones with lor lex and more. saterday i had a soccer game. after the game i went to taylors house. me and taylor went out to eat, which was fun. after dinner we went to her house me and her went on the computer and taylor was trying to be a rocker lol. i told her she should die her hair black. she wants me to die my hair brown. then me her and alex were hanging out in her room. talking about some weird random things lol. we took pics then went to bed. the next day we had another soccer game. after the soccer game i got my phone from zachie and alex swiched are covers. then me and taylor went to my house and watched movies. i had a great fun weekend
Bar's party over the winter break was the best party of the year. There was good food and alot of dancing. I also hung out with Barry during the winter break too.
This last saturday I had the best time with my friend Brett. We went to Extreme Rage paintball field. It was amazing.
In a few days Chinese New Year is coming up soon. I am going somewhere to celebrate the New Years. Usually i go perform for my master but i think i gonna have a big dinner at home.
I really dont have much to say but the only intersting thing that has happened too me recently is that i almost got hit by a car yesterday.I was at a chruch party when a man in a taxi was trying to back out and he suddenly hit the brakes way too hard, he came speeding right twards me and my older brother.So we both saw him comming and jumped out of the way, he stopped about three feet where we jumped then tried to leave the parking lot, but a man and a few others saw him try it and ran too the exit forcing him too stop.Sadly he was at hes late sixty's and drunk, when the cops got there he was 1.2, so they arrested him.He also hit a older women wich was the owner of the taxi and was letting him use it for i dont know.But she was not badly hurt and she saied she dident want too press charges.And my grandma was a few feet away from me and my brother seating down when this happen and had had a hip replacement a few weeks before.So with that she tried too get up in time but she fell and badly bruised her knees, so rescue came and checked her bloodpressure and other thing.Other then that nothing has happened.
Bailee A period 1
My favorite summer was the summer of sixth grade. That summer was so much fun and full of excitement. I left on the last day of school and went to israle on the 15 hour flight. My dad and my sister went along with me for 10 day of nothing but activities. Towards the end of the summer my whole family went to West Verginia. It was a blast!!!!
I would like to talk about my Spanish mid-term. I can't believe how hard it was. The worst is that my spanish teacher is giving us our mid-term over three days. Three days! Two down one to go. I can't think about it now because I have a math mid-term tomorrow I need to study for.
I want to talk about what i'm going to do in high school. What i want to do in high school study for the aviation program and get good grades if i want to go to collage.And i have to get good grades now if i want to get in the magnet program too i need a 2.0 grade average and level 3 or greater in the fcat.
GUNS N' ROSES IS THE BEST BAND EVER. It was created by the collision of two other bands named "The L.A Guns" and "Hollywood Rose". L.A. Guns is an American rock band whose music is frequently associated with the L.A. glam metal scene which grew up around the Sunset Strip in the 1980s, in particular the sleaze rock subgenre. I think that's enough.
I choose my blog to be about my up coming vacation. In July im going up to Connecticut for my cousins wedding. Me and my other family are staying at this AWESOME hotel over looking the city of Waterbury which is very nice. In the wedding, my role is one of the brides’ maid's. My cousin and I are extremely close. Then a couple days after the reception, my family and I are going to Niagara Falls. It’s an amazing place to visit. Anyway I cant wait..;)
My dog Boomer just had surgery. He had a tumor. He healed very well. We are hoping to here the results.
The only thing i can think of that happened that was interesting to me was probably when i went out to eat at taco bell with my friends. We went on bike. After we went to taco bell we just rode around, we didnt really know where we were going but we knew somewhat about where we were. We had to cross Flamingo to get to Jamba Juice and we had to run into the median to avoid getting hit by a car and as i was crossing, a car came atleast 30 mph faster than the speed limit and the driver was young so he tried to scare me and swirved towards me and got really close. Luckily there was a cop near by and he stopped the guy and for the speeding he wouldve just given him a ticket but for swirving at me he arrested him. The cop was nice and asked me if i was ok and tld me what they were going to do with him and left.
On Thrusday its my sisters birthday.Shes turning 11 years old so we are going to have A little something at my house.
For my comment I am writing about doing my comment. When I was writing this comment I was on my bed on my laptop. My T.V. was on and I was typing this comment.
This weekend I am going to relax and have fun. And maybe even go shopping. On Saturday I have a birthday party to go to. And that is what I am doing this weekend. :)
hello every body do you now what me and my hockey team we are going too the play-off. I would like to win first place. we have a little chance to won the first place because we are the first on our divition so let see if we gonna win on saturday to countinue the play-off after this game.
I hate being sick . Today i went home early because i was sick . I had to miss the math mid term. then when I got home my back and throat were on fire.
I would like to add on to my bestiest friend barry jones' blog. I agree with him. What they did with Chad Pennington and their new head coach was amazing, one of the best turnarounds in sports history. Nobody thought they could do that good and they proved everyone wrong by making it to the playoffs. Tony Sparano (their head coach) deserves by far coach of the year.
Yay it was great about 2008 and this school year has gone by fast! The miami Dolphins made it real far but lost, and great news have been last year
First, I can't believe how fast this year is going by. But I'm really exicted about May because first thats about when middle school ends, second my cousin is getting married so I'm going to see all of my long lost cousins... again, and third im going on vacation and I don't know where yet but its a surprise. I cant wait until High School.
My blog this week is about the gator and oklahoma championship. I was so mad the sooners lost and the gators are now the champs. Also I lost a bet with austin that the sooners would win and I owed him fifty cents. Thanks a lot oklahoma!! But I will win my money back with the eagles and cardinals game. GO EAGLES!!
The year is going by so fast. The second quarter is almost finished. Thank God!!!! But now the FCAT is coming which is horrible. I don’t even know why we need to do it. They could have made it at least every few years. Like in Canada we had something like FCAT, it was EQAO. It was every 3 years, grades 3, 6, 9, and 12. And it was so easy and much shorter than the FCAT. Oh! And we also have the FCAT Writing and Science this year which makes it worst. Hopefully we all get past that and survive. Anyways, at least mid-terms are going to be over. I’m looking forward to this 4 day weekend and the next long break which is probably spring break.
Yesterday, I went to my aunt's house because she was having a "welcome back" party for my dad since he just came back Australia. When we get there my grandma comes out with a baby boy. I'm looking at the baby and thinking that the baby looks a lot like my aunt that live in California. All, of sudden, my aunt that lives in California comes out of a room. I haven't seen her in years so that was a nice surprise.
I want to write about the days I can't wait for. 1st is my Birthday which is on February 12th. Next, I can't wait for March 21st because Twilight comes out on DVD. I'm going to watch it like soooo many times! And finally, I can't wait for November 20th because New Moon comes out. I can't wait to see it because my favorite actor, Taylor Lautner, is going to be in like the whole movie because he is Jacob. That's all for now!!!
I cannot wait until January 23. I am going to New York. I go ever year, except i didn't go last year because my mom took my family on a huge road trip instead. It will be so fun to visit family and friends.
Well... i have no idea what to talk about ; anyways im glad school is going by fast and i hope summer vacation comes soon ! Im really happy its my last year in pioneer and i get to go to high school. WhOOP WhOOP !!
i have no idea what to talk about. My winter break was very good, i went snowboarding in Colorado and had a blast. I was surprised0 by the end of the trip when i didn't mess up and have a rely bad fall and be on crutches like last year. this school year is going by fast i hope summer dose not go by this fast.
Okay. So this passed weekend i was jam packed with soccer. On friday i was supposed to have a game but it got canceled. On saturday, i had a game at 12 :(. The score was 2-0. Now here came sunday. It was the day of the all-stars. My sister and i had both made the team. Since i am u-14, i wasn't going to be playing against my sister. Anyways, i had to be at Bill Lips at 11 in the morning (Way too early). Lucky me i was like the 5th person so i was able to pick my number. Then after the game ahead ended, we had to go warm up. Five minutes later the game started. I was soo happy that i was starting. For most of the game i played center midfield. Man was that a hot day. My coach was subbing every chance he got. In the last 6 minutes, they scored. Everyone knew that katlyn's kick was pretty much unstoppable. Anyways, we ended up losing 1-0. After the game we had to do pictures and when we were done, the coaches poured the cooler of ice water all over the teams. It was soo much FUN!
I would like to talk about my winter break, which is not much to talk about because i did nothing! The reason i didnt do anything was because i was grounded from my grades. So basically i sat home all day studying for nothing and did a bunch of chores. :(
Hmm what to talk about? Well this coming up weekend im so excited! im re-doing my room!. My room has been all horse themed since 3rd grade (coming from an 8th grader,thats pretty sad). So I finally get to re-do it but i`m not quite sure what im gonna do to it yet besides take down the horse stuff!. [:
My comment is on the FCAT. I have always wondered what the point of that test is. It is really hard and pointless. But I just can't wait until it is over and that I det next years done with so I never have to do it again.
Hi mrs. santana! My blog is going to be about how happy I am that the quarters almost ending!! I want a new chance to start over and prove to myself that I can be the student I want to be.Well thats all I could think of at the moment so bye.<3
TWILIGHT!!! In 2005, a New York bestseller came out called Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. In 2007, word went around that they would do a movie. On the Internet, fans have created many mini movies on the trilogy: Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. Casting began for the first movie in early 2008. Bella: Kristen Stewart, Edward: Robert Pattinson were already cast and the hard decision of finding the perfect Jacob was on. Jacob, a spunky, smart-mouthed, and hopeless romantic was going to be hard. They finally chose a baby-faced, martial-arts master, 16 year old boy, Taylor Lautner. They began filming with the director, Catherine Hardwhicke. On Augest 2, 2008, author Stephenie Meyer released her fourth continuation of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn. Soon, filming was done and the movie realeased on November 21, 2008. With over 70 million dollars made, a sequal was insisted. Controversy came over the height difference of Jacob from Twilight and New Moon and wondered if Taylor could play the part. It ended up that Taylor got the part and filming will begin. The Twilight dvd comes out on March 16th. Go New Moon!!
Well the other day me and my dad were at this waterfall next to our house and we saw a comodo dragon on a tree and i guess we cornered it and we caught it. And it was a fun day and then we peted it and we let him go so that day was fun. Also that same day we caught some fish and then we let them go so they don't die i guess we just wanted to see it feels to have caught a big of a fish that we did.
i want to blog about my weekend. this weekend i had a blast. i slept over my friend georges house two nights. we had alot of fun and skated alot.
Im so happy that second quater is over. We are half way throw and then we will be in high school. I cant wait!Oh and that summer well be here soon!
I cant wait till this weekend. I am going on a cruise to the bahamas and to a private island. When we go to the bahams i am getting a new industrial earing i am hopeing to either get one with guitars on it or a blue or black if i have to but i want a spirol cause now i can change my earing and of coure the earing that i bought 2 weeks ago which my grandams say she gave to my mom but my mom and me say we never had but its gon and i went to the tattoo shop yesterday and he just gave me some blue balls and of course one doesnt work so now my earing is half silver and half blue.
Yay! ok well i am going to blog about my new obsession! Which is the "Twilight Saga"! I really love the story line of these books and in 308 days "New Moon" the movie comes out! But i can't wait that long... Also on March 21 "Twilight" the movie comes out on DVD and in 3 years Stephenie Meyer is going to publish her addition to the saga its called "Midnight Sun" and its "Twilight" but in edwards point of view i can't wait!Its going to be amazing! :)
my comment is about this week of school. it is going to be awsome, we have a 4 in half days off. i am going to sleep in for soooooo long.
Some of you are making some interesting comments. My comment is about the movie Twilight... some of you may not agree, so let's just agree to disagree.
I really don't know what the directors and producers of the movie were thinking but how much white make-up did they think Carlisle needed? It was ridiculous! The people in that town would have to be idiots not to notice a doctor with all the white make-up on! It didn't even look real.
Moving on. One word, Jasper. Give me a break. What was with the dumb expression on his face? When I went to see the movie the whole theatre was in hysterics because he looks so silly. I've heard the 'new vegeterian vampire' theory, but that just doesn't cut it. Jasper is supposed to be a military man, tough enough to withstand lots of pain. He looked just plain silly - we need a new Jasper, please!
Now this one is going to hurt... I didn't like Jacob either. He did fit the character, but the hair was way too long and there is something about his face that was off for me. I don't see how they are going to get him to turn into the Jacob of books 2-4, but I can't wait to find out.
Emmett should have been A LOT BIGGER than everyone else. He is supposed to look like a bear. He was just ok.
Rosalie was not even a little bit as pretty as her character was portrayed in the book! That's right, not even a little bit! And, she looks too much like Victoria.
By the way, they need to dye Victoria's hair a little bit redder for the next one.
Edward wasn't how I pictured him, but I got used to it. Bella was fine too. Oh, I almost didn't mention Esme. That's because she was too boring to mention. Just blah! Charlie and Billy were good. Alice was perfect.
Since this weeks blog is whatever, I'm chossing to write about a little of whats going on in my life. Well,currently I'm reading a book called exit here. It's very good/ interesting but I wouldn't recomned it for just anyone because its set on a VERY mature level. The second thing that is going on in my life currently focusing more on school. Thrid of all school is going by SUPER fast and I'm super excited for summer because its my favoirte season. However, its curently winter and I dispise the cold, but I love the styles of winter clothing because I get to layer alot, and I love to layer my clothes. :]
Romiette and Julio is the best book! They are right I dont think Shakespere could have thought of that one. The ending is amazing. I do not believe in true love at least at this age, but they proove it to you. The book might not be real but the creativity of the authors sounds like this happened in real life.
This weekend was great. I went fishing with my friend frankie and all together we caught 19 fish. also on sunday i played softball and the score was 31 33 my team lost but i had a time.
Wow anything?? Thats pretty neat! So here it goes. I have been playing soccer for 8 yeqars now. I have never ever got hurt. Tell it all changed this season. I played my first practice and every since the first practice. And it turns out I have tenditious. Which is were your tendon is stretched which leads to the tendon getting swallon! Its so annoyinng because it i only played once in the whole season. But now its starting to feel better :)
These past quarters my grades have been horriable. I had strait f's but i started trying and now i have four. The next two quarters im going to try to get good grades. Hopefully i do and pass.
Last sunday I went to my friends house and I had fun. We played many games, I like the game hide and seek.We had a small break eating. Together we had a big fun.
For winter break this year I went to New York. It was alot of fun. It was so cold up there and it snowed alot. I was there for about five days. I went around New Years so New York was really croward. I did not go to New York City on New Years Eve sice there would be so many people there. It was my first time to New York.
We can write about anything we want, thats pretty cool. A couple weeks ago, shannon and I went to church. Sounds boring right? no.they called shannon up on stage, and she refused. So they chose both of us! We didnt know what was going to happen. But, they handed each of us a bottle of mountain dew. We each had to chug one. Who ever finished first won, well i was winning the whole time and then shannon swallowed all of hers. She beat me, jumped off the stage and ran. I followed her and found her on the floor in the bathroom! She was about to throw up. haha it was so funny. There is even a picture! she was pretty cool about it though. We had alot of fun that day.
My winter break was fun. I didnt go on vacation, but I relaxed a lot. I hung out with my friendsmst of the time. Cant wait till spring break.
As soon as I saw we could write about anything, I got so excited! Last night me and my friend Jaime went to Boca to go to a public speaking. It was for the organization called To Write Love On Her Arms. It was so fun! TWLOHA is an organization to help teens’ self esteem. Jaime and I both got two T-shirts. After that, she slept over.
I cant wait till my next birthday.In six months I will be 15 and be old enough to get my permit. I cant wait!
Winter Break was amazing!!! I went to China from the 25th to january 8th! It was 3 hours from miami to chicago and my dad surprised us by saying we were going to stay 1 night there. so when we went on a walk at night there was snow everywhere and i went to hrow snow at my brother and i slipped and fell it really hurt. then the next morning we went to the airport and on our way to china 14 hours of flight! it was a pain. we stayed a week in beijiing and went on a fast traing to tanjin but we were only there a few hours. We visited alot of places and did alot of shopping. Finally we went to shanghaii and visited alot of places and then we came back home to miami! I was really upset cause i had a BLAST!
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I am like so super exited for next year because we will all be in high school. How exiting. We will party everyday and everynight. We will have so much fun. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will be able to drive in 9th grade. OMG how awesome. And we will have and go to so many parties. I like totally can't wait . Soo bye. See you there.
When I went to New York for my cousins wedding we were there for three days. When the wedding day finally came everyone was all dressed up and looking very nice. When my cousin was walking down the aisle my mom was trying to fix her shoe. When I seen her I asked her what was she doing. She said shes trying to fix her shoe. So she said cani help her. So I grabbed her foot and lifted it and my mom feel face first on he seat. She slipped in front of everyone. When my cousin seen it she started laughing so hard that she had to stop walking and hold her side because she couldent stop laughing. My mom was so embaressed! It was so funny!
What i decided what to write about is my vacation on winter break i went to north carolina and on our way home we were driving n the highway and we hit black ice and every car on the highway was sliding aroud but luckely no body hit another car.
LIKE omg I love the blog. I love the subject. im going to go fishing today and then i will go play the guitar. wish me luck when i fish people. See you later
I can't wait till summer is here. I will miss my friends but there is always high school. My friends and i are close.
My comment is about my bestfriend. His name is Nick and hes amazing. He's always there for me and I've know him my whole life. To be suspecfic since the day I was born. My mommy and his mommy were bestfriends to. Hes the kind of guy who would make you life 24/7. Hes funny, sweet, and MYYY bestfriend<3
OK, first of all its not really easy to come up with a whatever blog. I guess i could talk about twilight. Commenting on Mrs. Santana, you are right Jasper is supposed to be the military men, but he looked funny in the movie. I think Emmet is big enough. If they made Emmet any bigger he wouldn't look like he is in high school.
2008 was a wierd year for me.. i had many unusual things happen to me but i can not believe how fast 2008 has gone by im still remembering everyday of 2008. and at the same time thinking al about the fun to come in 2009... all the adntures, problems, and joy i will have this year going through the last year of pioneer and going to COOPER CITY HIGH!
Hey!! This may be my last month at Pioneer. :( I really don't want to move but it's for the best. I've gotten to know some really great people here. I love my teachers and I'm lucky to have them. I'm gonna miss everyone at pioneer.
I'm also upset that the titans lost to the ravens :( Well that's all that I've got to say. BYE!! <3
I want to blog about the Miami Dolphins. Even though they had a rather embarasing loss against the Ravens last weekend. All i can say no matter weather they were kicked out of the play offs first round you have to give them props. Going from 1-15 to making it to the playy offs in one year is an unbelievable acomplishment. If Bill Parcel can send us to the play offs his first season with us I can't wait to see what he does next year with the Dolphins.
I am surprised that it is almost the end of the second quarter. When, the third quarter comes I am going to try and get four A's and two B's. I also can't wait till i go to high school.
My moment is when I was watching "Time Warp". I saw this guy with a whip and he cut a can in half with it. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it happen.
What a great weekend I had I went paintballing with my friend zach and he was pretty good. I have not played paintball in a long time so I had a great time with zach. The place i went to was called extream rage but it was so much fun. Also kinda expensive.Ever one should try paintball it makes you want to play more.
I’m really looking forward to next month. I'm going camping with my family and this huge group that we've been going with forever! I've been camping since I was three months old. I find it amazing! I always come back with hilarious stories and lately cuts and bruises. Last years camping trip was probably the best by far!
Jared, Amanda, Breanne, and I all decided to go bike riding on a trail. So on our way there, Jared and I were playing around and he ended up smashing into me with his bike. He didn’t fall but I went flying with the bike landing on top of me. I found it hilarious! So we walked all the way back to the campsite and my mom started freaking out! Big time! A lot of people were actually. I just started laughing again. After that, we went back to go on the trail. We ended up getting lost on a six mile trail with no adult. We thought it was three miles but it connected with another and became six. We also figured out that with my fall, my bike was broken. That didn’t make it any easier since the narrow trail was full of tree stumps, sand, and holes. My cell phone was at the campsite and the walkie talkie didn't have any signal. So Jared had to find a way out of the woods and tell my parents not to freak out. By the time us girls were out of the trail, Jared was in some Ranger car with my dad and a ranger. We all started cracking up!
Our camping trips are out of control! We always play manhunt at night where both teams end up cheating. Last year we even hid Jared in the girls’ bathroom. At midnight, the whole crew takes a night hike over to the tower and we try and spot deers and gators. It can get pretty crazy sometimes. Last time, EJ came running out of the bushes with a shirt tied around his head screaming “Ooga Booga!” It was dumbest thing yet funny.
So I’m really excited to see what’s going to happen in this years camping trip. Maybe we’ll get lost on a seven mile trail instead. Sadly, Amanda isn’t coming as of what we know of. She’s been on most camping trips since I’ve known her since we were three. Jared might come again which would be amazing! I’ve known him since we were born and he’s definitely entertaining to be with. Even better, my two best friends Luisa and Kyle might come this year too. That would be amazing and hilarious! So I can’t wait to see the story and bruises I’m going to come back with this year
P.S. Sabiha made me put this super long blog comment on =)
Already school is halfway done. I cant wait until next year when I get my driver's permit. Also I look forward to Obama's inauguration which is scheduled a week from now.
did you know ?
Saturday mail delivery in Canada was eliminated by Canada Post on February 1, 1969!
In Tokyo, a bicycle is faster than a car for most trips of less than 50 minutes!
There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo!
Should there be a crash, Prince Charles and Prince William never travel on the same airplane as a precaution!
Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second!
The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card!
There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos!
There is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants!
Every day 20 banks are robbed. The average take is $2,500!
The most popular first name in the world is Muhammad!
Tablecloths were originally meant to be served as towels with which dinner guests could wipe their hands and faces after eating!
Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult!
One car out of every 230 made was stolen last year!
The names of Popeye's four nephews are Pipeye, Peepeye, Pupeye, and Poopeye!
thats all i have bye!!!
Im going to blog about how a lot of people logged. Theres like 73 people already. Thats a lot
I cant believe how boring life is without a guitar, last weekend I was grounded for getting home late on a week day, but this time my mom didnt take a cord for the tv, this time she took my guitar, god is was boring, it was like heaven when i got it back.
I was watching TV and my favorite show George Lopez was on.I like George Lopez because he is funny.I also like to watch him on comedy central doing his stand up acts.
I want to blog how confussed i am. Today I had a elective change, and since my elective is changing I would have to go to P.E. on 3rd and 5th period.I think my 3rd is gonna be P.E. and 5th art. It would be cool to have two P.E. though as my elective.
This school year has gone by so fast. It has gone by so fast that we are already starting 3 quarter. And the scariest thing is that FCAT is coming up. Oh and if it keeps on going so fast we will all be in high school.
I can't believe we are in the 3rd quarter already ... It went by so fast...
Oh well, the faster it goes by, the faster i go to High School.
Can't wait :D
maxel M p.1
my comment is abought the time i went to the dolphin game. they were down a toucdown and came back. that was one of the best games i
ever went to and i will come back to the next ame next sesson.
I'm so happy schools half way done. ! Time for spring break cruise, or winter cold state visit. That would deffiantly make this my favorite year, with the one year full of great teachers.
Well the school year is half over and I am happy. I still miss my old school but this school is okay. There is really nothing more I can think about.
This new year has been great. Me and my friend Zork played football with everyone in the neighborhood we know. Me and Zork are never on the same team cause we would dominate the whole game. This time we got to be on teams and we killed the other team we don't keep score so it would be more fun and that kids will stop playing. so I can say that this new year has been fun
Rock is awesome. There is so much talent. The sound of it is more attractive than rap. Rap is no talent. All they do is talk. Rock on the other hand, has a lot of talent. People say it doesn', but when I ask them what talent rappers have, they do'nt know what to say.
I am writing about how glad I am after The Miami Dolphins have gone from a 1-15 season, to a playoff birth. All of the new additions to the team has let it flourish. With all the new players and rookie coaches leading the team to victory. I only hope that next season we can do better and possibly win the SUPER BOWL.
if its about anything then...well it was my half sisters birthday.she turned 3.she had her birthday part at t.y. park. it was fun.
Wow I cant believe the second quarter is ending! everything went by so fast. We have big weekend this week. ill probably hang out with my friends all weekend.
I want to write about what has happened this past quarter. I started to slack off a bit and in the begining of the quarter and I need to change that bad habit. The good thing is that it got me really working had to bring tose up and good news I did. Now I want to write about something else. I can not wait for after school because my aunt is coming all the way from Chicago. Next week is her birthday so we are taking her out for dinner. On saturday I am doing this walk for life thing at Mc Arthure high school with my friend Kaitlyn. Thats it for now.
My comment is about when i went to the Miami heat game vs the cleveland cavaliers.Me my brother and my sister and her boyfriend.I got to watch my favorite player LeBron James.it was really fun and i had a good time with my brother and sister and Joe her boyfriend.
My blog comment is about me riding a longboard. For the first time its like your floating on AIR!
And they go really fast and they turn so smooth. They the best for trekking around town. It is one of the best mobile vehicles EVER!
My favorite time was when I went to the Heat game agasit the Nets. Also I can't wait until high school. But not the fcat.
this weekend I’m going to play runescape until I get my fletching to 99 and get a trimmed cape that I wanted for along time then after that I am getting 90 strengh and 80deffence and making tones of money after that.
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