Welcome to the 4th quarter! Aren't you thrilled that Blogging is back? I know, me too! Well, we have a lot to look forward to this quarter! Soon we are selecting our high school classes, going on some field trips, participating in Field Day and tons more. Then, before you know it, Summer will be here! YAY!!
OK, do you remember how to use this thing? Let's start slow to wipe away the cobwebs in our minds. This week your assignment is just to check in and give me at least three complete sentences about what you think this last quarter will be like. Your post is due by Friday, April 3rd at 3:30 pm.
Holla at cha' girl!

I think that the fourth quarter is gonna be the more cool quarter of all. Because it the last one before the summer and we have a lot of activity that are comming soon. I'm so exited about it but I wont to finish the school the faster it can be.
This last quarter should be so much fun. Because its when all of the field trips are happening. And we are also getting ready for High School =)!!!!!!!!!!
I think the fourth quarter is going to be the best of all of them. We have the 8th grade picnic, field day, and other cool activities. Also, near the end of the quarter, you dont do alot of work and its a layed back time.
BaileeA per.1
This last quarter at pioneer middle school should be the best one of all. Whith all of the field trips, projects, and fun I know our teachers have planned there will never be a boring day. Along with all this excitment though comes a truck load of work that im certianly ready for!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Blogging is back finally. I'm excited because i wasn't a fan of the class journal. We never knew when we were going to get it, some kids got it on a night with no homework, and some got it when we had a ton of homework. Not fair and at least wit this its just and easy quick three sentences. Well I'm defiantly excited it's the fourth quarto. I cant wait till high school. It's going to be so much fun. I hope to take some honors classes so i can at least get maybe a 5.0. I'm going to try my hardest and do the best I can. after high school, my dream is to go to Harvard and i know that's extremely hard so i have to put forward the time and instead of just passing class and copying work-which I would never do in your class, I'm going to study and work hard. Well looking forward to all the field trips and high school activity's we will be doing and I'm defiantly glad blogging is back.
the fourth quarter i think is going to be so much fun. we have all of the big trips coming up. then its summer and off to high school (: !!
i think the 4th quarter is going to be the best quarter of them all because all the different things we have planed like feild trip the feild trip at the part the walk over and feild day. i cant wait to get to the last week of school. this is going to be the best quarter also because its the last so we all are looking forword to summer =). spring break is comen up reall soon 2!!!! ITS ALMOST SUMMER GUYS :)
-chelsea g
The last quarter is probabaly the best but not this year. Because when everyone is having fun out there in trhe feild trips im gonna be stuck in class. The only reson i like this quarter is because its the last one and we get to go to summer vacation after it
I think this quarter is going to be really of fun. Since it is the last quarter we are doing lots of projects like the egg baby and the senior memory book etc. All of us are also are going to prepare our self for High School!!!We also have the 8th grade field trip and Field Day.
I think the last quarter is going to be the most fun. With no more FCATs to study for and less homework. We also get to go on more field trips now, and spring break soon.
I think this quarter will be fun and exciting. I also think it will fly by fast, just like the 1st 3 quarters. I am looking forward to learning about the high school and all the field trips coming up.
For fourth quarter ,I think its gonna be the most challenging for me. This quarter im really going to start pushing myself to do well. Right now we are considered pretty much ninth graders and I think its about time we start acting like them. So im really gonna try this quarter, because I want to start getting my mind in the high school setting.
The. First. Quarter.
I personaly think the fourth quarter will be a blast. Field trips, less work, plus the teachers are nicer. I still have to concentrate and do my best to suceed. It is weird saying that.ha
Wow, this quarter is going to be amazing. There is so much to do and so little time but i am happy and sad at the same time i want to get out of Pioneer and into high school but i know for a fact that i will miss all my old teachers but i will come vist! And the summer is going to be great i can't wait to go to the beach with my friends! :)
Hey.. im the thrid person to blog:) im soooo cool! Anyway, i think that this last quarter is going to be AWESOME! Now that all the FCATS are done, im expecting that all the teachers will be doing some exciting things. Also all of the feild trips are comming up where we could all be together and have fun! YAY!!!
YAY! fourth quarter at last! this quarter is going to be AHHHMAZZINGGG! And thats because its the last onee! but its very busy quarter because we are all worrying about high school because its coming up so soon. Their is alot of things to do like get forms filled and other things lik that. But thank god only 9 more weeks till' summer begins! WAHOO!
I think this last quarter will be full of last memories of middle school. There are so many 8th grade activities to come like the egg baby, field day, and the picnic. Also the walk over to CCHS.im so excited for summer and high school! This last quarter is going to be lots of funn =) !!!!!!
This 4th quater is going to be the best of all of them. because we have like 3 field trips coming field day and HIGH SCHOOL is coming. I cant wait till it comes :)
Nooo! The fourth quarter. Sigh. I think it is gonna be good/bad. Good because we are doing things like launching rockets. Bad because it is a guarantee that I'm going to cry. 6th grade 6th period, 7th grade last 5 minutes of class when Mrs. O'Connor was signing my yearbook and who knows this year. Yay! Summer!(slight sarcasm).
I think the last quarter is going to be fun. With all the field trips and no FCAT preparation. Also during the 4th quarter you can look forward to summer being here soon! Also I am going to try my best to get better grades in the fourth quarter.
I think that the last quarter of school is going to be fun but have alot of projects that is the only thing tho and the projects should be fun anyway. and we also have field trips.
OOOOMMMMMGGGGG!!!!! I am like totally exited about this last quarter. We have the scuba trip and the picnic. And during the summer I am going to spend some time with my boyfriend Khalfani.Hopefully I can help out adorable abandoned animals at the human scociaty and start modeling for the future. Go VS. lol
This last quarter will fun and a bumer. The fun thing about the last quater is that we will get to go on field trips. The bad thing about the last quarter is all the projects the teachers will be giveing us.
For this quarter I can't wait to go on all of the field trips with this team and grade. It should be a very fun quarter. But the only bad hing is the FINALS!!!
what i think this quater is going to be like. I think that this is going toi be a great quater because we are going to lots of fieldtrips, its almost the end of the year. Another thing is that the kids that got the year book at the beggining of the year will get them and get their friends sigh them.
I think the fourth quater is gonna be the best one yet. All though i cant go on any of the field trips this time im still happy that school is going to end.Also its one year closer to ending my education.
The fourth quarter is going to be the full of a lot of work and tests. I also hope it will be a lot of fun because we are ending middle school and getting ready for high school. yea!!!!!-.-
i think that this quarter will be fun but hard. fun because of things like the penne camp trip and field day. hard because of getting ready for high school and trying to work on your grades if you dont have four pionts in every class
Well its the fourth quarter and I think its going to be the lay back quarter. All the Fcat test are gone and its our final year in middle school. Also we got all the trips going on and field day.
Hey wat's up brotha's and sista's it's cable dude in the house i think the 4th quarter will be the bomb becuz all the field trips r here and we r going o get ready toi get into high school where it is so much better than middle school so i think the 4th quarter is the best out of all of the other quarters see ya.
I think the last quarter is going to be exciting and fun. We get to go to CB smith and field day is coming! Also we get to get ready for high school :) Yay
The last quarter I think will be fun. We're going on some cool field trips planed for us. Plus, we have to get ready for High School next year!
I think that the fourth quarter is going to be really cool. First because of all of the field trips and I really want to compete in field day. Also it is closest to summer so the fourth quarter is automatically my favorite quarter in the school year.
In my opinon the fourth quarter is going to be the best because it is the very last quarter of all middle school for us. Also because field day is comming up. I'm really looking foward to the fieldtrip in the Keys.
Well This quater is going to be fun because Mrs.Santana has twitter and tells us all the coming up things. We get to go to CooperCity High Walk-Over, PennyCamp, and C.B Smith. We are going to have alot of fun I can tell.
I think that the forth quarter will be the best because you have the best field trips and we also have field day. Most of the time you also have the best projects like the egg babies. The best of all is that you are getting near and nearer to high school.
I can't believe It is the fourth quarter already. I think this quarter is going to be a lot of fun. I hope it will be more relaxed because the fcats are over and fun events are coming up =].
I think the fourth quarter will be the easiest because not as much work. We have field day and the picnic trip and penny camp.Plus science will be the easiest becasue its all projects.
This quarter is goint to be fun first of all because its the last quarter in middle school.All the field trips are coming up.Then by the time you know it SUMMER is here.CANT WAIT!
Finally,its the fourth quarter already the school year actually went by pretty fast compared to last year. This quarter will be the best because we only have about nine weeks left of school! But I am also glad that blogging is back because its an extra easy grade! even though I don't need the extra grade because I already have all my points in language arts but it would be nice to get all B's and A's on my report card for once and that's what i'm gonna try to do!
I the last quarter is going to the best quarter. With no more FCATs to study for and not as much homework. We also get to go on alot more field trips. WE ALSO HAVE SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!
scott s p-1
I think the last quarter will be a blast! Its amazing how time flys! I remember when we were getting are scheldues in the 6th grade like it was yesterday, now we are the the big cheese of the school and going to high school next year. But I think we have to have are head on straight espically after spring break because thats when we get excited for summer and we do stupid things. Also I am looking forward for the fun feild trips :)
I think that this quarter will be very fun and important. It will have a lot of field trips and parties. Also it will be important because you will be preparing for high school. Not to mention the finals we must take.
I think the last quarter will be a blast. I no longer have to worry about FCATs since they are over with. I am also excited about the field trips that are coming up soon.
Wow it's the fourth quarter already! I can't belive that we are pretty much done with middle school. I can't wait for highschool to begin even though im really going to miss middle school. The fourth quarter is going to be amazing though. Thankfully no more FCAT practice work. Woohoo! The three feild trips comming up are going to be so much fun and filled with alot of memories. Feild day is going to be awesome! Woohoo go Davilas Pollos Locos! =). Also, the projects coming up seem like so much fun. The last day of school will be such a relief but its going to be so sad. I know for a fact im going to cry. Especially after peer counseling. Just about everyone from last year remembers me after peer counseling last year. Fourty-five minutes of crying is not a normal thing for me ha. So we'll see. Well hello Class of 2013.
I think the 4th quarter will be just like any other quarter. There are a lot of field trips and a lot of projects coming on team 803. That means this quarter will not be fun. I'm really not excited about summer coming. It is too hot and nothing to do.
yay son bloging is back another way to get another easy A and i realy realy need and its a fun way to tell out what i feel.
Well I think this last quarter is going to be the best. If you think about it, this is your last year in middle school.I think we will not have that much assignments to do and we will have fun.
I am looking forward to so much this quarter! I can't wait for our end of the year trip and fielday!And before you know it HIGH SCHOOL (:!
So i think the last quarter is going to be the funnest of all since we got spring break coming up next week, and we dont get to have a lot of work like we did before. It should be really fun since everyone is thrilled that summer is coming and the we all turn and go to highschool!!!
And Mrs. Santana whats with the guitar girl in the blog page??? hehe just joking
I think for many people the last quarter is the final stand. A lot of guys need to pull a great grade to pass. Even if you've had straight A's the last three quarters, you have to pull at least D's to stay in line, because the rules say you have to earn at least one of your four points in the last quarter. :/
I think the fourth quarter is going to be very hectic. So much is going on in this quarter because theres field day, picnic, and so many forms and stuff you have to fill in and give. I dont think im going to any of the field trips expt the walk over to the High School because I don't really want to go on the picnc, and its to late for the Penny Camp. Im excited and freaked out about high school (i feel like us 8th graders are going back to the bottem of the food chain.) Hopefuly CCHS will be as good as Pioneer Middle.
The fourth quarter is going to be fun. At least I hope it will be. We got a couple field trips coming up. I'm not going on the scuba one and I'm still not sure if im going to go to the picnic one because I don't see the point. This quarter im going to try to get my grades up to A's and B's.
well i think that this quarter is going to be fun.but i got to work fast to get my grades up!
dayan wuz here!
WOW!! The fourth quarter is already here. This year went by fast. These last weeks are going to be awesome but sad too. There are so much field trips and events; so beyond excited for those. But it’s also going to be busy. You have to prep for high school!! Which is exciting, intimidating and so sad!! I’m going to miss Pioneer so much, and so many of my friends are going away. =( We will have to make these the best nine weeks ever!!!
Im thinking the forth quarter is going to be very exciting, but hectic. With high school coming sooner then we thought and feild trips! im so excited for what coming ahead. lets make it the best 4th quarter, and oh my gosh i just noticed its going to be the last 4th quarter of our middle school live "/
<3 (:
The last quarter is really important to me because I need 2 points in Ms.Mogan and 1 in Ms.Small. so im going to have to do really good in this last quarter. So I can go to high school.
I think it sould be easier because we have all these field trips. We don't have to worry about the FCAT's anymore. Also there are fewer projects's comming up.
I think this quarter will be awesome. Considering all the Field trips and High School, It's gonna be great! I can't wait!
I think this quarter going to be pretty cool. Because it the last quarter until summer. I can't wait till summer!!!Oh and SPRING BREAK is almost here an that's going to be amazing!
I think the forth quarter will be really fun. I will catch lots of fish and get good grades. i hope my team does fine things.
i believe that the fourth quarter is going to be great because it is going to be the one we will remember the most. it will be our last time sitting in a 8th grade desk.
Im super excited about the fourth quarter. We have alot of things to look forward too. I cannot wait until summer!!!!!!
The fourth quarter is when we can relax a little. We have the egg baby thing where i am not too excited about that. But besides that we have field day an d the field trip which should be fun. The best part is summer is on it's way.
Hmmm..What do I think this quarter will be like?! I think it will be very fun considering we have TWO feild trips coming up! We also get to chose our corse seletions for next year.And we just got back from the walk over, if this rest of this quater is this way I'm pumped for whats to come! (:
I think the fourth quarter is going to breeze by. Most field trips and games happen now, so it goes by fast. Also, It may be a little stressful because of all the last second grades going in.
Personally I think the fourth quarter is going to be pretty cool. And definetly fun especially with all the things planned for us. Like the field trips, field day, and the end of the year party hopefully.
I think that the quarter will be pretty easy and fun. We are going to have the picnic and there is also field day.
The 4th quarter is gonna be more fun because everybody is sending out field trips on the last quarter. During the 4th quarter there is gonna be more things to do because during the last quarter every teacher was piling FCAT practice stuff to make us get used to doing the long extented respones.
i thinck this quarter is going to be easy and fun because we get to get to go on so many cool field trips like the jon penny camp one and the end of the year picnic and also to top things off we are going to high school this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think the last quarter will be more fun than the first 2. Because we have the field day. And that high school is going to start next.
I think that our last quarter in middle school will be amazing. However, it will also be sad, because we will no longer be in middle school. I can not wait until high school. No offense to middle school.
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