Studying Anne Frank’s story will help you to understand the results of prejudice, racism, and stereotyping in any society. Hopefully you will think about the use and abuse of power, and the role and responsibilities of individuals, organizations, and nations when confronted with civil rights violations and/or policies of genocide. The repetition of human tragedies in the world today reminds us that we must be vigilant and learn lessons of the Holocaust again and again.
Your assignment is to write at least THREE COMPLETE and WELL-WRITTEN sentences about what we can do in schools to educate people about the perils of discrimination. Your comments must be made by Friday, 4/24 at 3:30 pm.
To better understand the Holocaust and educate the young minds of the students, we can take a week in school to read stories, watch movies, make posters, and take the time to discuss the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a terrible period in history that hasn't really affected us today but it wouldn't hurt if we took the time to better understand it. I hope that after we have discussed the Holocaust that all of the students will stop judging everyone at Pioneer and just be nice to one another.
How schools can educate the perils of discrimination is they should educate people of past wars that went on in countries and how the wars have ruined countries.And also, there should be a day were students can tell people about their cultures and how it has changed in age.
Descrimination and hate is never acceptable. To help teach more about Descrimination and racism, I think schools should teach more about slavery and the holocaust. They are the perfect example of what happens when people only have love for their own race. Oh, this reminds me of a song called `where is the love` by the black eyed peas. You should listen to it Mrs. Santana.
Good ideas... I listened to it Jackie - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJpyskHMwRs
I realy dident know what the holocast was i thot it was just hitler takeing over countrys and killing people but it was so said wean i heard that most of them wornt from the nazies instead they died in horilbe was like starved to death sickness even kill for not showing they were jewish they even riticlued they hade to were bages to show they were gay jewish and or if you dident do anything just looked funny they marjed you but the sad thing is they hade to walk on the road dident have the rigth to walk on the side walk and the most horible thing is it was happening for 12 year before anything thing was going to stop them so many people died people that were just being diffrent.
Just by teaching about the Holocaust the school is already educating us about the perils of discrimination. We are having these speakers come in and teach us about it. In language arts we are reading Anne Franck’s diary, which also teaches a lot. In history we also learned about the discrimination toward African Americans over the years. We learned about the Ku Klux Klan. Then there were the speakers that came in to act out a little skit on Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Recently, we watched the Elephant Man in science which was basically discrimination toward the disabled. Along with these, the school can also teach more about other kind discrimination that was and is going on in the world. I’m sure many students know about the discrimination that occurs in their countries; maybe they are willing to tell the rest of us.
How schools can be able to educate the perils of discrimination they should go back i history and show examples of discrimination in the past. For example they should teach about slavery and the Holocaust so instead of allowing it to be repeated be able to stop it. Schools should show the madness when people hate each other and they should show the happiness when they love each other and allow students to choose which they would rather have.
To better understand the Holocaust and educate the young minds of students we can maybe do class plays, watch holocaust movies, do group projects involving discrimination. Holocaust is perfect example of discrimination. To learn more about discrimination we should study more of holocaust. Studying past wars would make us understand how discrimination and racial prejudice had cost us so much.
In order for schools to educate people about the perils of discrimination by having more survivors of the Holocaust to come and speek with us. We already had 1 this year and I thought it was very intresting. I aslo think we should see some movies that are made about it. It would really help us understand the reality that these horrible things really happened.
Some ways to educate the students about the perils of discrimination is to spend time listening to people that have a hands on experience and a knowledge of the Holocaust. We could also watch movies on the holecaust or read books. Then have a big class dicussion on your feelings our thoughts of what you think of the Holocaust.
We all can start by stop making fun of kids because of their backround. We need to inform them that it hurts really bad. We can show them the past things like the holocaust that were all bad and from racist and judgment.
I think we could better educate kids about discrimination about blacks and jews using movies, and like... Books. Definitely books.
to help young students understand what making fun of can do i would recomend that we teach them about the holocast to show what such a bad man that hated the world could do. also, show how we can prevent this from happening again. and last help them understand why its bad to be against anyone becuase of race religon and ethnics.
The Holocaust was a knowledge about our history of terrible things happened. We could make students watch a small video about the perils of discrimination to help them to learn about it. The Holocaust was the worst thing which happen in the history. I think the discussed of the Holocaust with all of the students.
What we can do in schools to educate people about the perils of discrimination is like what Leah said but, for only a day. For example like Martin Luther King day, but Holocaust Remembrance Day. But I think if we do that, students will realize how sad it was , then hopefully they will try to be nice and think before they speak. Its challenging to do but practice makes perfect. It reminds me of Rachel's Challenge the famous quote saying: "You may just start a chain reaction" you never know.
i think that what we could do in school to better educate and imform people about the holocost is to disscucss it more and read stories and even have some of the survivors come and speak to us. They could tell us about how hitler went about in his ways and telling us the crul stories. the end.
We should read more stories about the Holocaust in school.
Make posters, read stories, watch movies, this will all contribute for this generation better understanding of the Holocaust, and to make sure that something like this will never repeat again in history.
We can also listen to veterans of the war, and survivors of the Holocaust to understand what a pain Jews have suffered in the past.
To show how wrong discrimination is schools should show that some wars are caused from hate and racisim. I read something the other day that said " all wars are civil wars because mankind fights against it's self" i just thought that was so true.
To better educate people about the perils of discrimination is to review major disasters like the Holocaust. Discuss the reason of slavery, the Holocaust how it started and why. Discrimination, racism, hatred, are all bad things which I'm sad to say still exists today and even though it's better dealt with now, it should be gone to have a better world.
heyyy!! what's up everyone?!?! I miss yall so so soooo much!!! <3
How schools can educate the perils of discrimination is they should bring guest speaker to help the students understand. Also they need to teach about past wars. i love learning about the holocaust.
Schools can educate the perils of discrimination by taking field trips to the Holocaust mueseum. They can also watch the different movies and stories of the Holocaust. The school ca bring in a holocaust survivor to tell the whole experience and the discrimination.
To educate on sever discrimination and hatrid schools should begin educating in third grade. It is important to learn about such things so we can try to not let them happen again. Schools should have speakers, read books, and have discussions on subjects like the Holocaust and slavery.
How schools can educate perils of discrimination is to study a lot about the Holocaust. If we remember the past, there is a better chance of not letting it happen in the future. We are the next generation and we should learn from past mistakes so history doesn't repeat itself.
I think to better educate children about the perils of discrimination, schools should take the time to teach it. They should explain the horrors of ethnic cleansing and nativism in countries. For instance teaching about Bosnia and the Holocaust and the civil war raging in most African nations.
Dicrimination has long been part of human blood, and we should remove it. Educating students on this subject futher secures and eliminates discrimination and dramatically lowers the chance of further disasters like the holocaust. People need to learn about the holocaust to realize what can happen when discrimination is not discouraged.
The first thing we can do to understand violence is learn about the Holocaust.Also we can make non-violence posters to help spread the word of non-violence. Finally, we could show students and people the results of violence to show them that that's what could happen if they start to spread violence.
To better understand the Holocaust and educate the perils of discrimination is to have a period of time in school where we discuss all about it and talk about how horrifying it was for the innocent people who died and how bad Hitler and the Nazi party was. Also, we can watch movies, read stories and look at pictures.
the holocaust was a discusting time of life and i wish i could have helped change that. But the way that i think would help us really understand it is that we would have to be there at that moment in time. But since we cant do that we can do what we have been doing. Talking to people from the holocaust and maybe someday going to the site of one of the camps and see what the conditions are like and probally multiply that by 5 and think of all the diseases and sicknesses there were and most of all the biggest thing that we would think about is how many people died.
To learn and understand about the Holocaust schools should read books, and do plays to act out how life was when the Holocaust took place. If we acted it out we might have a better understanding.
To hepl kids better understand and educate kids I think that teachers should have some Hollocaust speakers and veterans of wars. I also think that we should stick on the subject for a while. Another thing is I think that we should study it more. The two main ones that I think that shoudl be studied more would be slavery and the Hollocaust because the Hollocaust was against Jews and slavery was against blacks.
First off, were never going to fully going to understand the pain of what actually happen, because we weren't alive when it happened.But we can take more time in school's to learn about it and take more time watching flims and reading storys, I think it's ignored alot of the time because it's painful and schools don't want to deal with the pain of it, but if were never taught about something so horrible we never going to grasp how important it is to be kind to others and to stop picking on certian people for there looks, or religon.
Bailee A. period 1
To me the Holocaust is the most important event in history. For this reason the school should have a bigger section on the holocaust. We need to be tought every single detial of this from top to bottom.The Holocaust was a terrible period in history that has affected the way we live today. If the holocaust didnt happen there could be even more or even less hurt feelings about people of different race, color, and or, religion.
discrimination is a bad thing and should not be happening. to schools point of view they should teach the kids about discrimination and show them why it should not happen.they should also teach about past discriminations and how they turned out, last they should try to find out who discriminates people and let them see how it feels by making fun of them
Unlike what some people wrote, I don't believe a week should be taken to learn this. I think this should be taught throughout the year since it's so important. You would think that in the year we live, discrimination and prejudice would be a thing of the past. However, it's not. I think by teaching about the Holocaust would be a good place to start. Not only that, but also Black History Month should be more introduced into the curriculum.
i think fisrt we should have program toexplain it is really. after that we should give exemple about it and we could have a gest speaker that would explain it better. probably after student will understand what it is and will not do it after. that how we should do to explain them.
To educate students about the Holocaust and perils of discrimination, teachers should take a week or two off of the normal studies and just discuss the Holocaust. There are many movies to watch and books to read. Learning about past wars and conflicts about discrimination and such is a big thing too. After seeing the distruction to cities, people dieing, and seeing what people went through, nobody would want anything like the Holocaust to repeat itself. Learning about history stops it from repeating again.
I think to learn more about discrimination our school should have a class that teaches about things like that. Like a class about the holocaust or just about things happening in the world like that, like racisim and cultural discrimination. Everywhere theres things like that happening and we don't even know it. Like for example, what's been happening in Sudan the past 4 years. People are comparing that to the holocaust. I don't understand why people are just sitting there and reading about it when they could be doing something to help stop it.
The things that we can do to tech the kids in school about discrimination are to have a class for a whole week just about discrimination. So that kids will learn more things about it and will hopefully be nice to others. And be nice to everybody in your class or anywhere.
Schools can educate people about the perils of discrimination by teaching the Holocaust and the effects of genocide. Books about these subjects can be used to educate people. Guest speakers who experienced the Holocaust could help educate people as well.
To understand the descrimination of these people from the holocaust, we would need to study more about the rights they lost and all of the pain they suffered. Either though the holocaust happened many years ago, people today are affected by it. Especially the survivors.When the kids today realize what descriminition does they will learn not to do it.
I think what we are doing in school is more than good. In school, we can start a club that can be joined by all. Also, we should have field trips dealing with the Holocaust.
We can better educate the people in our schools about discrimination by teaching about the holocaust because that is a great example of discrimination. The holocaust will show how terrible discrimination can be and might open the eyes of people who discriminate. Also you can teach about the Ku Klux Klan because they were another great example of discrimination. You could also set aside a time to talk about it in class.
How students can judge the perils of discrimination is to have asseblys about the Holocaust. Maybe even start a club were students can get togeather and discuss how dreadfull the period was. Either way students should not be judging other students after learning that.
One thing that schools can do to educate the perils of discrimination is they should educate the students of wars that have happened. Another thing that they can do is show movies on the wars like the Holocaust. Also to read stories like the Annie framk Diary.
There's so many different things we can do at our school to educate one another about the Holocaust. To me it's a very interesting topic that I individually love learning about. It's so scary to think about. How could one person make that big of an impact on the world. What Hitler did is gross, disgusting, and unimaginable. I hate to think that my family could have die and I would be the only one to leave. My mom, dad, and sister are all brown hair and blue and brown eyes. Even though were Christan They still wouldn't make the cut. I think our school should make a class just for the holocaust and maybe our school so have us go on field trips visiting the site of places involved. I don't really know, but we should really do sometimes because it's such an important time in history that we should know about.
To better educate people about the perils of discrimination we should review major disasters like the Holocaust. Discuss the reason of slavery and,why Holocaust happened. Discrimination, racism, hatred, are all terrible things which is sad that they still exists today and even though it's better dealt with now, it should not be happening
What we can do about the holocoast is teach, but everybody has a different method. Like we learned about it by the Anne Frank story but some teachers might look up a Holocoast speaker or read a noval about it. No matter what, as long as we learn about it we will bw good.
How schools can help educate the parils of discrimination is they should tell people about wars that went on in different contries and the what happened in the end. Also, they should have people that come into our school that were in the war and talk to all the kids abotu it. :0
To help people learn about the depressing Holocaust. We can take a few days in watching movies and reading stories about it. And maybe we can even bring in a guest speaker. This would definetly help in learning about the perils in discrimination.
to help us understand the level of descriminition in the past and help us compare the difference of how the present is.and at the same time it helps us learn a little bit about history.
Some ways to educate students about discrimination is to listen from people that have experinced from it. The other day Mr.Eckert had a guest speaker come in and talk to us about the Holocaust. We could also watch movies and videos.
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