On Wednesday, April 15th, the CCHS Guidance Counselors will be in our classroom to register you for your 9th grade courses. We've talked about required courses and electives. What electives are you interested in? Click
here for a list of electives for 9th graders? Did you know that a whole new world of electives opens up for you in 10th grade? Click
here for a list of electives available to 10th - 12th graders.
Your assignment is to write at least 4 COMPLETE AND WELL-WRITTEN sentences about electives. You can write about the electives you are interested in, the ones you hope to be taking, the ones you would like to know more about and/or the ones you don't want to take at all. Your comment is due no later than Friday, April 17th at 3:30 pm.
My view on electives is that I think they are a way to help you figure out what you want to do for your furture.For instnace, I love writting and I am interested in taking journalism.I also love drawing and photography and I can't wait to be able to take that in 10th grade.Electives are a big part in your highschool career.
The electives I am interested in are mainly the ones dealing with art and acting. I chose drawing and acting as my first choices and I hope to get them. I want to learn more about the photography and pottery/ceramics classes offered in 10th grade. The electives I am definitley not interested in taking are web design, debate, or any tpe of P.E. classes.
The electives I am totally interested in is photography! But I can't take it in 9th but next year I sure will! One of the electives I have to take in 10th is spanish, that might be a problem ... I don't even english let alone learn a totally new language :) I will take on the challenge. That is what I have to do with a lot of my classes take challenges. The electives I choose for next year is journalism then mass media and I can't remember the rest. I am looking forward for the electives next year :)
There are so many electives to choose from. Some of them you know you will not take, and some of them you do not know about. I hope to take Spanish 2 so I can get it over with. I would like to know more about Tech Studies because I like to use my hands alot to construct things, but i do not know enogh about it. I definatly know that i do not want to take chorous because evan thogh Mrs. Santana loves when I sing, I think i would be better of taking something else.
Electives in High School seem AMAZING!! Because theres so many different for different things we want to do. Im mostly interested in the stuff where I would build things. Like Drafting which is if someone wants to be an architecture.
Im interested in electives that deal mainly with health and science edcation. I looked at the electives for 10-12 grade and i saw a lot of electives that deal with health science and im an interested to take them. I dont like electives like journalism and debate because they have a lot of writings. Drawing is also an elective that i dont like.
I think electives are very helpful to students to help them relize what there intersted in. It also looks good on college aplications with the more electives you take. An example is that im intersted in getting a creer that is related to law, so it will look good when I apply for college crouses knowing that im already some what educated in that area.
My top two electives that i want to take are debate and mass media. I hope that i am going to be getting those. The one thing i can't wait for is the Photography elective in 10th grade. I am ready to have fun and i can't wait till next year. Bye!
I don't like how we have to take hope as an elective to start with. I am interested in taking Spanish 2and Debate as an elective next year. I'm excited that we have a bigger selection of electives for 9th grade than 8th grade. I'm also happy that in 10th grade we get an even bigger selection of electives to choose from like differnet languages.
The electives I am interested in are mass media drafting, band, and tech studies. They all sound like great class but I can only pick one because I am taking Spanish 2. I think im going to take mass media because it is a very social class. I need to practice not getting so nervous in front of a camrea.
There are so many electives I am interested in. For 9th grade, I want to do Journalism and debate and maybe theater. For 10th grade, Im defiantly interested in starting a language or photography. Im so happy because there are so many better choices in high school then we have here in Middle School.
An elective that im intrested in is photography. If you want to be an artist but not good at drawing or painting then photography is for you. Thats what sucks about 9th grade is you cant take photography. you have to be in 10th grade. :(
In high school we definitely have more choices to chose from than middle school. There is almost something for everyone. I am taking Spanish 3 in 9th grade because I think I can do well in that class and its an honors course. In 10th grade I will probably take photography because I was always interested in it.
I took my electives which is good for my future. I love playing instruments and I am interested in guitar. I also like computer designing and other things we do with computer. My parents were forcing me to take guitar. So I guess why not take guitar. Electives helps us to figure out our future.
The electives that i choose were Principles of Entrepreneurship and Debate class. For the alternate classes I choose were mass media and digital design. I took debate for the honor point to the gpa. The class i'm not interested in is art because i can't draw.
Bailee A per.1
My view of electives at Cooper City high school isn't really to strong. There arent any electives besides health freshman year that interests me. I would love if there would be more to offer to freshmans like a medical class for example. Many people are interested in the medical field. At orientation though the theater looked really good.
The electives I hope to take in High School is Acting/Drama. I like to learn songs and plays and perform even though I haven't done it before. An elective I would never want to take is Web Design because I feel that would be a hobbie. After 9th grade, I hope to take Journalism maybe because I love to write.
The most interested elective i must say im interested in is my spainsh. Right at this moment I cant speak it, like some I understand but I cant talk it. The next on my list is probebly the elective that contains taking pictures and filming. Seems interesting to see things in freeze. Like when you play games at a party and they stop the music and if you get caught moving your out. I like that.
The electives I'm interested in are Guitar and Debate 1 Honors.
I want guitar because i know how to play and I really like it.
I also like Debate because it's an Honors class and you can get extra credit for taking it.
I also like Web Design because I'm good at computers =]
The electives in high school are suppose to help us figure out what we would like to do later in life. I hope I get to take Art 2-D next year. I also hope that i get to take business education. The other elective I would take is web design.
There are a lot of electives to choose from. Some of them you dont know about. I hope to take Spanish 1, but thet dont let you take it in 9th grade.I definatly know that i do not want to take acting or sining electives. I hope to getmy first choice electives even though i know alot of people picked the same ones.
I think that the electives help us get a feel at what we want to do with the rest of our lives. The electives I am interested in are the ones having to do with broadcasting. So the electives I really want are debate and mass media. I think it will really help me with my future.
In 9th grade, I am going to take guitar and spanish 2. I'm going to take guitar because that is what I'm really interested in. I'm taking spanish 2 to get it out of the way early and for an easy A.
The electives i am really excited and hope to take are acting and jouralism.Im excited because ive always wanted to be an actor this way i canget ready for success. journalism is also close to me because i love writing and keeping people informed.my elective that i really don't want to take is pre algerbra. i know it's only half a year but it bothers me that it's going to take up my another elective. The part im most excited for is being able to take child care in 10th grade can't wait till then.
The electives i'm intested in are mass media and acting. I think mass media would be fun because i think you get to work with TV stuff. For 10th grade i don't know which electives want to take. I want something fun though.
Electives are a way of helping you figure out what you want to do when your older. One elective that im intrested in is art 2D and 3D it looks intresting to be able to do a 3d art. Also i cant wait for photagraphy in 10th grade! i just hope not to get an elective i dont want..
When I get to high school I am taking debate and spanish 2. The reason I want to take debate because I am interested in Law. Another elective that i eventualy want to take is eunterpurnership (I don't think thats how It's spelled). I also may take journalism.
Electives like PE are like a way to get out of class kind of. I think that because PE isn't a class that you learn in. That's why i like PE. Some of the other electives are boring and you have to learn in them.
the electives i picked were band if i dont get that im wishing to get wed disine but realy i want band because i want to learen how to play the drums.
They are so many electives to choose from i don't know what to pick. I'm interested in developing games. so i guess the elective closest to developing games is digital design. I am going to take that class and i am going to ace that class. Well wish me luck because i'm off to high school.
i want ot take the 2-d and 3-d art classes. because i love art. and doing those classes are fun because i know people who have donse them. and i want to go in to the drama classes because i like to act. but i dont like school. so if i dont get any of those classes then i wount be happy to be in school....
-kelly brindley_PER.2.
The electives I am taking or interested in are debate, mass media, drafting, and tech studies. I am interested in debate because I am good at convincing and it counts as an honors course if you do competitions. I am interested in mass media because you just watch movies every day and write about them and that is easy and cool. I am interested in drafting because its hands on and I like building stuff. I am interested in tech studies because it’s like woodshop and you build stuff and I like that.
The electives that I want to take are 3D art and spanish 2. I want to take 3D art because I like to do pottery and make things out of clay. I want to take spanish 2 because this year I'm taking spanish 1 and I don't want to forget it or have to take the class over.
Wow there are alot of new stuff you can do in 10th-12th grade. When I get to 10th grade, I can't choose either early child care, film 1, dance tech, creative photo 1, or MM production.Looks like high school is going to be lots of fun.I can't wait for it to start.
Man i can't wait till high school but at the same time I wish it won't come. For one reason I don't think I will pass, because my low test score but my reading teacher says the SRI will save me. Second reason is that i don't want to be i reading again and I am sure I will be in it again. But you never know i really want to be in band. And a class my brother said was really cool called tech studies, but reading will take all of that away.
Brianna.C. per.2
The electives that I am intersted in is Debating,and Acting.I'm intersted in Debating because I think that debating will help me in my future career in being a Lawyer.I also want to learn more on how to argue and make decisions on certian topics. Another elective I hope to get is acting. Acting will help me come over my shyness which holds me back on the things I want to persue. One of the electives I really not interested is P.E.
the electives i am interested in are drafting and any type of p.e class. i chose these because its something that would be fun. i think designing houses and cars in drafting will be cool. some electives i definitly am not interested in are mass media, debate, or journalism. i like some of the choices for 10th through 12th graders also. they seem like fun.
Electives that i hope that i will be taking next year are guitar and drafting. The only thing that i will not enjoy about next yearis that i probally going to have to go to cooper city PREP(high). Anywaysi want to take guitar because i have both guitars and for some odd reason i can not get my tuning right and i hope that this class next year will help me with that so that i can actually get some songs done.I also want to take drafting because my mom took drafting and she also has her masters in arcitecture so i want to try it out because i used to be really good at building models.I WANT TO GO TO WESTERN!!!
the electives i would love to join in 9th grade would probaly be debate and drafting.i would choose debate because of how it seems fun and a great class and my couzin loves it. and drafting because i can design many things and then create them out of material that sounded really since i am very creative. those are my electives that i would love to have and wish for in 9th grade.
for my elective i choice guitar and spanish 2. i realy wont to have an elective that i cant play sport. i'm gonna try out for the soccer team at high scool and hockey. i'm exeted to go to high.
The elective that i like the most is Tech Studies, because it teaches us to construct,invent and to build cool things.I also want to know about drafting because it sounds intresting and my guess is that it is mostly about making stuff out of paper or something. There is an other elective that i like the most is science reasearch. I like science reasearch because you get to reasearch things and one of my most favorite subject is SCIENCE.
The electives i hope to be taking is the tech studies. iI want to take that because you get to build different things. Another elective i want to take is P.E. I want to take P.E. because i like being outside plus I get to play different sports.
the electives iam taking and is intrested in is art2d. iam not a good artist but that seemd intresting. iam also taking mass media. iam not shure what mass media is but iam still gonna try it. i dont really remaber the rest of the ones i picked(: but iam excited for high school:)
My thought on electives is that they introduce or continue your growth of knowledge, into the world of careers. Personally, I find art, photography, and journalism very interesting. It would be very fun to get graded on a drawing or photograph. It would be even better to show them off!
I think next is gonna be fun. Even though we will enjoy it, we have to be more responsible. I want to take electives that will help my carreer, like journalism. Because I wanna be a psycologist, journalism will help me understand others personal view of stuff. DECA will also be pretty interesting.
The electives I have interest in is mass media, guitar, and photography, but I can't take photography till 10th grade. I think they help you decide what you have interests in and what you don't.I think its stupid how 9th graders only get ONE elective, and some kids don't even get one. I think they should cut out having to have P.E to give kids a chance to have more choices. (:
I wanted to take Art 2D. My second option is drama. I don't like acting and performing, but I do like to do make up and decorating the stage for the show. I like art because I like to paint and be creative about my art work. I really do hope I get 2D Art.
next year for my elective is going to be acting. me and some of my best friends are taking it. i didnt no what to pick for my elective in 9th but i no what im picking for 10th in 10th im taking photography & spanish. i love to take pictures and hope to do something with that when im older =)
In 9th grade I plan to take NJROTC. I am so exited about NJROTC because it will help me out big time for college because I need the help because otherwise I will not get into a good college. I also plan to do cheerleading which will be like super fun. I can't wait. This summer my daddy is getting me a private coach to teach me some m ore cheeleading so that for next year I will be extra good and hopefully make the team. Yayyy!!!!! Can't wait.
Electives are the best things school have to offer, i mean people dont like taking main courses but everyone loves the electives, because you elect them.
Im interested in taking deka, and maybe drafting, ill also like to do guitar, but i figured it was normal guitar not electric, which it was what i wanted. It should be fun taking those electives, and im really looking foward to being in them.
The electives that I am interested i taking are computing for college and careers, 3D art , and alot of other different classes. And I can't wait to go to 10th grade.
MY electives this year are based on what i like to do, so i choose debate and tech studies. I love debating important topics with other people and this class will help not just in school but in the real world in even a conversation. The tech studies is another thing I like to do becasue it is a hands on class that teaches a lot about buliding and trouble-shooting in the field.
I love electives. Its like a break from the academic stuff, depending on the elective you have. I plan on taking chorus and acting. I love to sing and I think acting would be so much fun. Those kind of classes would be easy for me also. If I dont get those electives, I want art or drawing. I am a very atistic person and I love all kinds of art. I think debate would be a really fun class, but I dont want to take that. I definately do NOT want to take P.E. but I guess we dont have a choice =(
I feel that electives are a great way to allow students to take classes that will help you with your major. Also they can help students double up credits and help you suceed. For example I am going to take Spanish Three Honors this way I can learn another language while getting an honors credit. My other elective is debate it will help me become a better public speaker while I recieve another honors credit.If you take the right electives it may help you out later in life.
For ninth grade the electives I am interested in is debate and spanish 2. I want to take debate because it is an honnors credit and my bro said it isn't that hard to get an "A". So that should help with my GPA. And I want to take spanish 2 to get my two years of spanish done so that way i have more freedom in the years to come.
For my freshman year in high school I am looking forward to taking mass media. That was when I am a sophmore I can be on CTV, my brother is on that now and it seems really fun. I am also taking Spanish 2. Hopefully i won`t have to take reading next year.
I really like computers and how they work. The electives that I picked all mostly have to do with computers. I also picked Spanish 3(but that's because my mom made me). I know i do NOT want to take chorus again ever! One year was enough for me! I also don't really want to take P.E. either but since we have to, I'll just get it over with. I think it's a good idea that we have electives so we can know what we like and intersts us.
Electives aren't something new to me, but it's different to have so many options. In middle school, you have about three electives if you don't want to take band or chorus. In high school, you can take a variety of courses that spark your interest. I'm really hoping I get "Digital Design" and "Web Design" as my electives next year. Digital Design seems fun because you get to work with photographs and such. Web Design can teach you how to design web pages which sounds fun to me. I don't think reading should count as one of your electives because that's one of the many things covered in Language Arts.
There are many electives that I wont take and want to know more about. I'm going to take Spanish 3 next year because I took Spanish 2 this year and I always got an A. My other elective is Principles of Entrepreneurship, Im good at math.
I think electives are foot steps to your future. you can have an elective for the career you want or somewhere near there. i love playing guitar so i wanted to take the course, but i think its kind of a waste of an elective. i gave up an elective to double up in math. i am taking spanish 3 next year
In Highschool there are many electives to choose from. One elective i choosed is DECA and this is because its good to learn about buisness but it also looks good on a Collage resume. In Tenth grade i hope to take photograhy. its something that intrests me and i love to take photos.
MY electives that i am going to choose are the physical education and the tech electives. i choose to have these electives because i thought that those would be right for me.
well first of all im proud to say im going to join th R.O.T.C. program.bet besides tha im doing all regular classes.also if i dont make it in the R.O.T.C. program ill eaither take drawing 1. or guitar. but id rather my first choice.i promice to visite you next year im my uniform mrs.santana!
The electives that I am interested in are the ones that contain health services.The one elective I dont want to take is p.e I hate it so much.
Wow this is a really easy blog. First of all I want to be a lawyer so I should be taking debate 1 honors but of course my mother is making me take Spanish II so that take of that. It's okay though because I'm already taking other honors classes and I don't want my freshman year to be to hard on me. My other elective that i have choosing is acting. My passion is acting. I'm always told I'm such a great actress. I'm good in front of people, I have an amazing memory for lines, and if needed I can make my self cry on spot. That last skill is good to have because I usually get my way:) The electives I have sign up to take is acting and Spanish II which I'm not excited about the Spanish but I have to get it done. On my sophomore year and on I will be taking debate for my interest
in law.
I was first interested in debate honors as an elective. The reason I thought I would pick debate is because you get to argue a lot. This is something I am good at. I thought drawing was cool but I could not take it because my parents wanted me to take spanish 2said it would look good for college. I agree with them so I am planning on taking debate and speanish 2.
well i think that the new electives for cchs is going to be great because they give u a more of an opportunity is other stuff u might want to do maybe when u grow up so i think it is great that there new electives to choose from for maybe ur future.
I think electives are a great way for students to learn about a field of their interest. It also lets them relax and do something they like after suffering through the main classes. (kidding =P) The electives in freshmen year is pretty limited but then in sophomore, junior, and senior, there is so much to choose from. I really want to take photography, debate, dance tech, and peer counseling. I was hoping that there would have psychology, like in other high schools, but there isn’t so I guess I will have to wait till university. The elective that I really don’t like is physical education. I will have to take at least one semester of it so why not get over it in freshmen year? That’s probably the only subject I despise so much. I guess I’m fine with the others.
Electives to me are mainly just there to help get you credits for college so it really doesn't matter to me.I think the only real important one, to me is Spanish 3 because I need it for college. But still I can't wait till I am in tenth grade so I can take a different foreign language.I have a strong feeling highschool is going to be fun.
The electives i want to take are spanish 3 and mass media. If i dont get those i would like to take tech studies and drawing.I would like to know more about tech studies.I hear its like wood shop and i would like to take that because i never took wood shop in pioneer. The electives i dont want to take are R.O.T.C. because I would fool around and get kicked out the first week.
electives are a great thing. they help you in a direction for your future and they can be fun and interesting. the reason i like cooper city high is because it has so many electives to choose from it becomes hard. i am interestes in buisness so i am taking buisness of entripeneurship. it should be a fun class
I think that electives are suppose to be the funner classes. The electives that i want to get is tech ed. one elective that for sure i dont want to have is chorus. i had chorus this year and i am sure i dont want to take it again.
I think electives are a great way to try new things and help you find your talents. I am interested in taking mass media because it seems like a lot of fun. I also think there will be more electives to choose from in 10th grade.
I think that the electives are cool because they allow you to see things in a different way. They also allow you to try out different things. The electives I chose were guitar and mass media. I think that would be fun.
Well i'm going to tell you about my electives or the ones that i'm interested on. The one that i'm interested on is aviation but i'm studying about that when i go to college and i'm planing to go but i'm not jure. And now i'm studying about computers when i go to high school at dillard high.
I would like to be in the NJROTC. I never want to have art classes. I wouldn't mind having drafting as one elective my classes. I also want to take tech. studies class.
Electives are a great way to explore your true talents. So in my freshmen year i am taking debate and drafting. I like getting my way in things and making model structures, so thats what i took.
Naib A. per.5
I am interested on the upcomming highschool electives i think they are going to be very helpful to us. I am interested on taking principles of entrepunership becuase i am interested in business. The electives that i am not really interested is in art and band becuase i am not good with playing and instraments and i have no arttistic ability in art.
I find that electives are a great way to explore different interests. I'm really looking forward to tacking photography in 10th grade. i was planning on tacking it in 9th grade until i found out it isn't open to 9th graders. Darn. I'm also looking forward to tacking drafting since i love the whole architectural design thing. I wanted it to be my first choice this year but instead I'm doubling up in math so i can get to calculus faster. So my only elective next year is Spanish 3. Thankfully though I'll get honors credits for the class. I cant wait until 10th grade to start exploring the different electives.
The electives I think that are cool are Drawing 1 and Physical Ed.
I like to draw allot and do thing revolving around art, so I figured drawing 1 wouldn’t be bad. I wanted to pick physical ed. because I like to be in sports like basketball. But I decided I could tryout for the boys JV basketball team instead, and if I make it I wouldn’t have the need to pick Physical Ed.
Okay well I am really interested in journalism. I love to write stories and I love it when people read it and enjoy it. Also acting is really great for me. I love acting because there's always drama in our school and I can always be over dramatic about things. So I think its really good for me. I hope everyone gets what they want! Good luck! =]
Electives in high school will be very fun. I am interested in drafting and tech studies since I like building stuff. The electives I am taking however are Algebra 2 and Spanish 3 ):. I am not interested in color guard, debate, or art.
The electives that i am taking next year are Spanish 3 and Mass Media. I really enjoy art but i didn't have any extra electives left so i can't take it next year. But i really wanted to do Mass Media because i want to do CTV later on in high school. I didn't want to take Spanish 3 but my mom is making me! So thats my electives. :)
one of the things that im interested in highschool is drawing because im awesome at it and i would get better at it.another thing i want to do is band because i love music.
Wow I cant believe that I'm going into high school next year I cant wait I heard its gonna be fun. Im not sure if I'm gonna be able to do any electives cause right now I have math all year long and I have reading all year long which stinks. But if I do get Electives first I chose mass media I'm not sure why but I guess it seems kinda interesting. For my second elective I think I picked acting I'm not sure why but I didn't know what else to pick. And for The third one I Picked Drafting. And of course since I have two year long courses I had to put geography in as an elective in case I don't get reading. But I'm probably gonna have to take it. But that's what I chose.
I can't wait until next year. I think I am going to take some drating and tech study classes. I think I'll have fun in 9th grade. I already know some kids there so I think it should be fun.
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