My favorite quotes from this video are from the Principal, "The world breaks everyone then we are stronger in broken places." I also liked when he said, "When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure."
It's a good time to reflect on the ideas in Rachel's Challenge where their mission is to our reach as many people as possible with the message of kindness and compassion.
Your assignment is to click on the links above, watch the video below and post your comments (your thoughts on these issues) in at least THREE COMPLETE & WELL-WRITTEN sentences no later than Friday at 3:30 pm.
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To keep this from happining will be hard and possibly impossible. But a couple ways to possibly change this is to sepperate kids on what they stand for and what they belive basically what they choose. Like me for instance im sorry to say but cooper city elementary and pioneer middle and of course cooper city high are all prep schools. mostly everybody in them is a prep with an exception of a couple goths/emo, rednecks and skaters. So next year is probally going to be te worst four years of there life for some people like me im country im redneck but with kids in our school is soooo annoying how they go ew you like country music ew you go to the chilli cook off my parents say thats only for hicks and more. This all a form of bullying wether teachers think so or not. What im saying is that changes in school could help some of these things from happening. For istance im not rasist but i have alot of black/latino friends and they d not want to go to cooper they would like to go to plantaion or more black schools.Me i want to go to western almost all my friends go there and it was voted redneck school of the year so there would be no problem with me listening to country music.
This incident that happened is truly disturbing. It is disgusting that you can go into a school and kill 12 people. Middle school is the drama years. I hate it. Next year will be so much better because everyone will be able to go to their own groups. The preps wit the preps, goths/emos wit the each other and so on. The way people get treated in middle school is ridiculous. You don't have to be like little skinny cheerleader. I know I call people mean names a lot but I personal think everyone's pretty/handsome in their own way. I understand some kids can't be nice but there's no reason to shot/kill people. Rachel's challenge is a big thing in my life. It's such a sad topic and very horrifying.
This a big event but it is really rare this kinda thing happens. I heard that the two killers were kinda crazy and they locked them selfs in their basement playing killing video games. That was amazing how the paralized guy could walk again.
There will always be hate in the world. There really is nothing you can do to stop it. Everyday there are people who are getting bullied, or told they are not worthy. There are people in the world who hate other people for there religion. Because of what they believe in. Kids at school get judged because of what they wear or what they look like or even what they enjoy doing. The world is a crazy place, and maybe im wrong, maybe hatred and discrimination can be stopped. Just not enough people arent making an effort.
There are a couple of ways to stop this from happening again. First,don't judge people by their cover. Like saying there outfit is ugly or they were to much makeup and so on. Second, don't call people names because names hurt. And even though they may not show it on the outside it still hurts on the inside.
I think that bad things happen for a reason, matter of fact everything happens for a reason. I don't care what anyone else thinks, thats my view on things. Her dealth has opened the worlds eyes on things. Such as when the worst happens you have to have faith that better things will bloom and someone will come with hope to spread, like the "chain reaction" Rachel told in her essay.
i dont agree with caileigh on this subject. because it is posibble by teaching kids about this terrible show them how bad it is to do a thing like that also bullying. so that the can see why not to bully and how it can affect many peoples lives. but many schools are good ones that have good student like pioneer or cooper which i doubt has many cases of bullying
When i first heard about rachel's challange, it was very emotional and i felt so soryy for everyone at the school and everyone's familes that lost some one they loved. So as soon as i found out about rachel's challange club i immediately wanted to join.
my thoughts are that we should keep on having events at school like Rachel's challenge. Also that we should keep cutting down on bullying and other things that would make someone feel bad enough to kill them selves or someone else.Last I i think we should be able to have a good time even with knowing that if you go to school and someone bullies you that you can just move on with it.
Discrimination is bad, Caileigh. Very bad. So don't discriminate against preps. That's mean. (Coming from that long haired kid)
Anyway, I think discrimination is bad and should never be done. People are born the way they are, and heck, proud of it! Cailiegh isn't that she just discriminated against preps, but I forgive her. I also believe everyone can have they're own beliefs and express themselves how they want. Like Country music.
The to videos shocked me on what an impact this had on such a great amount of people. And how many people where touched by the story of Rachel. All this is happening because of the death of Rachel. And if she did not die, it would all be just a horrible and sad event.
I think this is a really serious issue. IT is dangerous and the kids that are usaully involved in this are usaully the kids that get bullyed for the way they act, their relgion or their skin color. They get really upset and they dont know what to do and they think bringing a gun to school solves the issue but it actually makes mattters worse. I think kids and adults should be more nice to each other. Besides being nice is always the best choice.
My thoughts of the issue is to keep anything like this happening again I think that people need to stop caring of what others think.I think its ridiculous how someone would make fun of someone just because they aren't doing something that they consider "cool", or for example, the type of songs they listen to and how they dress or whatever, and there doing all of this for what?
Now I finally see why history is such an important subject like math, english etc. because it shows us the mistakes we made in the past.None of us are perfect but history teaches us the few mistakes we made in the past aren't what you call "the best choices".What really gets on my nerves is how people tend to LABEL other people before you judge them. What I do is see how they treat me before I decide if I like them.
My reaction to the video on Columbine is really mournful. Some of the schools don't really deal with Bullying, Hatrid, Fighting, or other negative social behavior.
Schools should educated about bullying such as "silence hurts". People need to speak up. It is also important to learn and enjoy the difference amoung us. We do not always have to agree but we can accept others feelings and beliefs. Offensive behaviors hurt all. Columbine should be a lesson to the world that we must stop bullying and other offensive behaviors.
I say that people should just accept other people for who they are and not make fun of them. It is nearly impossable to stop bullying but I think there should be more groups like Rachel's Challenge to try to prevent it. I hope that in the future, people will think before thay say and try to see what someone is like by getting to know them, not just what they look like.
Wow. Well first I could say that people are going to be people anywhere you go. Some are bad like the columbine shooters and some are good, but to change the schools and to keep them safe we should have definitely have more and more people that have gotten bullied to talk and to let the kids in school now that kids are always going to be that same and all that we could do is stick up for our rights and not let anyone or anything get in the way.
This is really sad and scary at the same time. It's so sad because of all the people that died and it's scary because this could happen to us here at anytime. You should try to help people that are this way. If you see people that are alone and look like they need a friend, you should try to talk to them. Also, if you see a person thats looks like they need help, you should tell a teacher or guidance counselor. We should try to be friends with everyone, not divided them into groups like goth/emo, redneck, prep and skater. Maybe, if we really tried, school shootings wouldn't take place anymore.
I think people like theese gunmen should kill themselves instead of other people. They are dumb and should not have guns unless they know how to use them. I hope it nevers happen to me!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Columbine shooting and Rachel’s Challenge really touched my heart. I think its sick how people can do that. No one gains from it, they end up dying themselves. These kind of shootings put students and even teachers in fear all over the country and even the world. School is where we spend most of our time and we need to feel as if we are safe there. These shooters were obviously in need of help. I say talking to someone helps. There are guidance counselors, teachers, friends etc. And that doesn’t mean talking to someone and creating a master plan of killing. One of the main reasons is that the shooters have been treated badly. Kindness and compassion can change this. Many times people say, "Well I’m not nice to them because they aren’t nice to me." well then you should be the better person, because being acting like that will just mean that you are the same as the other person; it brings you down. People should definitely learn from the shootings and try very hard to be kind to others and respect one another.
hey ms.Santana wut up?
i realy dont know what i will do if i was there during that. i think that if i was in front of the person that have the gun in their hand i will run or i will try to take is gun i will just do anything to stay allive. i think that the parents is the worst imagine you are at work and the police call you to say that your child is ded because somebody shoot him. i dont know what they think or what happen to have the idea to enter in the shcool and shoot everybody that you see i realy dont get it.
Bailee A. period 1
I personaly feel truly heart broken from this incident. I just cant imajine what it must have been like to survive this horrible tragidy. I didn't know that one kid who crawled out the window got shot, and I certianly didn't know he survived. It makes you think and be aware of the fact that words and actions can lead to horrible things. Everytime I here about Colimbine I feel like I change inside each time becoming a better person.
My view on this is that that was a horrible tragedy and can't imagine if that happened here. This just shows how terrible discrimination can get to. I hope that every school should do everything they can to keep this from happening again.
The Columbine incident was truly a tragic story. The story of Rachel is changing people's life now. I remember from the presentation this year that Rachel wanted to make a difference in the world. Even though she is not here, her words are now making that difference in people's life. Columbine murders bought the whole community more together than ever.I liked when the principal said "When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure." It is a beautiful message.
This Columbine accident was really sad ..
Why go around killing people that never had done anything bad to you before ? Just because they are different then you ? Because they like some type of music, or activities and you don't ? That's not really a good reason to go around killing people in a high school.
the colinbine shooting was so so bad i dont even no who could have the nerve to walk into a school and shoot all of the hopless children in the school they couldnt do anything about it either they could just hide and cal the cops. i feel so bad for all of the familys that were hert in the shooting.
What happened at Columbine is absolutely terrible. It is hard to believe that students would actually turn to violence to solve their problems. All because, from what i've heard through the years, they were both bullied.To leep this from happening Rachel's challenge should continue donig what they do and talk to kids and educate them about these things.
i feel sad because the incident that happened at the school was just rong and was not right for kids from the school and go in and kill 12 other people kids and a couple of teachers that was a sad story to see and hear. so i hope that the rachel's challenge is going to be great and successfull.
To keep bullying from happening is nearly impossible because there's always gonna be someone who makes fun of someone they see as different. Even though there are people who don't bully, they don't stand up for those who do get bullyed. I KNOW im never going to bully.
i would not want to be any one of those parents who lost kids. i couldn't image the pain that they are going thruogh. people should learn how to deal with their problems without violence.
I think the Columbine tragity showed people what horrible things others can do when they feel like an outsider. I feel very sorry for everyone effected by Columbine. Hopefully something like this will never happen again!
I think that the boys who did this where sick. But it's not entirely their fault. Some people are born into lives where they are picked on regularly. But they didn't have to do that. They could've spoken to someone about it. I think that to prevent it again, schools could have regular therapy sessions where they have the students sit in a group and talk about whats going on with them. Then maybe if someone knows what's going on they might try their best to fix it.
My view on the columbine shooting is very sad. Two kids can take the lives of 13 others. To keep from happening, kids should try to be more friendly to lonelyer kids. If they look sad or angry from something like bullying, one should be more kind. Like rachel did.
i dont understand how someone can have so much hate where they have to come and kill other students and a teacher. i hope someting never happends like this again. it much be hard for the familys and friends who lost someone. i really wish that these to boys would have got some help befor it got that fare where they took 11 peoples lives. this story needs to keep being told so it will not happen again. we have to look at this a good way maybe by this happening prevented worse things from happening. by watching that video and hearing people tell us about this story really makes you think and makes you be kinder to others. i dont no how these childrens parents are so strong but i give them cretit for standing up and telling there storys. the schools are now getting more safe which helps prevent things happening like this. all i can say is to the ones that lost there lives rest in peace!!!
My thoughts on this issue is that every where there will be discrimination. Although with the spreading of the message said Rachel Challenge it is possible it can be avoid. Even though it had to cost the lives of thirteen people I believe because of it has the world has seen such cruelty and will be able to stop in the future.
The columbine shooting was horrable I dont understand how some one can plain to kill someone they must have been crazy or had some problems.Just because people are not like you doesnt mean you can go around killing people.When you had a guest come and speak to us about Rachel's challenge it did hite me hard.
I think there are many ways to stop bullying from happening, but the best way is to not judge people by what they wear, look like, or even the type of music they listen too. There are different ways of handling your anger so that you dont have to go around shooting and killing people. That is what Therapy is for. But besides that, i think the Columbine incident was a lesson that should be learned world wide to show that violence needs to be stopped. I feel sorry for the people who lost family and friends in the shooting.
Its just horrendous that someone will wake up in the morning and say "Im going to go into a school and kill 12 innocent kids today". Two seniors walked into Columbine High and killed 13 students,injured 23 others and wounded a teacher before commiting suicide. They used homemade bombs, a shotgun and a handgun. We should keep having events like Rachels Challenge to show us the terrible outcomes if someone does something stupid like that. Also we shoud crack down in bullying and learn from the past.
I think that what happened at Columbine is truly a tragedy. The killers were insane and I think this could of been stopped by the right kind of therapy. The people who were murdered did not deserve to die. =(
I think the vidoe was very inspiring the way racheals memory has gone so far. Also how it teaches us to treat everyone with the same amount of respect we would treat ourselfs with. I think if we lessened our views on voilence and worked towards peace and cooperation between all races and religion that events like the massacre would never happen again.
I think that bullying is not good for the people of the school because if people start bullying itr gets people angry and, it makes them take bad decisions for their future.Bullying is not a good way to make people angry because it gets people more angry.
I think the Columbine incident was horrible.I cant understand why someone will come and kill 12 innocent people. Also I think that hate around the world is horrible people are hate for many different reasons and some of the reason or basically childish.Many people can stop hate or any thing similar but I just think we don't try hard .
I agree that it was trgic for all the parents to loose their kids like that. I think it was good that they commited suicide because the victims didn't deserve to die. They made it harder on themselves.
Wow after I watched the videos I was like is wrong with the world. I mean why would you bring a gun to school in the first place? And even worse trying to end 12 students and 1 teachers life? Now we know the answer, because of bullying. Face the reality, everyone has bullied someone some time in there life and has gotten bullied. I know this is heard but try to think before you act and what you say before its starts spilling out. Once you say it it can't get returned. I know practice what you preach, I am trying to work on that. But my godness we only have one life to live don't dwindle other peoples life just because of there religion, race, clothing, etc. Come on just think about it. If they are happy let them be.
i think racism is pretty dumb.what's the point of having different races and ethnic groups if everyone wants to discriminate each other? It will be almost impossible to stop this discrimination. People should learn to live with other peoples' beliefs and religious practices.
I think that what happened at Columbine is absoltuely terrible. I truly feel bad for the families who have lost their child to the gunmen that killed them. To prevent this Rachel's challenge should continue their work and educate kids about voilence and how to prevent another Columbine from happening.
rachels challange and the holocaost are the worst things i hace heard ever i dont think anyone in there lifes should have gone throw the holocost and or the callabin.
This is something that people will have to figure out by themselves on how to talk to other people or how how to treat others.Its like a chain link that occurs when someone does something wrong to others and the person takes it out on them selves, or the other way around. Its something that has to stop. The way I see it is if you have something mean to say, keep it to your self. I think its messed up about that incident and also very sad how one thing can lead to the next.
The Columbine tragedy was a terrible event. Last year we learned about it in peer counseling for proably a good month or two. I was heartbroken. I still remember almost crying at the video. Even more sad is that things like this happen everyday. Not to the extreme of killing, but bulling itself. Everyone seems to be determined to label everyone into groups and pick on people "below" them. It's insane. The scary thing is that it can happen anywhere, even here. I think our school is really making progress to the whole "stop bullying" thing. It can save alot of drama, and lives.
Well this is bad that this happened. Things like this will keep going because some people are very crazy in the mind. What we can do is stop bullying people. If someone is different dont make fun of them because we all different.
People are now as violent as they have never been. Mostly teenagers, people from before in the 20's where more religious and , more undertsnading. Teens have met with others, and now became more and more evil, like for example parents migth like you to do something, and u think about it, but when u tell ur friends, they say know thats stupid and boring, only nerds do that. Some people migth say back thats what u think,others say it is and just hide and make lies about stuff, like my dad forced me to do this. But what im trying to say is that everyone needs to change, and nobody out of 7 billion people is perfect
people are always making fun of other people and its so not right. the people that youre making fun of might hold ther emotions differnt then you and might get so mad and bring a gun to school. this could happen so thats why we need to stop judjing people for what they look like and what they wear and just be nice.
My thoughts on this video is that it was very shocking and sad to see how someone accually has the guts to just go to school and kill people. Rachel's challenge has made it a long way and it has entered alot of peoples lives. I think schools should have more assemblys on bullying and stuff.
go country music!!
i think what happened in this video is very tragic. i could never imagine being in a situation like that. i really do not think that this could have been stopped because nobody new they were going to kill they just thought they were two normal boys............
I still can't believe that people can be so cold and do something that can hurt and even kill others. Nobody has a perfect life. Everyone has problems. I terrible that people fell hat they can just hurt and put down others. Something done everyday to students that is terrible is calling names. One person calls a student a name and everybody else follows. NO one likes to be called a horse, a racial black name, ugly, fat, stupid etc. And everyday that person feels bad about themselves. There is nothing wrong with liking a certain person, liking a type of music, being a type of person, etc. were all unique in our own ways. So there.
I wish I can say that this will never happen again. I am sorry for anybody who had to witness that event and all the families waiting and trying to find out if there child was ok. Violence may seem like the answer, but when there are moms, dads, siblings, it is not worth causing them grief. Talk the issue out. I have learned that there is always going to be a fight, or a gang wherever you go. The two men who shot up columbine showed a great deal of hatred toward all kinds of people. You just have to be in the right place at the right time. Unfortunatly the people of columbine were unlucky.
My reaction to the Columbine tragedy was sad. I think it is horrible that only 2 students at Columbine High School were the ones who caused all of this sorrow and pain towards all of the familes there. I think that schools all over the country should have presentation about Rachel's Challenge because it could stop a student "do whatever they wanted to do". Hopefully it will start a chain reaction all over America or the World.
Columbine is a event that really devastated the world. It caused schools to pay a lot more attention to security and bullies instead of scores. I heard it started with 2 killers who this all planned out with bombs and guns and were gonna kill a lot of kids on Hitler's Birthday.
I think the columbine was a very terrible incident. But I’m pretty sure the school shootings won’t stop anytime soon. People just bulled and annoyed them till they literally go mad and lose all sanity. The reporters do report the killers and talks how terrible they were but they don’t talk about how terrible they were treated by the class mates to be harassed to the point of killing people. It sort of makes both the shooters and bullies the bad guys. Insults hurt way more then weapon. Its not just public schools, some guy went to a privet school with a gun and shot some people. We can't stop the shootings, but we can prevent it. Don’t insult people; it takes one insult to hurt a person and twenty compliments to make them happy, and not the fake compliments. The compliments said to make you feel better that aren’t true make it worse.
People who say that they would rather go to another school aren't smart. Cooper City high is a great school with bright futures. Whoever gets bullied there i am very sorry for, but alll you have to do is not stay stuck in one gruop and be judged. Like me I hang with the preppy people, the jocks, the popular people, the comedians, the band people, the country people, the rockers, just have friends everywhere and no one can hurt you. Don't let people get to you just believe in what you know is right. Go to a school not were you fit in as black or white or spanish but a place where you can really find people who are real and not fakes.
I think that the columbine was a tragic event.I feel bad for all the parents who's children have died. Hopefully this wont happen again.
I think that the columbine shooting was horrible. It is a dicrase that people would do that to otherse that had no harm to them. The parents of the kids that die will always be depressed about that.
I think this event happened for a reason. The shooters involved wanted to gain a great level of infamy and instill fear into the general public by committing a mass murder. Stuff like this could be prevented if everyone follows the guidelines shown in Rachel's Challenge.
It's hard to believe that anything would drive a person to killing. I find it disturbing and horrible to do this, but obviously the killer wasn't in his right mind. I feel sad for all the people who died so this person could take out their anger.
i think the two men were wrong of killing inacent people at there school even do they were picked on they should of told a teacher instead of taking matters in there own hand. no lifes are changed for peole losing there child in school with there friends even a teacher lost a life.thats what i think of rachels challange
This video is a very sad. And it is very upsetting about what had happen and I cant believe It has already been 10 years. Ive seen this video many times and every time I watch it, it makes me upset. It is so depressing why would someone want to do that hey are sick individuals.
My thought on this simulaites are these things did not need to happen or should of not have happened. Some times people get killed and for no reason. Some times people get killed because they are bullies and the person whoo was bullied got their revenge. So there is one way to stop this, DONT BULLY. And if i had 1 hour to tell you this and i could tell you many reasons. But that is the one that kills the most.
I think that there are ways to prevent horrible things from happening but i truely beleve that bad things will happen, but to keep things from getting serious we can all try to only treat people the way we would like to be treated i think that people that make fun of other usally have their own problems.I hope that one day everyone can get along and not be rude or make fun of others.
the colubine shooting is such a horrible tragety becouse it is amazing how 2 kides could have such hatred towrd thier own human race. the shooting is an exsample of the wicked minded in our world. i dont know any one who could live with killing hundreds of inicent people.
i think that that tragities was very bad and that people should learn from it. it is just sad that people would do that sort of thing for any reasons. i mean being bullyed or on drugs or anger and to take it out on people. it is just wrong.
I think this is one of the saddest story. These kids really had to have no life to do what he did to these people. I can't belive the killed that kid just because he was african american. Seriously? thats messed up. The were shouting rasical things at him, poor kid. If i were in his position then i would have probally wanted to take the gun myself. I love hearing the rachel scott story, everytime i hear it i cry but i always get somethinfg out of it. Rachel inspired me to always have an open heart and mind.
Bullying is a very mean thing to do. There are alot of ways to stop bullying. But its very hard because where ever you go there's going to be rude mean people. How ever i beleave that one person could make a diffrence in someone's life!
My thoughts on the issue is that we need to prevent this from happening by the antibullying, issues at home, abusive households, and drugs. All this drive kids to take it off on everyone on the outside since they cant in the inside. Everytime my school shows the presentation it makes me cry. and the quote live life all you can cause life is short is true!:) R.I.P columbine
To keep this from happening is so hard! I don't know if we can ever stop this, but we can help so this wont happen again. We can be nice to people and don't make fun of them. Everyone has feelings and were all human. Don't push people to there limit because they can get upset and go just about crazy. Also when you know someone is being bullied.. do something about it! Don't just stand there. Talk to them, tell a teacher! This was so moving and to be honest, i cried a little bit. Just be careful what you to say to others.. because you just never know.
That must of been the scariest thing that happen to them. I would never came back to that school. Those kids must have a problems or something. I would never do that.
I think it is sick what people do to get rvenge. obviously these people did not think about how their family and how other peoples family is going to react. What we need to do is stop being mean to people and to not put them down for your own selfish act and just be nice to people. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
I think this is really serious. IT is dangerous and the kids that are usually involved in this are the kids that are get pushed around and bullied for the way they act, their region their skin color or who they hang out with. They get really mad and confused they dont know what to do and they think of getting a gun or stealing one from there parents to solves the issue but it makes the situation worse for them. I think kids and adults should have respect for each other.
well some ways this cant happen is to have everyone get along.the reason those kids did that was because they were bullyed there whole not saying it was right for what they did but they probably would't have done it if they werent always harrased by bullys.we can stop somthing like this from happening by being nice to each other in the future.
This is a big event. But bad things are sometimes meant to happen. When she died she opened the people's eyes.
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