January 2, 2009

Happy 2009!

Happy New Year!

For better or for worse, 2008 is over. Below is a video about the Top News Stories of 2008.
Here's the fineprint:
Your assignment is to give me at least 3 sentences on ONE of the following topics OR mix them up!
1. What were the worst parts of 2008 for you?
2. What were the best parts of 2008 for you?
3. What are you looking forward to in 2009?
Comments are due no later than Friday, January 9th, 2009 at 3:30 pm.


Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 for me was February 29, when I came home from school to find the cutest little puppy running around the house waiting for me. I had no idea i was getting a puppy so when i saw her, I was so shocked, surprised an excited beyond belief. In 2009, I look forward to spending another happy year with her and many more years after that. Getting my puppy, Ping Pong, will bring many years of happiness to mine and my family's life!

Anonymous said...

For me the best part of 2008 was that Barak Obama was elected to become the 44th President of the United States.The worst part was that I had to return to school and enter the 8th grade. What I hope for 2009 is that I can earn staright A for at least one quarter. I would also like to do well on all my mid-terms and final exams.

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 was when the gas prices went up.The best part of 2008 was when Michael Phelps won 8 GOLD medals in the olympics. Somthing I look forward to is having a good rest of the school year.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward in 2009 to enter in the magnet program and pick aviation as my career and learn about it until i'm 18 and i can star working as a pilot. And right now i'm learnig all the buttons of the airpanes and there are a lot of them.

Anonymous said...

2008 was awsome.I went to 2 big vacations last year.Also santa came loaded with stuff last christmas.Then my entire house got redone.

Anonymous said...

2008 was an interesting year! the worst part of it for me was probably leavine the seventh grade.The best part was entering the 8th grade.As far as 2009 goes,im looking forward to seeing what the new year brings.

Anonymous said...

In 2009,I am looking forward to doing well on the FCAT .Also, I am looking forward for high school.One of the best parts of 2008 was when I went on a cruise with my bestfriend to Mexico.

Anonymous said...

The worst parts for me in 2008 was the middle of 7th grade. I got my self into alot of trouble and got my self 5 days of I.S. on two different things. The best part of 08 was when i went to cooperstown and saw the hall of fame.

Anonymous said...

Well 2008 was a completly differnt year for me. with my mom and dad spliting up and only seeing my dads on weekends insted of everyday like i was used to. And also good stuff like my aunt getting pregnent again and re painting my room orange and yellow. But what happened made me realiaze whats important. This year i want three things.1-stop aruguing with my mom 2-get two new pets and 3-focus more on school. Well i hope my goals come true till then bye.

Anonymous said...

In 2009 i am looking forward to having a good year. I can't wait to go to high school and see all my friends from last year. I hope i get to get my ears pierced again for my birthday, and just hoping all turns out well. Happy New Year!! :]

Anonymous said...

One of the best parts of 2008 for me was when i got my dog Cooper. In 2009 i look forward to hanging out with friends. I also look forwad to learning new skateboard tricks. One of the worst parts of 2008 was when i sprained my foot and i couldn't skateboard for almost a month. It was terrible.

Anonymous said...

One of the worst parts of 2008, is how the economy hurt many people. Many people were left without jobs and homes. One of the best parts of 2008, is that we are getting a new president in office. I also got to play footbal this last year, had a lot of fun. This year 2009, I'm looking forward to doing better in school and getting ready for high school.

Anonymous said...

I think that the worst part of 2008 is the gas prices going up. The Best Part of 2008 is Obama getting elected to become the 44th president of the This yeahr in 2009 im looking forward o the gas pprices going down.!!

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 was many people lost their job's and the increase of gas prices, tax, etc. The best part of 2008 was the tax went down. I am looking forward to have many job openings and also looking forward in decreasing gas prices.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was when when I got to eat my Christmas dinner, my goodness it was pretty amazing and when I got to open my presents. The worst part of 2008 was when summer vacation ended. I look forward to a cool and happy year in 2009.

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 was all the issues with the highest gas prices and the economy.The best part was with family.I hope this tear will be better.

Anonymous said...

the worst time in 2008 was when we lost the tornement of soccer with my team of soccer at my school.

the best part was to be in florida and be accept on a travel team at miami and in a hockey team.

in 2009 I would like the same that in 2008.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was when I started playing the guitar. It gave me a hobby, and I dont have to play guitar hero. The worst part of 2008 was when Obama won the election. My whole family dislikes him. I am look foward to leaving middle school in 2009. I hate it. Nothing but dissappointment.

Anonymous said...

Bailee A period1
The best part of 2008 for me was when I found out that I got into American Haritage. The scout called me New Years eve to tell me the great words. He porposly called me at this time and when we finished our conversation he purposly said Happy New Year!!!!

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 for me was the the miami dolphins season. I mean that might be the greatest turn around in nfl history and they are my favorite team. This season I was thinking the dolphins would be a 3 or 4 win team but they won 11 games and made the playoffs.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was hanging out with friends. I’d be out all day everyday. The worst part of 2008 was my grandmother dying. I look forward to a new start with my family and friends because I know I wasn’t the best I can be with them. I also look forward to a new start in school, I want to get better grades and I’m going to try to do my homework more often.

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 is when McCain lost the election. Rhe best part of 2008 is that Obama won. And the thing that I look forward to in 2009 is a great bew year filled with wonderful memories that next years class can blog about.

Anonymous said...

2008 was a pretty interesting year. i would have to say that the worst part of that year was leaving Ohio and changing schools. The best part of that year was the summer ;) it was off the chain crazy! I hung out with all my closest friends and I was able to go on 3 BIG vacations. I’m hoping that 2009 will be just as exciting.

Anonymous said...

One of the best parts of 2008 was when I went on my road trip vacation. It was a really fun experience. I'm sure there are bad things that happend in '08 but I cant think of anything worth putting down. In 2009 I am looking forward for Obama becoming president.

Anonymous said...

What I’m looking forward in 2009 is that in June my fifteens will be coming. Also when I turn fifteens I can get my permit and start driving cant wait.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was the summer. I got to see all of my camp friends and didn't have to go to school. The worst part of 2008 was when I got my braces on.I look forward in 2009 to summer. I hope 2009 is as good as 2008.

Anonymous said...

For me the best part of 2008 was that the Gators made it to the national championship. The worst thing that was that the Dolphins losed in the playoffs. In 2009 Im looking forward for a great all around year.

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 for me was the moving. I moved from Boca Raton to here and it was pretty hard because I had just come back from my country and we moved in 2 days. So getting settled was hard. But I like it here so I wouldn't move back though. The best part of 2008 for me was the winter break. I did so much! I went to a wedding and lots of parties, and of course the new years. I love new years because it is a time to start over. In 2009, I’m looking forward to the other weddings I'm going to in August and June. I’m also looking forward to accomplishing my new year's resolutions...some of them which are really hard.

Anonymous said...

In 2009 im looking foward to going to Lake Placid Florida. I go with my family and alot of our friends go the same time. My three friends Brittani, Savannah, and Marissa. They are like my sisters. My favorite part in 2008 was when I went to the lake last year.

Anonymous said...

1. What were the worst parts of 2008 for you?
2. What were the best parts of 2008 for you?
3. What are you looking forward to in 2009?

the worst part of 2008 was when my grate grandma died of old age. she was always smiling and laughing. she said she was not scared to die when it was her time it was her time. she was a every sweet and kind person. she loved my dog puggy she always said if we needed someone to watch her no promblem.
now the best part of 2008 was meeting new people i meet alot of friends this year. i got really close to my travel soccer team. they are my life. :) i cant wait to meet more people in 2009.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was definatly watching the Phillies win the World Series. It was so interesting. The worst part of 2008 was getting hit by a car. I forgot what happened. In 2009 i look forword to getting out of school and enjoying a long lasting summer.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was summer. I had so much fun and great times. Oh, and Christmas was the best yet! I got everything I wanted. The worst part was when summer ended. One day I woke up, and then it hit me, I got to go to school! What I am looking forward to in 2009 is Halo 3 Recon. It is an awesome video game that you play as an ODST trooper( Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) for the UNSC against the Covenant which are aliens. Its really cool.

Anonymous said...

The worst parts of 2008 was that my horse pulled her tendon twice which id really bad becasue it can criple a horse and i would probally never live again if that happened and i got a refearl for yelling at my teacher when i really wasnt yelling. But one of the best parts were that me and my horse got second place in our competition and i am finally friends with a kid that i think is really cool and i got back with some friends that i havent talk to in a log time. Some things that i am looking foward to are winning more competetions and training and staying with my friends and haveing fun.....!

Anonymous said...

Thae worst part of 2008 was in november when every thing was going bad my girls friend brakes up with me and i am failing my classes. The best part was the this december with the washigton dc field trip and me hamging out and macking new friends and how my grades were starting to get better. iam looking forward to playing on the highschool football team in 2009.

Anonymous said...

For me the best part of 2008 was starting the 8th grade, knowing that it will be me last year here is sad but also a good thing for me.The worst part of 2008 for me was when my grandma started getting very ill for tyhe past 4 to 5 months.I look forward too starting the 9th grade this year and going too cooper city.

Anonymous said...

I hated 2008 because we had to go back to school. I got so used to not doing any work. Then we had to do work again, that's why hate school so much!

Anonymous said...

2008 was a good year! My favorite part was traveling to different places and all the friends I met this year. Also all the things that changed in the world for the better. I am looking foward to all the great thing that will happen in 2009 and hopefully not to many bad thing! =]

Anonymous said...

2008 was a great year for me. The worst part was when i was grounded during most of my summer. The best part was when Obamma won president. What i am looking forward in 2009 is to get better grades.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 I would have to say is spending time with my family during the remodeling of my house. The whole renovation took about three months to finish but in the end my kitchen ended amazing. Well at least that's what my family thinks. The worst part of 2008 is most definitely my mother being in the hospital. It came out of no where. I was at my friends house, sleeping over and in the morning I get a phone call from my sister saying shes coming to get me, our mothers in the hospital! My sister didn't explain why or anything so I'm crying, running around trying to get all my stuff, scared out of my mind, and don't know if my mothers ok or not. Once my sister picked me up I found out that my mommy went in the hostpital around 4 in the morning, I'm still crying. I wait and wait for my father to get home from the hospital to see how my mommy is. He comes home and like 4 hours later my dad, sister, and I went to the hospital to cheak on my mom and I found out she was going to be ok but she had to stay the night. I didn't her to but what was I going to do? Anyway we left and I didn't go to sleep at all that night. I was to worried about my mother. I just wanted her home. Around 6 o'clock she got home and felt so much better. What I hope for in 2009 is that i get at least a B or an A on my mid-term. That grade is my life right now and if I don't pass I'm going to be so grounded. So pray for me!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the best part of 2008 was that barack obama was elected to become president. the worst part of 2008 was that gas prices went up. what i hope for 2009 to be better than 2008:))

Anonymous said...

My best Parts of 2008 was this christmas. I got an itouch from santa. that made me very happy. last winter break my grandma came from Texas and stayed at my house for 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was when i got to go on a big vavation to see the rest of my family, i also got the chance to go to Washington and Time Square in the same year.

Anonymous said...

I think the worst part of 2008 was the recession going on. The best parts of 2008 were Christmastime, Micheal Phelps winning breaking the record, and when Obama got elected as the next President. In 2009 I'm looking foward to getting better grades in school, my birthday, seeing my family and going to Europe for the first time in London! I hope that 2009 will be a great year just like 2008!

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 is that my grandpa was very sick, and my uncle passed away. Also alot of arguments.
The best part of 2008 were my amazing friends and i got to really get close to my family. I'm looking forward to seeing my grandpa alot more and changing my attitude towards my parents.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was the summer. I went to camp which like my second home, I went to my cousins house that I never see! oh and I went on a cruise with my mom and went swimming with dolphins! The worst part of 2008 was probably drama in school. Other then that I had a really good year! I'm hoping 2009 will be the same (minus the drama)!

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 for me was probably getting this new computer for my birthday. The worst part is leaving the best 7th grade team. I am looking froward to Chinese New Year.

Anonymous said...

in 2008 the worst thing that happen is wean my dad shot me in the head with my own bebee gun that i just got for chrismas in the head and the good thing that happen in 2008 is i got what i want for chrismas a gutair and game and wifi thing and thayt it and some other stuff.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was when of course Barack Obama was elected president but also when TWILIGHT came out in theaters November 21st and I went with my friend to go see it opening night!!!!!!! The worst part was leaving 7th grade. I cried. What I'm looking forward to in 2009 is the talent show and the NEW MOON movie coming out November 20th, 2009!!!

Anonymous said...

2008 was a great year i went on a lot of vacations and had a blast. 2008 was also a big milestone foe the USA electing the 1st black president. I hope 2009 will be just as good as 2008

Scott p-1

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 was that time when my friend moved. The best part of 2008 was when my friend came to visit some times. What i am looking forward to in 2009 is playing with my friend and going to high school.

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 was getting bad grades. I used to get all a's and b's but now im getting f's and d's. Im going to start trying like i used to.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was when Guns N' Roses new album Chinese Democracy came out. That album kicks butt. Haha. Anyway, the worst part was when it ended. What I look forward to in 2009? Better grades.

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 was I got hurt playing soccer. I fell on my knee and now I have tendinitis which is inflammation or irritation of a tendon. But its starting to feel better! The best part of 2008 is that I faced my biggest fear of all! My biggest fear of all is fireworks or fire crackers. Usually when 4th of july comes aroud I stay with my grandmothers aunt at her lake house and watch the fireworks from inside. But since she passed away I decided to be brave and go with my family to see the fireworks. It felt good to face my fear of it though :) What I am looking forward for 2009 is to not have testing anxiety when it comes to math.

Anonymous said...

I wish to see better fishing in my lake than last year because i guess me and my friends outfished the lake. I also hope the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS have a better season. I also am trying to make my grades come up this year. I am going to work harder on my grades and fishing. I hope it will be a fun year!

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was getting my braces off and getting my boating license. After two year of braces, it was amazing to get them off! Also, I have been waiting for years to get my boaters license. So when I turned fourteen, I applied for my license rght away! I was so excited when the license came in. For the year 2009, im looking forward to my Quince and my permit. I've been planning on my Quince sine about age nine. It's now finaly coming together. I'm so excited. Also, i can finally get my permit. It's going to be alot of fun. This is going to be a year to remember!

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was, when i got to spend some of the summer up in p.a. and got to hang out with all my friends and cuzzins.The worst part was when i had to go back to school. Also when i was failing alot of my classes.I look forward of summer 2009!

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 was in febuary was the stiches i got. The best part of 2008 was when the giants beat the patriots in the superbowl. In 2009 I look forward to going to high school in 2009.

Anonymous said...

One of the worst parts of 2008 was when I broke my first bone. One of the best parts of 2008 was when I went to Georiga to visit my grandparents. In 2009 I am looking foward to my brothers bar-mitzvah.

Anonymous said...

The worst part of 2008 was the economy of the United States. The best part for me was entering the eighth grade. I am looking forward to Barack Obama's presidency and the changes that he will bring.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 08 was when my football team won the superbowl.The worst part of 08 was the economic condition that our country was in.It was sad that alot of famlies lost there home due to foreclosure.The thing I look forward to 09 is getting better grades.

Anonymous said...

The highlight of 2008 for me was the entire summer. I spent it with the most amazing people ever and went to alot of places. In 2009 I am looking forward to the summer. I cannot wait!!

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was when te gas prices went down. Most people could not even drive cause they could not afford gas. The worst part was the ddepression of Main street. That was really bad for the economy. I am really looking foward 09 because I think the economic situations will go up this year.

Anonymous said...

my best part of 2008 was upercon i had the best time i meet somany cool people and got lots of cool stuff!the worst part was the last day of school in 7th grade because my 8th grade freinds are going to be gone.I look forward to more conventions and fun with freinds and family in 2008.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 was summer! I had such a great time with my family and friends but the best part was going to daytona beach for my national baton twirling contest! We got to stay on the beach for a whole week with my best friends it was such a blast and i really enjoy performing and competting!

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 for me was when i went to ney york. I saw family members that I havent seen in a long time. The worst was when i got a new house and i couldent see lots of friends that i had.im looking forward for 2009 because i wont to keep on geting older

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to a lot in 2009. One of the things Im looking forward to is high football and baseball. Anthoer thing Im looking forward to is going atv riding with my family. The last thing I am looking forward to is how Barak Obama will do to the U.S..

Anonymous said...

the best part of 2008 for me is when I had my Bar-Mitzvah and that was the best part of 2008 for me. The worst part of 2008 is when i came back to school from the summer vacation. and also when i came back to school from winter break

Anonymous said...

the greatest time of 2008 is when the time of the olimpics. because how awsome michel phelps did on wining all those fantastic medals for usa and also how much he beet the guy next to him by. i look forward in 2009 to a great year and i need to get my grades to my goal of straight A's. so that is one of my many goals that i must accomplish this year.

Anonymous said...

The best part of 2008 for me was when the president was elected. It was good for me because of two reasons. First was that I didnt really like George Bush. My second reason is that he is the first african american.

Anonymous said...

In 2009 I want a change in every thing I think that are world and the government have been really crazy in the past years and i hope we can all start to change with Obama in office I think the worst thing that has happened is all the killers and wrapest in the world is what I think that we should change the most.

Anonymous said...

I hope in 2009 that we can make are worl a better place and to stop helping all the other cunteries out there and to help are own people that is what I want from 2009.

Anonymous said...

My worst parts of 2008 were when my brother and uncle past away. My best parts of 2008 were when I got to hang out with my friends like everyday and when I went to the mall everyday.I am glad we are in 2009 because I am glad it is a new year and there are many new things to do and to learn.

Anonymous said...

What I'm looking forward to in 2009
is, going to high school, being more confident and trying to do better in school to become a more seccesful indivusal.Also learning more writing skill's, because I love to write.

Anonymous said...

One of the cool things of 2008 was that Barack Obama won one of the bad things was. That the war in Iraq was still going on. One thing that im looking forward to for 2009 are the new movies and this Christmas.

Anonymous said...

The worst part of2008 was summer. I had so much fun with my family. I am looking forward going to high school this year. Its going to be a new adventure.

Anonymous said...

One of the best parts of 2008 for me was when I got my Dean "Flying V" guitar. I love playing it but when I first got it I had to take it back to the store and get it fixed. The worst part of 2008 for me was watching the Red Sox lose. What I look forward to in 2009 is the New Year party.