Click here for the Time.com website. Your assignment is to comment on whether you agree or not with their selection and why/why not. Do you think someone else should have gotten it? Why/Why not? Your comment must be in at least two well-written sentences and is due by Friday, December 19th at 3:30 pm.
Previous Post: Each year Time Magazine names a Person of the Year. There are 25 candidates this year and the winner will be revealed this week. Click here to take a look at the possible choices and vote for your favorite. Will it be Barack Obama, Tina Fey, Michael Phelps, Sarah Palin or... Note: Whe you go to the Time.com site, you must Click ENTER to scroll through the Pros & Cons of the 25 possible candidates and rank each one.
I think Michael Phelps should win. Some reasons way are that he won 8 gold medals in one olimpic and broke a record. He should win hands down.
I believe that Barack Obama should be the "Person of the Year 2008". He is the first Africa-American to be elected to be president of the United States. He proved that what you are does not stop you to become what you want to be. He is a good role model by showing that if you get a good education and work hard you can go far.
It's time to find out this year, 2008, Person of The Year. There are 25 people that have the chance to win, and to tell you the truth I don't know who more then half of them are. I do know one thing though and that is that I want Michael Phelps, Tiny fey, or my man Barack Obama to win. There are many reasons why I want these candidates to win. The reason I want Michael Phelps is because he is amazing. He has won 14 gold metals in a 36 year amount and ok you got me, he's really cute. He also try's his best, and does what he loves. He doesn't let anyone tell him other wise. That's most defiantly something I should work on. The reason I want Tiny Fay to win is because she is hilarious. Every time I watch her on Saturday Night Live, or her movies I usually can't stop laughing. She's a funny lady and she knows it. Then last but not least, the reason I want our brand new Mr. President of the United States (Barack Obama) to win the Person Of the year award is because he wanted something, and he put all he work, power, and words into getting it. He is the first Black president of the United States. That is history and I am proud to be alive for it. How awesome is it that we had blacks and whites hating each other just about 50 years ago and we have come so far from that, that now we have a Black President. It's just really amazing. So if any of these three Candidates win I will be happy. I think that they win because they are all important and they make people happy.
The person I choose is Michael Phelps! I choose him because for starters he made a world wide record. Also another reason is that he encouraged kids to start swimming. Last but not least proved to adults and kids never give up!
For the person of the year 2008 I want Hillary Clinton to win and that is because she is the frsst woman to be as close as she was to being president. She also is a speaker for the working class and I think that is very important.
The person I think will win the Person Of The Year because he going to be the new president and very popular. I think Barack Obama win the Person Of The becuase he is the first black president of the United States.
Who i think will win "Person of the Year" is Tina Fey.She is such a funny person. I think this year she stood out alot with her impersonation of Sarah Palin on SNL and her movie.She deserves this title.
T. Boone Pickens should be the person of the year for 2008 because he is trying to make an energy plan and he is rich so he knows about money and this earth. He is trying to help us and anyone that try's to help people and the earth should be the person of the year. Whether he does it or not its the thought that counts and maybe one day he could help the earth but anyone that try's deserves an award.
I think that it doesn't really matter who wins or who doesn't. Because its not really something I know about and I really don't know what it is. And I'm not to sure what the magazine thing is about. So I guess I think that Michael Phelps should win I guess if it was my opinion.
I think that the person of the year should be Michael Phelps he has reached a limit that no one else has. He has won the most Olympic gold metals than any one else ever. And that is something inspirational, that if you put your mind to something, eventually you can do it.
I think that Barak Obama should win the person of the year. He should win because I think that he is going to make a huge difference in our economy. He is also trying to find new ways to stop our overusing of oil and stop pollouting so much.
I think that Micheal Pheleps should win the award because he has acomplished a goal that is very hard to acomplish. Also i think that because he is the only person to get to this level. For example Obama is not the first president. And Mrs. Santana is not the first teacher, but she is the BEST!!!!
I think that Barack Obama will when because he is already in first place with the most votes.And he is the first black president of the United States.
I think Tina Fey will/deserves to win. If it wasnt for people like her people would be totally stressing over politics and other things in the world and she shows us the humor to it. She is also a great role model to kids our age. These are my thoughts.
I think Michael Phelps should win because he won all 8 of the swimming medals.Also he beat Mark Spitz record and like 3 others.He'll definitely win.
I think that Micael Phelps should win "Person of Year 2008". He won eight gold medals in one olympic. He broke the record for seven gold medals thirty six years ago from the 1972 Munich Olympics. That record was made by Mark Spitz. Also, Phelps trains an an unaverage rate. A normal person, or even someone who is devoted to training and working out, could not even come close to Michael Phelps. Phelps should definatly win.
I think Barack Obama should be the Person of the Year 2008. He is first of all the first African American president. He showed the world if you want to do something go for it. Also after all of the madness of being president he first keeps his promise of getting his daughters a dog. Finally lot of people must agree with because he winning by a lot in the polls.
I think Mrs. Santana should win the award. She is the best teacher ever. Seriously, I think Barrack Obama should win Times magazines "person of the year 2008". He is the first African American president of the history in the United States. He got the message around the world that you can be whatever you want to be, no matter of your race, religion, or anything else. He is someone to look up to and I think he should win the award.
I think Barack Obama will win because he has made a huge impact on the economy. After all he is the first black president, which is a major change in the US. He is also trying to help the economy and this country. Unlike many of the presidents in the past, he isn’t jumping to conclusions and war. He actually wants to make the US a better place. Plus, the elections this year have been hectic. He also won by a landslide which will definitely help him win as the “Person of the Year”.
I think that President-Elect Barack Obama should win "Person of the Year" because he has all of the qualities of a great leader. As our economy slumps slowly into a depression, I think he will do an excellent job in getting us out of this situation.
I think that the candidate that will win Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" will end up being Barack Obama. Not only is he our next presendent of the next four years but he also is the very frist african american presensent ever in the united states.
I Think the person of the year should be Obama because he did what no one eles ever did he became president elect as an African American. This is why he should be person of the year.
I think I would vote for Barack Obama because he is the first African American to be a president in the United State. so I think just to be a president it a good things but to be the first African American to became a president that again a gret things. so thats why I would vote for him.
I suggested for obama to win. First of all he would be the first African Americaqn to be president of the U.S. Also he has told us that there a chance for everything and im hopiing he wil get his chance for president. =]
I think that the choice that was made was a good one. Barack Obama was the first African American so he pretty much proved to Americans that what you are should never stop you from being what u strive to be and in Barack's case, The president of the united states. He is also a wonderful role model by showing us that if u set a goal for yourself stick to it and the outcome is awesome. Congratulations Barack Obama!
In my oppinion i think that it was rigth that Obama should have won the "Person of the Year" award because he is the first african american who won an American election to be the president of the United States. I think that Obama obiesly had that vote won, and that he should grow our horrible economy.
I think the google guys should have won. Barrack Obama did absolutely nothing for the world. The google guys created the world's best search engine. Without it, it would be really hard to find things on the computer. Obama aint got nothin on the google guys. (I used incorrect gangster grammar.)
I think that choosing Barack Obama was the best choice. He was the first African American president to win the election. Plus he proved that if you try hard enough anything could happen. Hes going to change alot of things and he already did.
i totally aggre with the selection! barack obama has infulenced many many americans and desrves this wonderful award. also no i dont think that anyone else deserves this award at all. This is because brak obama is going to be a great presedent.
Michael Phelps in my opinion should have won because he has great determination. He is a leader. I am not saying all the other people were bad I am an athlete so I studied Michael and viewed his actions. He trains hard and that tells you what a unselfish person he is. I am happy for Barack Obama for winning. All the people on the list deserve an award.
I agree with the selection of Barack Obama winning Person of the Year 2008. He achieved something that years ago people wouldn't have believed could happen. The first thing is having an African American just running for President of the United States and the second thing is actually winning the Preseidency. He proved that all people in this country have equal opportunity to be what they want to be regardless of their shade of skin. He worked hard for something that he wanted to achieve and he reached his goal!
I agree with the choice of picking Barack Obama as the person of the year. He broke the color barrierof the US presidency, and is a role model to a lot of kids all around the world.
I think that Barack Obama should be the Person Of The Year.As much as I did not want to see him become the president, he is. And I belive that he should be the person of the year because he was the first africa american president ever in the united states, and thats a bigger impact than any of the other canidates have in my point of veiw.
My choice for TIMES person of the year was BARACK OBAMA and I am glad that he won the tittle because in my opinion he deserved it. The tittle person of the year" is supposed to go tp someeone who changed history and Barack Obama did that by being the first African aAerican President.
I choose Obama because I think he could make a big change in the world. I think he should win because if he is president he could make all the problems go away.
i believe that obama should win. obama should win because he mad a hug change in ae world. he isthe first Africa American man to be a president. hes made people believe in them selfs. tuns of people trust him and beileve he will change are world, just like he said. this is why i beileve he should win.
I really think Michael Phelps should have won. He's way better than Barak obama and he changed more than barak could ever dream on changing.
I agree with the selection of Barack Obama winning Person of the Year 2008.He did a great deed by becoming americas first black president, and having to deal with all the racistism that came with his campign was a great feet to a complish.I think it was a wise chioce to choose him as person of the year.
Even thogh Barak Obama deserves to win the award because he is the first ever African American president. I think Micheal Phelps should have won.I think Phelps should have won because he won 8 gold medals in the olympics by defeating the best swimmers in the world. No one will ever beat Michael Phelps amazing record. So I don`t agree with the choice.
Maxel m. period 1
I agree with the selection of Barrok Obama to be the person of the year because he made history by being the first black president of the united states and is a good influence because it shows that you can accomplish anything with a little hard work.
I agree that Barack Obama should win person of the year because he won the election for the president and made history. He also has great ideas of what he will do as president. I think he was a good choice for person of the year.
I do agree with the selection because he made history. he did that by being the first african american president. He is also good because he is going to help the world and change it in many good ways.
It should be Micheal Phelps because he broke the record for most gold metals in the biggest sporting event in the world. Thats why i picked him instead of Barack Obama.
I think that since obama is the president, It is fair he won. right now he is the best man in america since he is in charge of it. There is other great people but he probally effects us the most.
I agree with the decision to make Barak Obama Person of the year because who better to win than the President of The United States. With Obama as President, the world will now be a better place. I think that Obama is a great Person of the Year even though I voted for McCain.
i think the right person won."barack obama"he was a good choice. i think they picked him because he is doing so well in his life and he is going to be the first black president. he is also a good role model for kids and for the united states.
I think the Google guys should of won because they help the world more than Brack Obama, because Barack Obama is only going to be able to the U.S. and the Google guys help us by giving us a free link to research or to discover other things that is why I think the Google guys should of won the person of the year.
I dont agree with the person of the year 2008.I think Michael Phelps should have won.Becuase he has won 8 gold medals and broke a record.
I wanted Micheal Phelps to win because he broke a major Olympic record. He won 8 gold medals in one Olympic. Obama is also special being the first African-American to be president.
I think that choosing Barack Obama for the person of the year was a great choice. BUT... I think that Tina Fey was a really close second because she is just an amazing comedian and actress. And Michael Phelps, well, is very gifted too.
I am glad barack obabma won cause i think he deserves to be on the front of the time magazine. Hes oing to make a huge impact on this world! Hes going to help the economy and make a difference in the education and help universities:)
I think Barack Obama is the most suitable choice out of all the nominees. He has made a historical impact in American History by being the first African American president to be elected into office out of 42 presidents (Grover ran twice). Since the president of the United States is a very important position, I do not think anyone else should qualify for Person of the Year.
Bailee A period1
Yes I strongly agree on there choice because Barack Obama earned it. I believe in hard work and he did everything possible to score in that catigory. He also is the first African American to be the President of the U.S. so that says alot in a person.
Yes i think Barack Obama should be president because its time to try something new not like last year. And all the other years passed.
I think that Barak Obama should win the person of the year. He should win because I think that he is going to make a huge difference in our economy. He is also trying to find new ways to stop our overusing of oil and stop pollouting so much.
I think that america made the right choice by making president elect barack obama the person of the year. He has done a great job this year and made it through all of the name calling that people have done. Barack obama was the most deserving of this award and im sure he is honored by us making him 2008 person of the year.
I think it was fair for Barack Obama to win person of the year, one of the reasons is becuase he is the first African American president and that means a lot, also he is a role model becuase he shows how you can succeed by starting low.
I think that Barock Obamas win was a good thing. Only because he is our new president.
I think that of all of the choices Obama was a good choice. He's has been elected the first africa-american president elected ever! He has had a long journey and weather or not anybody agrees with him, he has still accomplished many things. I think that of not Obama it should have been Michael Phelps, because he has broken the world record for the olympics, has trianed hard.
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