November 14, 2008

DUI Presentation

On Thursday, November 13th, 2008, Renee Napier came to Pioneer to speak to the 8th grade about the dangers of drinking and driving. She bravely shared the painful story of her beautiful daughter, Meagan Napier, who was killed in a DUI car accident. Watch the YouTube video above. Eric Smallridge, the drunk driver who is currently serving his 11 year sentence, wrote this open letter as a warning to young people who are tempted to drink and drive.

Your assignment is to read Eric's letter and answer the following questions:
1. How did Mrs. Napier's presentation affect you?
2. What part of Smallridge's letter stands out to you the most?

Responses to this blog are due no later than Friday, November 21st, 2008 by 3:30 pm or before.


Anonymous said...

The presentation was really powerful. I didn't cry, but I could feel the tears coming and I had goosebumps all over. I can only imagen what it must have been like for Lisa's and Meagan's families. What really shocked me about the letter was how horrible prison is. I mean, I knew that it was bad, but I didn't know that it is so repiticious. It was a very moving presentation.

Anonymous said...

This was a very powerful speech that she gave us. This impacts me by knowing to never drink and drive or i might take someones life. The part of this that stands out the most to me is that those girls were both doing the right thing, and some guy that decided to drive instead of getting an escort just drove and crashed causing him to take there life. I just think that is so not right. It shows that anythings possible and that mistakes can have a huge consequence.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Napier has showed me that drinking+driving= HORRIBLE Consequences. It has showed me that it is not good to drink period. The part of Mr.Smallridge's letter that ment the most to me was when he stated that not only had he failed himself but he failed his family and the rest of society by making a bad decision: Drink&Drive.

Anonymous said...

That video really effected me on how i think about things now. It was a total accedent. He got in the car drunk as can be and killed to beautiful innocent girls. When i read his letter i felt like he truly sorry in his heart. Im deffenetlly not going to take things for granted now.

Anonymous said...

One day Mrs. Napier who is a victim of loss came to Pioneer Middle School to talk to over one-thousand 8th grade students about the loss of her daughter. Her goal was to try to save the lives of over five-million innocent people from the bad choices of about 300 students out of a group of over 1000 students. Those 300 will do drugs and will either hurt an innocent bystander or will kill an innocent bystander. Innocent people could loose sixty years of their life just because a stupid person had a couple of good tasting drinks that took them one hour to consume. Hopefully after hearing Mrs. Napier’s presentation, me along with all of the other students at Pioneer middle School will not drink and drive and kill or hurt someone. On May 11, 2002 Eric Smallridge, a junior at the University of West Florida, made the decision to drive after a day and night of drinking.  He was involved in a crash that claimed the lives of Lisa Dickson and Meagan Napier, both age 20. Eric was convicted on two counts of DUI manslaughter.  He is currently serving his sentence in a Florida prison.
Mrs. Napier’s presentation affect me by knowing now that if I were to drink and drive, I could kill a person and spend my adult life in prison for something that I didn’t intentionally mean to do, but did anyway. I now know that drinking is one thing, but drinking and then driving is an entirely different thing. I was truly touched at how well Mrs. Napier was able to keep herself together after what happened to her daughter. Mrs. Napier did something that I would have also done if it were my daughter was killed, and that is talk to the judge into letting Eric serve two sentences at once, which means that he will get out in eleven years, instead of in twenty-two years. Forgiveness is a huge thing, and what Mrs. Napier did was gigantic.
The part of Eric’s letter that stood out to me the most, is the paragraph where he talked about how he lives, It’s just so sad that he has no life living there. I couldn’t even start to imagine what it must be like to live there. I couldn’t imagine no friends, no family, no TV, Law and Order or Hannah Montana. No hot tubs or bubble baths, no texting or phones, no life. It’s just awful. This is the paragraph that stood out the most to me. “If I were to talk about all the things I took for granted as a free man, I’d be writing for a very long time. But the list of really important things begins with my freedom itself. When I was a free man I never even thought about what freedom meant to me. Now I think about it all the time. I have no freedom of choice. I am told what to wear, what to eat, when to eat and how fast to eat. The menu is repeated week after week and you eat what they give you or you don’t eat. I cannot choose to use the bathroom by myself or take a shower by myself. I live in a dorm with 69 other “roommates” that I didn’t choose and most of whom I wouldn’t ever have wanted to associate with. Our bunk beds are barely 24” apart and there is no way to isolate myself from them or their constant noise. If I have a headache or am not feeling well, the best I can do is pull my bed covers over my head. There is no privacy in prison; the guards must be able to see me at all times no matter where I go. At this institution, as well as many others in Florida, all inmate movement is controlled. There are actually red lines painted on the sidewalks and we must walk inside the red lines at all times. ”

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Napier's presentation affected me because it changed my mind a little about driving as soon as I can. The part that stands out the most is that don't think that it can happen to you because i could. So, i never will drink and drive.

Anonymous said...

On Thursday, November 13th, 2008,Mrs.Napier's affected my life because you have to be more aware of your surounding's when you get in a car.The part of the letter that stood out to me the most was that Smallridge addmitted to his mistake.But the thing that made me ponder the most was why the girl's were out at 2:00 am in the mornig.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Napiers presentation was very touching, it affected me because it made me think about what will happen to me when I start to drive. I Know what it is like to lose somebody very close to you and its not a happy felling. The part of the letter of Eric Smallridge was that the only people he thought were the two girls he killed.

Anonymous said...

Mrs:Napiers presentation touched me deeply.I almost lost my mother to a drunk DUI driver, she was in the hospital for a few weeks.What i felt was a great pain and i couldent ever imagine what Mrs.Napier must have felt like.The part that of Smallridges letter is when he started to talk about taking everything for granted.He is right in so many ways, everything we have can be taken away any second of the day.We never know when everything will be taken away from us.We all have to leran to enjoy every moment of our lives and our freedom.

Anonymous said...


Mrs. Napier presentation hit me really hard cause now,I see that drinking and driving is really not a joke and that many people can get hurt by this incident. The part of Smallridge's letter that stood out to me the most is that you have no Freedom of CHOICE, your told what to wear, what to eat when it eat and that no nobody can just come and visit you at any time.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Napier's presentation affected me in a way that made me feel very sad it also encouraged me to be responsible and to do the right thing. What stood out to me the most in Eric's letter is that he can accept what he has done and not feel angery about the amount of time in prison but what he has done to these families. I am glad that Mrs.Napier can devote her life to this and give others a chance to live and save other families from grief.

Anonymous said...

I just wanna start off by saying this really was a wonderful assembly.It really shows you that you got to be careful.Ive never done drugs or smoked or drank or anything like that and choose to never and im pefectly happy with that.Mrs.Napiers presntation really stood out to me because it shows you that you could easily kill inecent people just by partying with friends.Its your choice to get behind the wheel and so I guess that says that its also your choice to put somebodys life in jeopordy? i dont know.The part of Erics letter that stood out to me the most was that he wasnt thinking when Mrs.Napier explained that his friend Michael told him he was too drunk and eric refused to listen.I really wouldnt of forgave him if I was them...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It affected me by not letting my mom drink when she is driviveing because i dont wont her to kill any one or in danger her life.the part that she was so young and still had a life to live

Anonymous said...

After reading the letter I didn’t know what to think. To just know that it can happen to any by stander is sympathetic. I feel sad for the mothers of the two girls because they will never be able to see what they could have done to make a difference. And it is true, nobody thinks that they can kill someone while driving under the influence if they are careful. Everybody should have an alternative for a way home in any situation. No matter if it’s a cab, parent or even a friend that wasn’t there and you can trust. –Lexi

Anonymous said...

I thought Mrs. Napier presentation was very sad and it really made me think about it if I was in either situation. The part that stood out the most were the amount of privacy there is and having the same daily routine for that many years. The worst part must be having to think about killing two people everyday and knowing your going to be there for a long time.

Anonymous said...

The letter that eric send was very interesting. I really also liked the assembly that Mrs. Napier showed us. I wonder what the girls where doing that late at nigth.

I dont know why they make you suffer so mcuh in jail, and i cant imagine what eric goes thru everyday. When i was little, i mistakened my soda for a beer, and i dont think i will ever try it because of how bad it taste. I also asked my parents what it is feel to be drunk, he told me he only done it once or twice. He told me that you get horible headches and you feel like throwing up. I think they should stop the beer industry, and the smoking industry and make something that is acttually worth it for humans

Anonymous said...

The presentation was very powerful I thought.It impacted me to see the mom of someone who died because someone who decided to drink and drive. I also thought seeing Eric Smallridge was very sad because he did something terrible and is spending almost the rest of his life paying for it and how sorry he was toward the family. The part of the letter that stood out the most to be was how bad prison is and how when you are in there you miss very important events. Also the consequences.

Anonymous said...

The mother's presentation help me realize how awful it is to dirnk and drive. The presentation showed how real the horrible outcomes could be as killing two innocent people. I can't imagine the pain the family must be going through. The letter was powerful and explained how the driver responded to his bad judgement. The letter also explained how bad prison life is and how you have lost all your freedoms too. I feel bad for everyone involved and wish it never happened and hope situations like this will not happen any more.

Anonymous said...

chelsea g periond=4

mrs, napiers presentation affected me alot. i learned to never drink and drive. i mean a cupple of drinks are fine but when you have them drinks dont drive. its not hard todrive with someone else. its deffintly worth saveing someones life. i donr even no how she was able to go in front of all the students she have and tell her story. i must have been hard to do, but its a great thing. the part of Smallridge's letter that stands out to me was how much he really regrtets that night. i cn reallly tell how bad he feels for what he did. i dont think he really ment for that to happen. its really great that there familys forgive him

Anonymous said...

Bailee A period 1
Mrs. Napier's presentation affect me in so many ways. I cryied for hours that day, and when I showed my mom the video she cried with me. The part that stood out the most in Erics letter was the fact that he has to live with real murders, rapests, child melesters, and so many more horrible people for 22 years. Eric was not a bad person he just made a bad choice, that unforchunatly cost two girls there life. I feel so bad for Eric even though he deserves it because those real criminals will change his life forever.

Anonymous said...

Ms, Napier's presentation affected me deeply. I never knew how hard it is for a family to lose a loved one. Thhe part of Smallridge's letter that shocked me was that he decided to go driving after he was drunk instead of waiting until he was able to drive or asking one of his friends if thet could drive him home. I never knew how stupid a person can be. He should have thought about what he was doing instead of acting without thinking.

Anonymous said...

I think that Mrs.Napier's presentation was very sad. The part that made me the saddest was when she had already planned out the weekend for Mother's Day thinking that everything was okay only to hear the phone call about her daughter's death due to a DUI. It showed me that if I were to drink, I would never drive because a horrible accident like this one could happen to anyone, and that people should be more responsible. The part of Eric's letter that stood out to me the most was that he would always know and think of the lives he took away from Lisa and Meagan, and that he considered suicide, so now I no never to drink and drive.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Napier presentation made me very sad. It also made me think about all the things we take for granted, how one mistake can ruin our or someone else’s life. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for her standing there and taking about her daughter's death. Her presentation did affect me. I learned one thing, that drinking and driving is the worst mistake you could ever make. The part in the letter that stood out was when Eric Smallridge was saying the two people he thought about the most are the two girls that died in the accident. Thinking about them was a mental torture to him because he knows it was his fault that they girl died.

Anonymous said...

The presentation made me realize that stupid desions are made everyday so you can't judge nsomeone for the mistakes they make.The other thing that I realized is that no matter how badly I would want to drink Im always going to keep a legal designated driver near or else I wont drive. The most powerful part of the letter was the part of having to life with that humongous gilt for the rest of your life and knowing the lifes he took away.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Napier's presentation made me feel really sad because drinking & driving can ruin innocent people and their family's lives. The part of Eric's letter that stood out the most was that he admitted to what he did wrong and that the whole point of the letter was to scare you not to drink & drive. It made me feel nervous about even being in a car not knowing who could be driving around you!

Anonymous said...

The presentation that Mrs. Napier was very strong and touching. It made me feel like in a split second life itself could change drastically. The part of Eric's speech that affected me the most was the part he described drinking and driving ruined his life and he says it shouldn't ruin our and he know because he is living proof.

Anonymous said...

The presentaion was really sad I tried not to cry so bad and It really affected me when I started to really think of my parents and what they would do if I was in Meagan Napier place.I think Eric Smallridge is really bored, by all of the stuff he said about prison.That is one place I would never want to end up.I can't make any promises says that I will never drink but I swear I will never drink and drive.

Anonymous said...

i think that mrs.napier's presentation affects me bacuse now i know that thing like that can happen to anyone not only the bad guys and that prison is not like they seen in tv they can be worse then on tv
And the part of the smallridge letter that stands out to me the most is when he explain all the thing that he has to do in prison and that he has to do everything that they tell him and the time they tell him. The part about the phone that you can only have 10 phone numbers and can't called people whenever you want is the worse part for me bacause i can't live without my phone.

Anonymous said...

When I watched and heard what happened to the girls I cried. Tears rushed down my face. I hear all the time that people died from a drunk driver but I never seen it like that. I seen the car and the way the mom was speaking. It was powerful because I do know what happened but I am surprised I cried like that. The thing that really surprised me and moved me was the way he was talking about prison. I was scared myself because he changed completley. He'snot himself anymore. And thats really scarry!

Anonymous said...

The speech made me realize that people should be more care ful with who is driving them around. The part of the letter that stands out to me the most is the part when he was saying he should have died instead of the two other girls.

Anonymous said...

This is a very good speech and it is bad when someone is drunk driving and that this is very bad because he was one of the people that did drink and drive and killed two girls that were doing nothing wrong.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Napier's persentation was very moving and i can tell she is a very strong because if that was me i would not be able to do it. Although I am glad she had the strenghth to do that.In Eric's letter i was impressed he admitted that he took advantage of being a freeman it takes guts to say that.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Napier's presention affect me that my mother and father don't drink at all. Also I think that the teenages need to not don't until 25. That the guy try to drive. Also I think he doesn't remember that good so he maybe lied.

Anonymous said...

One poor decision is all it takes to affect you, your community, and others. Mrs. Napier came to our school one day to share the story of what happened when her daughter was killed, along with her best friend, when someone decided to drink and drive. Eric Smallridge, a junior at college made the poor decision to drink and drive which took the lives of Lisa Dickson and Meagan Napier, both age 20. Eric was convicted on two counts of DUI manslaughter. He is currently serving his sentence in a Florida prison. The letter affected me because it shows me that if you drink and drive there is HORRIBLE consequences. If I had to live knowing that I took the lives of 2 innocent college girls, I wouldn’t be able to even look at myself. The part of Eric’s letter that stood out to me was when he said that he had not only failed himself but he failed his family and the rest of society by making a bad decision. Also, what stood out to me was when he said hello, my name is Eric Smallridge, or should I say it was. Now I am known as; and then he stated his prison number.

Anonymous said...

The presentation ms.Napier gave to us was really strong, I cant imagine being a mother and having your daughter die, this was another example that on the road not only do you have to worry about yourself, but also the people around you, we have to remember that all it takes is one mistake to ruin your life and the others, the part that stands out to me is that Lisa and Meagan were doing the right thing, and they died, and Eric was the one doing the wrong thing and nothing physically happened to him, another thing that i would never forget is when you see all those television shows about DUI that I've and i always go, that will never happened to me but is about the choices you take not everyone else's.

Anonymous said...

The assembly that Mrs.Napier gave us was very touching and powerful presentation. It effected me by knowing a lot more about drinking and driving and changing my mind about it. I was very sad seeing the mother of the girl that died talking about it and recalling the event. I think she is a very brave woman for dooing that. The part that really got to me in Smallridge's letter was when he talked about how you make the choice to do stuff like drink and drive. Also not make selfish decisions and open your mind just a bit and think about what may happen not just to you, but to other people as well if you do this or that. And take resposibility. If you choose a bad decision, in the end you have to deal with the consequences, not just physical but mental too.

Anonymous said...

What Mrs. Napier said was really emotional. It was really sad to see how 2 college girl's and their family's life changed forever. The part. The part of the letter that stood out was the part about his future. Now he really doesnt have a future, because of one mistake.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Napier's presentation affect me because i realize that this could happen to anyone. And how much pain both familys have to go threw.
The part of Smallridge's letter stands out to me the most is when he says Just being here. Every fence topped in circles or razor wire , every closed door , every wrinkled blue uniform , every barred window is a constant reminder of the waste years ahead of me and the many innocent people's lives that have been adversely affected because of the accident I so ignorantly thought could never happen to me.

Anonymous said...

This presintation was really thrilling. I Couldnt belive how bad that acident was. I felt really bad because I thought how upset my mom and dad would be if something like that happen to me. This presintation should get into some kids heads and tell them to just say no, including me. THINK BEFORE YOU DRIVE.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Napier told me to never drink or drive even though i was never was planning to ever drink or drive. I though that the worse part is that two nice girls died cause of a stupied move. Eric did not listen to his friend and he was best friends with the girls. The part that stood out to me was he knew that drinking and driving was wrong, And he knew how bad he messed up his life. But he should be greatful that Mrs.Napier set his sentince in preson is only 11 years.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly i wasnt able to see the presentation cause i was absent. But i was able to watch the video and it was really depressing just thinking how much lisa's and megans family are suffering.I also read the letter and it was really harsh to see how jail is in real life and not how they show it in the movies. both the movie and letter were very depressing :(

Anonymous said...

Ms. Napier's presentation was really powerful and moving. It had to take alot of guts for a mother who lost her daughter, to go up and talk to hundreds of kids about drinking and driving. Ms. Napier is also now friends will Eric's parents. She forgave Eric and decided to only give him 11 yeares in prison instead of 22. Even though it must have taken alot of guts talking bout the death of the two girls she is saving so many lives. Everyone always thinks "that would never happen to me", just as Eric Smallridge thought. That was one part of the letter that stood out to me the most. It shows that anyone can make one selfish mistake that will change their, and others, lives. Also, when Eric was discribing jail it was really shocking. He is stuck there with people who have done terrible crimes and on purpose. A guy even got his finger bittwn off. That's just insane! Ms. Napier and Eric Smallridge have really changed my my outlook on life. Such as taking things for granted when they can be gone in a second.

Anonymous said...

i think that mrs. napier cares and it took alot of stregnth for her to talk about her doughter being killed. I think that eric knows he made a stupid mistake. I can tell he dosent enjoy prison and it is probablly hard for him knowing he killed two people. The speech made me think about what accidents i would cause if i drink and drive. I hope other people feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

After the presentation I felt really bad for both of the familys because they had to lose both meagan and lisa. And it all happened because Eric Smallridge chose to drink and drive. Now he is sentenced to 22 years in jail.The part of Eric’s letter that stood out to me the most, Is that the way he said that he is not eric smallrigde anymore he is a numder. And that is what I thought about the presentation. :)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Napiers presentation showed me and lots of the other kids not to drink and drive. it was a very powerful speech and if i was a mother and lost my kids i dont know if i could do that in front of all thoes people. The part of Mr. Smallridge's letter that mean the most, was when he was explaing how bad he lives and you should never drink and drive.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Napier's presentation was very sad, I didnt cry but I could feel how Lisa and Meagan mom got a phone call saying that their dauthers was involed in a car accidant. Its very hard because Meagan and her mom where talking earlier that same day.Part of Smallridge's letter which stand out to me is where they have to get up so early in the morning.

Anonymous said...

The speech that I heard was very powerful. I know it could happen to anyone it was very sad I thought that it was a horrible tragedy I don't know what else to say. It was touching in millions of ways.And millions of people die every day from drunk driving and car accidents. It is very devastating That it had to happen to them. But it could happen to anyone at any time and any moment. It touched me in a way that I should realize never to drink and drive. I never want this to happen To any one that's close to me. I already know what it is like to loose a loved one. And I really don't want it to happen again. It is very hard to get over The fact that it happen to me.I can honestly say that I will never drink and drive. Potentially hurt some one on purpose. I know that he didn't do it on purpose but he never thought that it could happen to him that he could kill two twenty year old girls. He didn't think that was going to happen that night. Now he is serving 22 years in jail. And that is what happens when you DRINK AND DRIVE.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Napier's presentation was so moving and powerful. It affected me by realizing how someone's bad judgment and wrong decision can kill someone, and in this case 2 people. The part of the letter that stands out to me is how Megan and Lisa had there whole life ahead of them and how because of one person they both were killed.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Napier’s presentation caused me to think about the consequences of drinking and driving. I have never really thought about it or even paid attention to it. I’ve heard a lot of times that drinking and driving is bad but I have never really heard a story that affected so many lives. I’m very sorry about Meagan’s, Lisa’s, and Eric’s conditions, and about their families’ as well. No-one in my family has ever been affected because of drinking & driving and I hope no-one ever does. I know I shouldn’t do it and hopefully when I grow up I never make the mistake of even thinking about doing it. I cannot change what happened to their families but I can change what I do. I hope that the kids that saw this actually listen to Mrs. Napier, not just blow it off like any other presentation.

Eric Smallridge’s letter really touched. I always knew that prison is horrible and that I never want to be in it but after reading his letter I know that I’m NEVER going to make the mistake of ending up in prison, especially for drinking and driving. The part that stood out to me the most was that he was talking about taking things for granted. It really got me thinking about what I take for granted. The way he described prison and the rules there was pretty harsh. I know he did commit a serious crime but I do feel bad for him. I’m glad that he’s taking responsibility for his actions and realizing what he has done. I think the real torture for him is thinking that he has taken the lives of two innocent people.

Anonymous said...

I can agree that Mrs. Napier's Presentation was incredibly emotional+powerful, and it made it's point across. That drinking and driving is horrible. But I must say I was not even on the verge of crying. I'm not saying that It was stupid or that it made no sense. It taught me a lesson. It's just that I lack emotions, if you will.

Anonymous said...

The presentaion Mrs. Napier did was really good. I can't imagine how hard it must be for her to tell the story of her daughter's death over and over again in front of strangers. I really enjoyed seeing the car also. I really started thinking in Smallridge's letter when he wrote about how he never thought it could happen to him. That's really easy to relate to. I would never think I would personally be responsible for someone's death. That really had me thinking about life situations and how it really isn't that hard to be put in a bad situation.

Anonymous said...

The presentation was very powerful I thought.It impacted me to see the mom of someone who died because someone who decided to drink and drive. I also thought seeing Eric Smallridge was very sad because he did something terrible and is spending almost the rest of his life paying for it and how sorry he was toward the family. The part of the letter that stood out the most to be was how bad prison is and how when you are in there you miss very important events. Also the consequences.

Anonymous said...

The letter and video the showed me that Eric is not at all a bad person because he made a mistake. We all make mistakes and that does not mean we are bad people. In fact we all make many mistakes all the time. Sometimes it just takes one of those mistakes to pay the ultimate price. For Eric, he has to face that he killed two young girls and that pain can not match up two any physical pain. Pain on the inside won't go away, but on the outside it can and could be forgoten. The part of the letter that ment the most to me was him talking talkig about his freedom. I don't really think about my freedom at all. I don't relize that i can do what i want to do.

Anonymous said...

I think that erics smallridge message stands out because he si young and he is addmitting to something horrible that he did and it also effects me because my parents have a drink of to sometimes and they are careful and if i want to go somewhere they always say no becasue they have had a drink and they do not want to get on he rode which if eric smallvill ehad done megan and lisa would still be alive today but the message that he sends the biggest message is dont think it cant happen to you cause anything can happent o you whesther you like it or not it doesnt matter if you are the person who gets in trouble all the time of the person who gets strait a's its the point that anything can happen and that you should not do anything that you might nregret which eric hought the worse he could do was get a dui but no he killed totally innocent girls.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Mrs.Napier's presentation made alot of sense to me.She showed us the dangers of drinking and driving.And that even if your not drinking and driving you have to be aware of everything around you.
The part in the letter that meant the most to me was when he said never think it can't happen to you,don't take that chance to drive drunk and think you won't get caught or something bad won't happen. You should never take that chance.If you have been drinking do not drive. period!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Napier's presentation affected me by reminding me that Drinking for one is bad for you but that after your done, getting in a driver's seat. I almost cried at the presentation, and right now too. It is so sad that the family of Meagan and Lisa will never know what great people they'd be today. When I read Eric's letter, I learned that prison is worse than I thought. Being in a room-not a cell- with lots of people who have done even more worse crimes than he. I know that Eric is sorry, and he thinks about it everyday.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? I feel neutral right now. Like, okay, so he drinked, alot, drove, and killed. What the heck? It was his fault. No forgiveness. That is what I would do. If he killed MY daughter, he deserves to be dead to. Might sound harsh, but he killed part of me! No way. Pay for what you broke (like in the stores). He might feel guilty for for the rest of his life, but it is not my fault he drank. If I was Megan's mom I would still be depressed. How shetalked was admiring.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.Napier's presentation really opened my eyes about what drinking and driving can really do.For me the part of her letter that stood out the most to me was that he thought it would not happen to him because if he didn't think that these two girls may still be alive and he may not be in jail right now.I think it was the worst decision that he will ever make and it really made me realize that i do not want to end up like him because it effected him and the Napier family.

Anonymous said...

I felt that the mother was a very strong woman to be able to present this without cumbling into tears and to be able to bring to the car to the school. I feel that drinking and driving is an awful disision and I know I will never drink and drive because I'll never be foolish enough to even drink.This presentation had a great affect on me because I can only imagine the pain of lossing someone you love to such a foolish thing that could have been avoided.
I hope everyone at the assembly makes wise choices because we only get one life and it would be nice to live the life as long as possible.
Eric Smallridge is a great example of what could happen if you drink of drive,
he lost many rights that he once had, such as having visitors or calling his friends as well as the fact that prison is so violent, I mean we think its bad if we throw up on the side of the road with maybe only 10 people looking at us imagine being in prison with about 70 inmates of all diffrent sorts of people staring at you like a hawk while your getting sick and limited air especialy when you have a feaver.
I never wanna have to face this life because of a stupid choice that could have been avoided. I hope everyone else feels the same.

Anonymous said...

This story touched me. i can understand the pain this man caused Mrs. Napier, and she made everyone in the cafateria think hard and feel sorrow for the two beutiful women.Drinking is bad in so many ways. It was an accident that should not have happened.It can happen to all kinds of people.

Anonymous said...

that was probably one of the sadist things I've ever heard. i feel very sad for the napier family.i also have remource for the smallridges. i just hope that now people will take drinking and driving seriously.

Anonymous said...

The Prestitation was really bold. shes a really powerful speaker. (Megans Mom.) I cried the second the showed us the video of eric saying sorry to the parents of Lisa and Megan. In eric smallridges's letter one part that really stook out to me was when he was saying all the thing he took for granted. Also how he said his name isnt eric smallridge untill 11years from now. That prestentaion was an eye opener, it touched me. I cried so much that i didnt even want to see the car at the end.

Anonymous said...

Well I was unfortunately absent the day that Mrs. Napier showed us the DUI presentation. But I saw the you tube video and read the letter from Eric. It was such a powerful message to me i cried and i hope that people like Eric think twice before driving under the influence. The part of Smallridge's letter that stood out to me was when he said that he was no longer Eric but just another inmate but i really do feel that he is truly sorry about what he has done.

Anonymous said...

I think that the guy that killed her daughters should have been in jail for life. I almost cried because i know how it feels to lose someone you really love. Like for example my grandpa died just recently and my grandma is in the hospital. So i could connect and feel her pain.

Anonymous said...

her presentaion affected me by teaching me that i should always choose the write desitions. because choosing the rite desitions can save lives. the part of the letter that stands out the most for me is the part were he teaches and tells us what he did and how he was sorry.he explains that he chose to drink then drive after parting at a beach with his friends. and how he thought that he wouldnt kill anybondy that day. that taught me alot about making the rite desisions in life.

Anonymous said...

The presentation we had was a very touching one. I knew a guy that died in a car accident. It was not from drinking but still. The presentation touched me and I will never drink and drive. What shocked me most is when he was talking about how bad prison was. I never knew that much violence occured.

Anonymous said...

The letter Eric Smallridge wrote was very powerful because he put alot emotion into it and was very sorry. The video was very hurtful to Eric because he was basically crying while he was telling sorry to all the people in the court room. Which were all the friends and family. Even though it was accidental it did hurt the family alot because the mom lost 2 of her kids. Drunk Driving is very dangous, my dad said that when ur drunk it's like your in another whole world. You can't even think straight.

Anonymous said...

This presentation was very sad. When that speaker came and talked about those two girls i thought that it was sad. I will never be in that situation.

Anonymous said...

The letter Eric wrote was nice and sounded like it came from the heart. I think that it was kind of nice that they both died together since one of them made a letter sayin that she didn't want to die alone. I don't know if she meant she wanted to die with a husband or not but all I know is that she died with her sister and that was partially good about them both dying together. Even though Eric killed them, I think that it was very nice and thoughful from their parents to forgive Eric and make his sentence in prison as little as possible 11 years. The car looked horrible.

Anonymous said...

Maxel M
Period 1

the presintaion was veary said how the two young girls died in a car accident just because a guy was drinking and driving and how it would have never happened if the guy never drank and drove and what stands out to me is how he is so sorry that he killed the girls and how he trying to get the young people of this world not to drink and drive.

Anonymous said...

Megan's mom affected me by life is short and before you know it life can really change. It was great for her to come tell her daughter's story. What stood out from the letter from Eric is that he was very, very, very sorry. Also just in a blink of an eye your whole life is turned upside down.