Have you seen Obama's Victory Speech? If not, click HERE. People have said that this speech reminds them of the Martin Luther King, Jr. "I Have a Dream" Speech because it is uplifting and inspiring.
Your assignment is to post your reaction. What do you think? What specifically did you like or not like? What did you agree with or not not agree with? What touched you or bothered you? Write at least 3 complete sentences explaining your opinion. Responses to this blog are due no later than Friday, November 7th, 2008 by 3:30 pm or before.
- Include First name & Last initial and Period # under NAME/URL.
- No personal information!
- Use proper conventions of writing. Run it through word or have someone help you edit if you have to.
- This is for a grade, do your BEST!
I thought that obamas victory speech was very touching. America made the right disision when electing babrak to be the president of the united states. My favorite parts are when he said yes we can because during hard times thats what we need to tell ourselfs is "YES WE CAN" :)
Truly that was one of the most amazing speeches I have ever heard. I think it really does compare to Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream.." speech. Barack Obama is a very eloquent speaker and has touched the hearts of many Americans and has finally broken the racial boundry in American politics.Even people around the world are excited and festivities took place everywhere. I really do think Obama will be a good president and improve the lives of every single American in the United States of America and my favorite part of the speech was when he said the inspiring words "Yes We Can" I overall just thought the speech was amazing.
Wow that was a fantastic video!!!!!! I thought it was really good as you can tell! What I like about it was it dosen't matter if he was black or white even tye die we shouldn't judge people especially as our new president to come of 2009!! What I agree with was we will have a whole new government and we will be much happier when he is the the president. What touched me was that the girls are going to continue the tradition of having a dog because they worked so hard for and he will try his hardest to make a america change for the better. My opinion on this whole thing is that we will have a great president!! Now that we have him as the new president things will change for the best for example the war. Also now we will have a fresh start on things coming next year and thats a promise that he made.
I was surprised that Barrack Obama wrote a speech that sounded like the famous speech by Martin Luther King Jr. I liked the speech. It showed me that he is not a so bad president.
That was one of the best speeches i have ever heard. I liked the fact that he seemed to talk to the people ad he knew what they were going through. Where as McCain just wanted to make more money for rich people. I agreed with him on mostly everything. I think he is going to be a wonderful president.
That video was very good. I am very glad that Obama won he is going to be a good president.Also i think he is going to changes alot of things for us Americans.And maybe not make us take Fcat :] <3
I loved the speech!! It confirmed that all of America made the right choice. I think that Obama has changed the perception of people toward change. Change is great and needs to happen to secure a safe and happy future for the United States of America.
YES WE CAN!!!!!!
Honestly i dont like Barack Obama.
there is one reason for that he promises things and i doubt he can keep all of them also he promises all of these things but yet he says they may or may not get done. but enough of the negative. In the speech he said "at this time at this moment change has come" and i really like that but he also said we always will be the "United States of America" and that is true.
I thought Obamas victory speech was very intresting and good. I agree with everything he said. The united state has changed alot and can change for good agen. I believe he will make are country better and change for the good. I hope he does alot of great things for use and still has his special moments with his kids. he is are president but he is also a father and that will not change.
GO OBAMA!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):)
I think this speech was a pretty good speech. I thaught it was kind of funny when he said his daughters earned a new puppy. But personally i don't like Obama for what he wants to do with the country.
I think that obamas vicrory speach was very long and very assuring that he will run our country well and that he will makew sure that evryones needs will be met and that he will try alot harder to be president than bush anfd the video on you can vote how ever you like that was interesting.
I though that the victory speech Obama gave was very amazing. I cant believe he had the guts to be a Presidental candidate. Im glad that Obama had won and how he said it dindt matter the color of a men, because everything inside them except there thoughs was the same.
I believe that Obama is gonna take us out of this crisis that we have suffered for the last eigth years. The speech was the second greatest peach i heard,(Martin Luther Kin Jr. was first) and i hope that he changes this country for good, and do what he is suposed to do, make AMERICA happy. =D
Honestly I think Barack Obama is a brillant speaker. I think he is made to speak, not made lead our country where it needs to be.
By the way it did remind me at all about "I have a dream" speach at all.
I think that Obama's victory speech was pretty good. We need to get the countries economy strait. Plus need some change in the government.
I think that Obama's speech has turned the heads of many John McCain supporters. Many people realized that Obama was not all that they thought he was. I think that it was a very inspirational speech. I think that it sounded a lot like the Martin Luther King Jr. speech
One word, amazing. that speech was remarkable. It is a modernized version of Martin Luther King Jr's "i have a dream". I liked how he mention the people that dont have alot of money listening to their radios. Just like MLK had the ispiring words " I Have a Dream" Obama used "Yes We Can".
he is going to make a really great president, thats for sure.
I feel that Obama's speach was great and it does sound a bit like the "I have a dream" speach. I think he will be a great presdent and will handle America and fix our econimy. Very powerful stuff he can say, very powerful.
I love this speech. yes, like everyone said it was a little like the "i have a dream speech"-MLK Jr.
One of my favorite parts of this speech was when he said to his daughters "A new puppy is coming with us to the white house!" I thought that was cute and funny :]!
The final speech that Barrack Obama gave was truly amazing, it had a lot of similarity to the speech by Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a Dream",i like the part when he said "It's not about red or blue, African American or white, gay or strait, it's about America as a whole. But ofcourse the best part is when he said "Yes we can".
Obama gave a fantastic speech.
I agree with his ethics and plans for the US 100%. Obama will be a wonderful and suitable president, considering that it will take one heck of a job to clean up the failures of our current president (George W Bush). His speech was very touching and inspirational, and for the first time in US history an African American has won the presidential election.
I thought that the victory speech was good. I dont agree with something that he said.I hope he becomes a good president to the united states.
i think barack obama cares and wants to be president because he spends millions of dollars on a campain. But he also dosent put his hand across his heart. i think he should be a good president.
That was a great speech. He even congratulated John McCain from working hard even though he lost the election.
America made the right choice, no doubt about it. He is going to chance America.
I think Obamas victory speech was very giving because he thanked all the people who helped him through this tough election and debate. He shows America made the choice by electing him for president.
Wow what a good viedo and i agree we r still one country and nothing can change that. Obama told the truth about MaCain and was still nice. I am glad he won he will do good.
I really don't know what to say about it because it was confusing. I am still a kid and I don't understand politics. So his speech was okay to me because like I said I dont understand him like I heard and I understood what he was saying but it really didn't stay in me it kinda went threw one ear and out the other so the speech wasn't really important to me.
i really think obama will be a great presidant! that speach made an impact on many americans, exspecialy "YES WE CAN " . obama will probly make a great impact on america. and he deservs alot of credit for finally breaking the racial boundary in polotics.
Obama's Victory speech, as i think, was very unbelieveable. He sees so many good things for the future of our country. Obama says it will take more then one year maybe even more then one term to fix all of the mistakes made by our president previcesly. I liked that in his voice it promises change and i truely believe it and our country should, too. I agreed that he should listen to all voices and that no voice should be left unheard. I was very touched when he told the people about his grandmother and that he believed she was looking over him. I think both sides should look at him for what he is and what good he can bring. I understand there is still rasisium in this country and i dont understand why. Obama is here to bring change. Dont fight it let it play itself out. We should all give it a try.
I think that Obama's speech was very inspiring especially because he is the first African-American President. I can't wait for his "changes" to America. I also liked that his daughter Sasha got a new puppy for the White House. I also liked that he acknowledged John McCain even though he lost and I like his plans to unite America together.
Maxel M
Period 1
I thinck he made a great speech. I was not even his fan but during his speech he made a comment towards the people who didn't vote for him that he would like to earn our vote. He also only said nice thing about John McCann. He also mention and showed us all in America you can do whatever you want to do if your tried.
It was inspiring,Obama is an intelligent man that proves if you put your mind to it you can do anything.I have seen reverin Dr.Martin Luther King JR's i have a dream speech and Obama's speech reminded me of him.Some where DR.King is smiling over him i belive Obama can be a great presedent we just need to belive.
"yes we can"
I thought that the speech was awesome. There is not one thing about Barack Hussein Obama that I do not like. I am glad he won the election and he will be a legendary president. His speech was similar to Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech in the way that they both "Have a dream" to be a political Landmark in time.
Truly that was one of the most greatest speeches I have ever heard. I think it really does compare to Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream.." speech. Obama is a very good speaker and has touched the hearts of many Americans and has finally broken the racial boundry in American politics andmade history as the first black president.Even people around the world are excited and festivities took place everywhere. I really do think Obama will be a good president and improve the lives of every American in the USA and my favorite part of the speech was when he said the inspiring words "Yes We Can" I overall just thought the speech was one of the greatest in history.
I think that this was a very good speech. I liked it because wanted him to win. I also I liked it cause the change he wants. He will make things better and easier in our country and world.
James H.
I think that Obama's victory speech was very informational and inspiring. I see how people are comparing it to Martin Luther King Jr's speech. Barack is an amazing speeker and i think he will be a good president. I also belive that many people were very happy with his speech.
I thunk the speech sounds just like the marther luther king speech.He must of looked over the speech and broke it down into his own words.Thats what i think about his speech
President-Elect Barack Obama had probally one of the best speechs in American history. who would have ever thought that a African American born in hawaii woul ever be elected president. I think that it will open the mind of everyone that you can do any thing that you put your mind to.
I feel Obama's victory speech proved that we can make a difference that we need change. In our goverenment so far we have really messed up i belive in (if he wins) 2 terms he can put us on the right track. It would help people from losing their homes and or jobs.
I am so glad that Obama won!!!! I voted for him the other day. Now I'm ready for them to kick Bush out of the white house and kick Obama in.The victory speech was good reminds me of Martin Luther King jr.Now I'm so glad the election is over and people can stop debating at school.:P
Obama's speech was touching. I never heard anyone speak like that about our country. In the school election I voted for obama and so did my parents. He says there will be change and I believe it. One of the best speeches ever. And now I can say I saw the speech of the first black president.
Even though I did not want senertor Obama to win this years presidential election I though his speech was very touching and insperational.Too many people do not understand how this years election made history in so many ways such as having the first African American president.All and all I'm suprised at what a good speech he had. =]
that speech was awesome. It was allot like martin luther king's I have a dream speech.It really grabbed my attention instead of me just hearing, blah blah blah. . . .
I think that Obama gave a great and inspiring speech! It sounded very much like the "I have a Dream" speech that Martin Luther King Jr. gave. I think Ombama's speech will be a very famous speech like "I Have a Dream". His speech gave many people hope. That's why I think it was a great speech =]
To start off I am happy that Barack Obama is going to be our new President of the United States. Barack is a very smart man and almost reminds me of George Washington, mostly because he is more of a real person. His speeches are always inspiring which is why his speech not just this one could be compared to Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" to break the color barrier. Which again Barack has done by becoming our nation's first African American President. Not just his speeches should be compared to the speech but him as a person and Barack's saying "Time For Change" and "Yes We Can" is reflecting him as the person we need to change this country to the better and not the worse.
Wow that speech was long.But it was very touching.He was very positive about what will happen in his term.He does remind me of Martin Luther King Jr's I have a dream speech because he went out to every bodys heart.
I find that the speech given by Barak Obama was inspiring due to fact that not just his words but life story is the American dream. Also the speech he gave I though was good because he didnt just say I did it he said we did it and the people that helped him do it did it and I respect that. I think Obama will be a great president.
I think Mr. President was to the point and quick. He said all the right things. It does remind me of Martin Luther King's speech. It was touching.. I am glad he is our president.
I liked the video alot because its inspiaring. I think Obama is going to be a great president. He did a very good speech and im happy he is our new president.
I thought the victory speech that Obama gave was astounding. His reminded me somuch of Martin Luther King Jr. Just from that speech everybody knows he's going to be a great president. Personally i think he's going to be one of america's next greatest presidents.
I think obamas speech was very good an. america defffinaly choose the right president of united states. i like that he is our president of the united states because he is very smart.
i personaly hate obama and his victory speech didnt match with what he said he was going to do before he was elected.like in his speech he said everyone has to make sacrifices,but before he said no one had to do anything.
i really liked Obama's speech. He was very intimate and explained everything someone would need to know to make make their vote. I voted for mccain but after watching his speech, i would of voted for Obama.
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