Your assignment is to post a comment about some of the most important things that you are thankful for! (Minimum three well-written, complete sentences.) Comments are due by Friday, 11/28 at 3:30 pm!
Just because I like it so much... I am sharing one of my favorite Thanksgiving poems below. So, what do you think?
Point of View
by Shel Silverstein
Thanksgiving dinner's sad and thankless
Christmas dinner's dark and blue
When you stop and try to see it
From the turkey's point of view.
Christmas dinner's dark and blue
When you stop and try to see it
From the turkey's point of view.
Sunday dinner isn't sunny
Easter feasts are just bad luck
When you see it from the viewpoint
Of a chicken or a duck.
Oh how I once loved tuna salad
Pork and lobsters, lamb chops too
'Til I stopped and looked at dinner
From the dinner's point of view.
I love thanksgiving, espesially for all the food. I am very thankful for having a family that loves me and a community with activities that has tons of different things I can participate in. Also, I am thankful for friends that stick with me through the ups and downs, and such a great teacher like Mrs. Santana.
Christmas is my favorite holiday because of the presents. But truly thanksgiving I think is the best because it is the one time of year that I can sit down with my family and thank them for all that they have done for me. Like most important is for bringing me into this world and teaching me to care and be gentle with one another. And friends are anther big thing to be great full about because good friends will help you every step of the way. That’s why I love thanksgiving so much. PS I like the poem to.
Wow, I would have to say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! I say that because I love spending time with my family.I have a big family on my dads side because he was 5 other brothers and they all live here. So everyone makes a dish. So I am thankful for my family being so close. I can tell them about anything going on in my life. That we have a roof over are heads and a shoes under my feet. My sports. My friends play a major part in my life so I am thankful for that. Thankful for having 3 great years at Pioneer. Put most important is that I am thankful for having a great team. I am going to miss them when I go to high school.
All year around, I am thankful for everything. During thanksgiving though, I am especially thankful for everything. I am thankful of me living through two surgeries, my mom living through four surgeries, my dad being my best friend. I am thankful of my puppy Kira for making me happy everyday through her silliness and her specialness, my grandparents still living at eighty-three and still being married for fifty-nine years, and my Aunt and Uncle still being her today. And best of all, I am thankful of god for giving me a spectacular life that I’m proud to live and would not change one thing about. And I’m also thankful of Mrs. Santana giving me a good grade on this blog.
Thanksgiving is a really good part of the year. We get to think about all the things we are thankful for and get to spend time with all your family. Some things I am thankful for is having such a great and loving family that cares about me. I am also thankful for having a roof over my head. There are TONS of people in the United States that dont have homes, and I am thankful for that. Also, i am thankful for having such an AWESOME, AMAZING, INCREDIBLE teacher such as Mrs. Mogan!!!
Thanksgiving is a good holiday. For many reasons such as, it is the holiday that you can be thankful for having a wonderful family that cares about you, also I have 2 amazing dogs Boomer and Angel. Everyone in my family and myself are healthy. When Thanksgiving is going on, I get to see my cousins that I rarely get to see and they are really fun to hang around with. Last but not least, I am thankful that I have such amazing troops that support this country. I also liked the poem.
Thanksgiving is defiantly one of my most favorite holidays.I have a few things I am thankful for.To start off with,I am thankful for my family,They`re not perfect but are always there for me and I couldn`t really ask for more.I am also thankful for my friends,If it wasn`t for them I would probably not make it through a whole day of school.I am also thankful for life.There are some more things i`m thankful for but I don`t want to end up taking up the whole page.P.s. I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is one of the best holiday's because you get to gather with family.The other good part is the food!I am very thankful for my family and my friends.
After eating so much food on Thanksgiving that I can hardly breathe I realize how thankful I am to have such a great family, to live in such a great place, and to have such amazing people in my life. I am so thankful for having such a great education too.Also, the Thanksgiving poem is so cute and true, because once you have yourself in you foods' point of view you feel sad and bad for it.
I am thankful for many things. But I have learned that you should thing more about the people you are thankful for because things will come and go but people like my Brother, Mom, best friend Luis, and my Aunt and Uncle are there and will never go. But for the time being I am thankful for my house, food, cloths, sports, and music. But of course I am thankful for my teacher Mrs. Santana for giving me a good grade on this. =)
and ms santana
This Thanksgiving I am thankful for my family and friends who are always there for me through all the good and sad times. Also because they support me. I can not wait for Thanksgiving because of the food and realizing what is important and what I am thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving =].
I absolutely love thanksgiving. It’s a time for you and your family to spend time with each other and share what you’re thankful for. I’m extremely thankful for everything this world gives us each day. I’m also thankful for a loving and caring family that loves me more than the turkey on their plates :)
Wow. This poem was really odd. I like it though, no one ever stops to think dinner from the dinner's point of view. Anyways, I am thankful for umm... Money. Yeah, Money. And Guitars. Yeah. And my family and friends... I guess... Except for James. He's stupid. Just kidding. Okay, in all seriousness, I am grateful for the family and friends I have. Just don't tell anybody.
Jestin C. PERIOD 4
I love thanksgiving because we give the rest over food to others or the people who are in need. I am thankful for my parents for taking care of me and for meeting all my needs. I am also thankful for the teachers who helped me to study, learn and to pass 7th grade.
thanks give is a time of faimly friend and good time but on thanks giveing its long way from that only one thank giveing was normal but the rest caose i mean at the rnd of it the choclate cake gravey mud truky pie even blood all over the place it takes like 3 to 4 days just to clean up
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It’s a time were my family and I can get together and spend some time catching up on one another's life. Usually my Aunt, Uncle, Grandma, Grandpa, cousin, other Grandpa, great grandma, and then my mom, dad, sister and me all go to my house, where my mom, sister, and me cook up this big Thanksgiving dinner. It’s a very special time, but this year is different because my Aunt, Uncle, Grandpa, Great grandma, and cousin aren’t coming. They are going up north for to my great Aunts house. This year it will be my grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, sister, sister’s boyfriend, and me. I'm excited though. I’m great full for everything in my life. I’m most great full for my family. I was lucky enough to be blessed with both of my parents not getting devious. My parents are happily in love and nothings going to change that! I’m also most grateful because I am blessed to have amazing friends. I’m always reminded that it’s not how many friends you have but how good the friends are. I have many friends and 3 very special best friends. You need friends to get threw life, my friends help me threw everything. Threw the good and the bad I know I can count on them. The last thing I’m most grate full for is the fact that im healthy. There are so many people in this world battling cancer, starvation, diseases and so much more. I’m healthy, never had a broken bone, never had a cavity, im pretty bless that I can just live my life right now with no worries about when im going to have to go to the hospital, when im going to pass out, and everything else. I have an amazing life and even though I don’t always get what I want a lot of people have it so much worse out there. We take too much for Granit but try having no home, no food, living in a cardboard box. That type of life would suck. We should all be grateful for everything we have because we never know when it going to be taken away from us. Also I was reading you favorite poem Mrs. Santana and I didn’t understand it this first time, or the second, but the third time it clicked. That poem is really funny and I can see myself laughing about it like and hour later haha. Well I hope you have an amazing and grate full Thanksgiving weekend and I hope you as grate full as I’m am, were all lucky even if we don’t think so.
Thanksgiving is always great. Whether i have family coming over to eat the huge turkey or not. We normally have family come over to devour the turkey, but this year they all canceled. But I still have the rest of my family. I'm thankful for having the family I do. Also I'm thankful for the friends I have, if not for them i wouldn't be where I am or who I am. Everybody I know has influenced me in some way. Whether good or bad. I'm also thankful because I can always count on my friends to have my back, to be there when i really need them. I'm also thankful that Mrs. Santana made us do this blog because it really got me to think about what I have that many people don't.
Some of the most important things that i am thankful for are having a great family that will always be there for me and never let me down. I also am thankful that my parents still have there jobs. I also am thankful for having amazing friends they mean so much to me and could not live a day without them! There are so many thing that i am lucky and thankful to have!! ;] <3
Some of the things that i am most greatful for is most important my family. They are the ones who make me smile when i am done in the dumps. I am also thankful for my friends who make me laugh until I pee my pants. Last is food which makes my tummy all warm and full.
I am thankful for so many things. One of the things I am thankful for is my family because they do so much for me. Also I am thankful for all of the things I have. The poem made me really think about the foods point of view and what I am eating.
I love thanksgiving, its one of my favorite holidays. I love the food and eating with my whole family, and all of us beign together at the same time, but this one is going to be my worst. My grandpa died on Monday so i am going to another country. I am not going to be so happy with the fact i cant spend more times with him. I actually prayed with my parents the day before his death, and i prayed hoping he will stay just one chrismas, just one thanksgiving!. Well i will atleast get to feast with the rest of my family, and hope to have a great day. I Hope u all have a great day.
I love thanksgiving, and all that yummy food. The things that I am most thankful for are my family, also for having home and food to eat. I am also thankful for having such wonderful teachers. And also for having a good friends. I thankful for this and more!
The only parts of Thanksgiving I like are seeing my family and eating food. Iam thankful for rock. It is a gift from the gods. I am thankful for all of my friends and my family. I am also thankful for my most prized possession, my guitar. I cannot live without it.
I love thanksgiving too. The food is great but, i lke getting together with both my familys. I am thankful for having my mom. I also am thankful for my health, my dog, and my friends. I like eating all the food too.
I am really thankful for my family because I don't know where i would be with out them. I am also thanful for my athletic ablities because it makes me really good at sports. The other thing I am thankful for is to have a roof over my head because there are a lot of people in the world that don't.
Thanksgiving is one of the biggest holidays of the year. Its the day when your family (no matter how big) gets together and eats a turkey. All the stores are closed and you stay home and cook the dinner. But during this time you are thinking what do I have to be thankful for? I can tell you I have alot. I am thankful for having a group of people that I can come home to and that love me for who I am. I am thankful that my dad is able to put me and my sisters in activities in the community. I am thankful that I have friends that will be there for me whenever I need them. Thats what I am thankful for! :)
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holydays because of al the food ;). Im also very thankful for the things I have. I alwys enjoy Thanksgiving. Its also important because of its history with the Pilgms.
I enjoy thanksgiving because of the food(mostly)and it brings all my family together from PA. and sometimes from Cuba(as a suprise for everbody). It's the best time of year for me it makes me happy to see everyone together.I am truly thankful for my family, my friends,all the things I have,and happiness.
The things that I am most thankful for are my parents, friends, and technology. My parent give me much love and take care of me. It is because of them that I live in this country. I am also thankful for my friends because they are there when you need them. You are never alone when you have friends. It would be hard to live without technology. I am thankful for the assistance it provides for homework and for fun.
I don't really celebrate thanksgiving but I am thankful for a lot of stuff. I am thankful for having a big family who loves me and for my great home. I am also thankful for having so many friends all around the world that are always there for me. And lastly for all my wonderful teachers who teach me so much (and gives me good grades). I have seen that poem before and it is pretty sad but not enough to turn me into a vegetarian. I also liked the picture...is that Big Bird they are eating?
This Thanksgiving I am going to my cousins house. We will have a big turkey. I am thankful for having a roof over my head,and food on my plate. Like my mom always says. HAPPY THANKSGIVING.
I cant wait for thanksgiving!!! I am thankful for many things but the one most important thing i am really thankful for is the family i have! i am also thankful for the home i live in and the opportunity to spend a such special day like this with the people i love:)
I am very thankful for my family they mean every thing to me. I’m also thankful for my amazing friends they are always there for me in the bad and in the good .I’m also thankful that me grandparents are still here and nothing bad has happened I don’t know what I would do with out them.
Now that's thanksgiving i'm going to tell you all the things that i'm thankfull of. Well i'm thanksfull of my mom and dad for giving me all that i never thuold i would have and puting me is such great with such great teachers. And i'm thanksfull of my mom too because she always kept my hopes up and never letting me down.
I think Thanksgiving one of my favorite holidays. Because of the great food and it's a great time to think about what your thankful for. Im thankful for having a family that cares about me and that we live in a free country.
I am thankful for a lot of things all year round, but when it comes to Thanksgiving, I think about what I am thankful for. I am thankful for my family & friends who love me & are always there for me when I need them. I am also thankful for my puppy, Ping Pong, because she always makes me happy even if I'm having a bad day. And finally, I am thankful for being healthy & happy.
P.S. I LOVE the poem because I LOVE Thanks giving but the food really doesn't! ;]
I am thankful for lots of things. I realized that i dont have any problems in life and some people have lots of problems and dont even want to live. It could be alot worse than it alreafy is. I am also thankful for a great family and all my friends that are cool. I hope to see my family and be with them this thursday.
I love Thanksgiving really for all its food. I am thankful that I have a very healthy,happy, and cool family. Thankful that I have really cool teachers and that I have a family that cares for me. I am grateful for everything that I have and two loving parents.
Thanksgiving is just might be a fancy name for a time that we thank for all we got. Personally, every morning that i wake up, i take just five minutes to think about all thae great things that god provides us with. The list is long but i will state only the most important things in life that i appreciate.big warm loving family, A warm bed to sleep in at night, food and water that i LOVE, friends that saty and support you you throughout your life and god that gave us all these things to enjoy from. Not all people have what me and you have. We have to be thankfull not just in thanksgiving day, but everyday.
I enjoy Thanksgiving because of all the sharing we get to do with or families and friends.We also get to help out some people in need by donating some perishable foods. I also get to enjoy all the delicious food I eat that night, there's a variety of cooked food and deserts.
Thanksgiving is probably one of my favorite holidays.The food is awsome & we get two days off of school.Also you get to think about what your thankful for but I have many.The thing im most thankful for is that I have a big family that cares about me(and teachers).
Thanksgiving is not one of my favorite holidays but its one of the most important one. I am thankful that the troops are fighting for our country. I am also thankful to have food on my plate everyday. Also to have people that love me and that i care much about around a big table :)
I've always loved thanksgiving because it makes me realize how lucky I truely am. I mean every single day we take the simple things for granted like being able to eat dinner or have a cell phone or even having a computer. Right now there are SO many people who can't afford simple things like toothpaste or deordernt yet when we can't get a shirt we liked at the store we get upset, I think that we need to wake up and understand that theres people who have it worse, and thats what I'm thankful for, I'm thankful to be able to have a roof over my head, to eat dinner and as odd as it sounds to have a tube of toothpaste in my bathroom. I always do the food drives during thanksgiving because I realize how thankful the familys you give too are. I know that I'm very thankful for everything I have and I hope everyone gives thanks this thanksgiving.
I am thankful for everything in my life. Thanksgiving is just a time to look back on your family and tell them you love them. Evan though you should tell them that each and every day. I love Thanksgiving because you also forget about your problems. It is cool to do that considering I have so many. I hope all our teachers on my team have a great Thanksgiving. I love turkeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
thanksgiving is a time for my family to come together. I am very thankfull for them! I love spending time with them. My family tradition is to go to tree tops park for the whole day. Everybody brings food and there is always way too much. We all have so much fun!
Thanksgiving is very important to me because of the food and family reunion. I am thankful for living in the United States. I am also thankful for my liberties and rights that comes with being a citizen of the United States. Lastly, I am thankful for having a sturdy roof to live under and a supportive family.
Im very thankful for my aunt and uncle taking me and loving and taking care of me.Im also thankful for having all of these amazing people in my life I love them all. I'm happy where I am in life and I'm proud of who I am (I could do better in school though). And I'm sooo thankful for having Mrs.Santana as my teacher!!haha :) I really do though.
I think that the poem is ironic because usually when you eat dinner especially for the holidays you never think about the animal's point of view. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because I get to spend it with my loving family. But I am thankful for of course my family who will always be there when I need them. My house and all the food in it because some people around the world don't get to eat or sleep whenever they want to because they don't have anything. And I am also thankful for my friends because they make me laugh and help me get through school. Also I'm thankful to go to A+ school with A+ teacher like Mrs.Santana.
Some of the things i am thankful for are my family, my friends and how I can eat thanksgiving dinner with my family.I am thankful that i can see my mom all the time.Also that i can see my friends and hangout with them during and after school.Last i am thankful that i can have a thanksgiving dinner with my friends and my family and thats what the poem made me think of.
I love thanksgiving. It truly is one of my favorite holidays for many reasons. One is because of the food. IT seems like there is enough food to last a life time. In my opinion, Thanksgiving marks the start of the Christmas season. The season seems to fill everyone with joy. The thing i like the best about Thanksgiving is being with all my family. I get to see family that i barely see and then the ones i see everyday. Being with everyone really shows me what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for my family because there always there for me and they've taught me to become who i am today. I'm also thankful for all my friends. They always know just what to do when I'm down and can always keep me smiling. Last but not least, I am thankful for having a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, and clothes to wear.
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I am thankful for the food I have and to Be surrounded by the people who love me most. This year I am especally thankful to have alot of out of town guests.
I am thankful for very many things. I am very thankful for my family and my horse ,without my horse i dont know what i would do. I am very thankful for the delicious food that we had today except you know the turkety did not have that much fun but i sure had a fun time eating it. Last but defenatly not least i am also very thankful for getting to spend a day with my family and expessially with my brother with all the serguie he had been throuhg he could have not even been alive and i am glad to have him here with me today. I am thankful for much more but if i kept going it would be 2050 befor i finished
thanksgiving is one of my favorite holiday, what I'm especially thankful for is the food, the turkey is kind of dry but when i add the gravy, is good to go, I'm also thankful for my family, and also the activities that our communities has like opening the mall at midnight, me and my family are going, after it I'm going to be really tired.
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