January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's 2010!  It's a new year and a new decade.  It's the time of year when a lot of people take a step back and evaluate their lives.  They set up goals or resolutions for themselves to have a better, happier, healthier and more successful year.  Some of you and your families may have already made some resolutions.  If you haven't, take a few moments to think about the things in your life you'd like to change or improve.  Ask yourself what you can do to make 2010 a better year.

Your Assignment: Write AT LEAST 4 COMPLETE AND WELL-WRITTEN sentences about YOUR GOALS and/or RESOLUTIONS for the new year.  Your comment is due no later than Friday at 3:30 pm.

Take a look at this link.  There's a cute video that illustrates the point that many of us go through life making the same mistakes with the same results, yet we do not change!  There are also some tips on setting goals.  Of course, the guy who made the website is trying to sell something (probably his New Year's resolution to make some money in 2010!), but ignore that part. 


josh t p4 said...

Some og my goals and resoultions in 2010 is mainly to keep my grades above a c i always have bad grades but now i want to start trying to get better grades and im going to try in school and do all of my homework and work hard on test

Ryan .O-Per.4 said...

Well Happy new year!!!
I always have many diffent new year resolutions. So i pick which ones i know i can do and continue to do for the whole year. Now one of my resolutions is to work on my left foot in soccer. Because it is really good to work with both feet. That is my main thing that i need to do for the year and i'm still thinking of more.

grantf. per.4 said...

My new years resolution is to get A's and B's in all my classes. I want this to happen because since i was in 3rd grade i would always get pretty bad grades and ive never gotten A's and B's i really want to do it but i never can. Sometimes i get close to it but never actually done it. So thats my new years resolution for 2010.

Sam D P 3 said...

My first New Year resolution will be to stop cursing as much as I do now. My second resolution will be to get better grades in all my classes. My third resolution will be to behave a little better in some of my classes. My last resolution will be to eat better foods then I do now. Those are all my New Year resolutions. Thanks for reading.

Ariel D Period 5 said...

My new year resolution or goals is to to stay on task and dont let anything get in my way of school work.Another one of my goals is to stay heathly and not to get hurt but it will be rare for me not to get hurt but that is ok with me. I am gald that it is a new year because I can make a fresh and clean start. I have a feeling that this year will be a good year. Happy new year!!!!!!

Connor B. Per-4 said...

My New Year's goal is to make better grades. Evreyone always says that but I'm doing it for real this time. I used to get a lot of D's and F's last year, but right now I have A's and B's. I hope to keep it up and do a lot better.

Nicholas S. per.1 said...

My goals for the new year is to pass the fcat.Because all of my cousins go the school.I also want to improve on my baseball skills so i can be successful.I am very good but want to get better.And also stop procrastinating because some times i have to do it the last minute.

Christa B-P2 said...

My New Years resolution is to exercise more. I want to start running everyday and maybe start yoga. Also, I want to get more sleep. I would like to be sleeping by 10:30-11:00pm. That way I have more energy during the day. :)

Alexandra B- P.2 said...

This year my resolution was to take care of my new baby brother (Brian) free of charge. I loved doing this because I know how to take well care of him and know how to put him to sleep. I think that's the most useful advantage because when he's home he only stops crying to eat or sleep. My goals are to spend more time with my family, get an A in math, do my work faster and lastly, to pass the entrance exam into the highschool where my sister goes. Ta-dahh!

lucas r. per 1 said...

my new years resolutions are to pass all my classes in the third quter.I want to get all A's so I can pass the 8 grade with out having to struggleing at the last second.

Summer Auld Per 4 said...

New years is a great time if the year i feel like it gives people a chance to step back and look at there lifes and see thing the could be better and things that are aready good. As far as what i wanna change for 2010 i really am happy with the way things are.

spencer s pd2 said...

I have set many resolutions for myself this year. First, I am going to try to be more organized, Next, I will try to not save everything until the last minute. I am also going to try to treat my brothers and parents with more respect.

Kristin G-P4 said...

My new year's resolution is to improve my grades. I really want to get straight A's for the third quarter. I want to improve my grades because it is one of my goals and I will feel proud of myself. Another one of my new year's resolution's is to eat healthier and get more exercise. Happy 2010(:

Ashley G p1 said...

My new year's resolution is to eat healthier. Eating healthier will help prevent me from getting sick, and keep me in shape. Also, my new year's goal is to get better grades. By studying more I should reach this goal. Happy 2010!

Austin S. P.2 said...

One goal that I have this year is to better understand spanish and to possible start speaking the language. Another goal that I have is to get straight A's for the remainder of the year. I also want to do well on the FCAT. My final goal for the 2010 year is to travel to Washington D.C. with my family to explore our nations capital.

Samanthap. Pd.5 said...

My goals this new year is to get better grades. Also to turn in all my work on time. I also need to work harder. Finally I'm going to try my best at everything i do!!!

KayleeSHAP per3 said...

My new years resolution is to get good grades and try to be a better student. I really want to get straight A's. Another one of my new years goals is to be nicer to people. I dont really have that many resolutions. All I can say is that id like to be a better, heathier person then who I am right now. (Hint, hint: im not really very healthy.) Oh yea and id love to learn spanish I mean im half cuban and I dont know a single world so I think knowing it could come in handy. :)

Andrew b p5 said...

This was a good new years and I do have a new years resolution. My new years resolution is to do better In school to get good grades. Also work on my behavior becuase that has a little adjusting to be done to. My mom says your behavior effects your grades and now I'm starting to believe that's true. Yes I'm finally first this time so haaaaaaaaa in your face.

Jessica F-P2 said...

I have three main goals for 2010. The first one is to do well in school. I want to study hard and maintain good grades the whole year. The second one is to eat healthier and exercise more. I eat a lot of junk food and I don’t get that much exercise, and that’s not a good combination. My third resolution is to spend a lot of time with the people I love.

SamanthaS P-5 said...

I'm the first one to comment!!! Well there are a lot of things that I would like to do in this new year. I really need to get my grades up and keep them up. I also plan on training my horse to get her ready for showing. My parents also think that it would good if i get a job at Publix when I turn fourteen. I think I will because I will have more money to buy things I want. HAPPY NEW YEAR 803!!!!!!:)

Stan J. per. 2 said...

New years is an amazing time to set up your new year's goals. In 2010 i'm going to do great in school and in sports. I wanna reach my potential in everyting. I wanna work really hard. Happy new year and have a great 2010.

Ali H P5 said...

Some of my goals for 2010 are to get good grades and straighten up. my grades are horrible right now and i cant fail. i have to try now and get good grades or ill be grounded forever. thats one of my goals

WilliamJ p5 said...

I really havnt set any goals yet but if i had to i guess they would be. To try harder in school. Bring up all my Ds to Cs or better. To stay out of trouble. Qnd i still dont get why people are saying happy new year because its still anotherr wensday.

Sivan.C. p4 said...

my goals for 2010 are to try harder in school and get better greads , i would also like to try to be nicer to my brothers and stop telling them what to do .
im gonna also try to stop being rude ot parents and be nice
& more respactful to them.
and not to stress to much over nothing , and thats all .
Happy New yearr :)

ShelbyHodgesP2 said...

For the new year I think everybody has the ability to improve in something. My new years resolution is to get good grades. I also want to be able to pass the science FCAT. I also want to be able to do ALL of my homework. (:

joseph M p1 said...

My goals for the new year are to bring up my math grade to a c or higher. also i want to be able to in prove in my pitching in base ball and make the team in high school not only jr but varsity. outher than that this new year is turning to be spectacular already.

SpencerP P2 said...

Every year I always make two goals for myself to accomplish. Then when I do accomplish them I feel very happy. My first goal for the new year is to get straight A's for the remainder of eigth grade. That way I would have straight A's for every quarter in middle school. My next goal is to work on my kick in soccer. By the end of the season I would like to be able to curve the ball in and out.

Anthony M per.5 said...

Resolutions of mine would be to loose one hundred pounds so I can weigh one hundred and four pounds again. Another resolution of my would be to not be the only eighth grader in this school for five years because i don't wanna be here. The next one is to get a girlfriend. My final resolution would be to stop eating because I am really getting fat and I hate it because people make fun of me and that is not nice.

just keep pushing yourself forward and you can get what you achieve.

HaleyF@P5 said...

My goals for the New Year 2010 is to get a job at publix when i turn 14 on Independence day!Also,to improve my grades,and ive been doig a little better and still trying!And to also to do everything on my own cause i really want to grown up and do the advance adult stuff so i can work and pay bills and make my own money for things!Being more responsible and concentrated on everything and to have FUN!!!

Majeda M. P2 said...

I really don't have a resolution this year, just like other years. If I had to think of one it would be getting higher grades in math. But a goal in my life is to be a brain surgeon or a gynecologist. Happy New Year to all!

Jenny L _ p.5 said...

Some of my goal for this year is to first, improve my grades by getting more A's and B's. Second, not to eat so much junk food hehe. Then third is to also improve in being responsible at home. Hopefully I could do all these things this year.

Christina A. pd.2 said...

I have three main goals in 2010. First, I want to be more organized and not procrastinate. I would like to write in my agenda more and do my work early. My second goal is to finish reading the Harry Potter series. I'm on book four and I can't even break into the hundreds, so I would like to try my best before the year ends to finish the series. My last goal is to exercise more. I am a swimmer but I would like to add running or basketball to my exercise. Happy New Year!!

Anthony C - Per.1 said...

One of my new year resolutions is to get good grades and pass all of my classes. I want to do this so I can better classes in high school because I want to go to a good collage. Thats about my only new years resolutions.

Sean R. P3 said...

My new years resolution is first to get all A's in my classes. Second, it is to get better at basketball. My third resolution is to stop fighting with my brother and be nicer to him. My last is to get better at Call Of Duty the video game.

Julianna C. Period 3 said...

I have many goals for this year. I really want to work on my grades and study a lot. I want to start working out and being healthy. I really want to work on the resolutions i have this year because i always make goals and i never do them ! Anyways happy new year !

Jordan J pd 2 said...

Happy late New Year. I usually make a resolution every year, but i didnt this year. If i had to make a resolution it would probably to get straight A's or to not forget any homework at home. Happy late New Year Good Night.

OwocT per2 said...

Happy New Year mrs. Santana! My new years resolution for 2010 is to get straight A's. i have always gotten decent grades (A's, B's, and the occasional C) but my mom would really like me to step up my game and get straight A's. i always used to get straight A's or eally close to them in 5th grade but middle school is alot harder than elementary school.

Shawn G PD-2 said...

Happy new year!!!!!

I don't really like new years resolutions because i feel that most people don't follow through with them. So hear are mine, get better grades and drink less soda. So that's my 2010 resolutions/goals.

Ashley A - P.2 said...

My firt new years resolution is to get better at basketball. It is my favorite sport and I want to be as good as I can be. My second new years resolution is to be a nicer and happier person. My third new years resolution is to eat healthier and lose some of my unwanted weight. My final resolution is to study more and do better in school. I hope everyone has a great year!

hayleep per-5 said...

I alot of goals and resolutions in 2010 is to straight A's for my grades, and another goal is be a great person i can be and show respect to my peers and classmates around me ..WELCOME 2010!!!!!!!!!

shakeel r. P2 said...

My new year resolution is to do even better in school, and retire from my Halo 3 career. I would also like to improve my left drive in basketball. This would make me a much better B ball player. Happy new year!

Sam D... P2 said...

I usually don't waste my time with resolutions of the new year. Nobody ever follows through with them. This year is probably going to be the same. My "resolution" is to focus more in school and bring my grades up. I haven't been doin so great recently and would like to do better.

keithG-p2 said...

My New Year's resolution this year is to train my new dog and to treat my brother a little nicer. I got this boxer and he's a lot of work. He's uncontrollable and makes messes in the house. I need to train him or he'll go back to the humane society. And I really should be a little easier on my little brother.

victoria c. per1 said...

I have alot of goals for 2010. My first goal is to get straight A's and B's, I know I can but sometimes I get a little lazy and that brings my gardes down alot. The next goal I want to do is to stop talking back to my parents, well that's my main goal. Another goal is to learn how to do front flips, I think it would be awesome if I did.

DerrickGp6 said...

My goals for 2010 are to try my harest and never give up. My resoultions are to save money cause the encomic time and every one needs to save money. There one more thing at that is to be a better skater. Tis time I want to go all the way to the finally.

Anonymous said...

Ved S. P4
One of my New Years resolutions are to make better grades. This quarter my grades were very low, and I know for a fact I could do a whole lot better. Also I do want to go to high school next year, and I do also want to go to a good college so i have to get better grades. So that's my New Years resolution and I'm not going to slack off even little.

Rachel B per. 1 said...

First i want to say, HAPPY NEW YEAR! i'm surprised most there's no resolutions about losing weight yet(just kidding!). my resolution is to get my life back on track. whether it's for school or my social life, i hope that my family and friends will support me through this. and finally, HAPPY NEW YEAR! IT'S 2010!

avivAP2 said...

My new years resolutions are to do better in soccer. This year i wasn't voted on to the all-star team. I want to work harder and try more to get on next year. One more resolution is that is that I always wanted to get straight A's, in third grade I got them and that was the only time. I am sure that this year i will be able to do it again. Happy New Years.

Maddy G p.2 said...

I think that my new year's resolution is to study more, because i always find myself very disappointed when i dont do as well as i hoped thhen I remember that I didnt study and thats probably the reason I didnt do so well...

Kathryn K. Per.1 said...

Happy New Years Everyone...

My New Years Resolution is to try to get straight a's in school. I keep getting A's and B's. I will try harder to get better grades that will make them straight A's. I hope I get straight A's Next Quarter.

jessicahper1 said...

For my new year resoultions I just want to have a good year. Also maybe bring up my grades a little more so I can get into collage.Also this year I am turning 14 so that means i can get a job so there for a goal is also get a job. So therefor those are my new year resoultions.

ChrisC. per.1 said...

One of my resolutions for the new year is i will wor k hard to acheive this goals a tough challenge butto keep my grades up or raise my grade. I know its a challenge but i will work hard to acheive this gaol.

Noah H. Per.4 said...

Some of the goals that i havenow for 2010 are to get really good grades for the rest of the school year. Another goal I have is to be able to pass the FCAT. There are the main goals I have for the year.

Robert W Period 1 said...

My 2010 resalutions are getting good grades. Another new years goal is making the Thunder Hockey team in May. Third is visiting my friends in Wisconsin because i miss them. Last but not least is not getting a detention because last year in Wisconsin I got like 50 In 7th grade and i dont want that to happen again!

allisonp p1 said...

I never really make goals because i never do them. the only thing i can think of is do better in school and do homework. ilike i said the whole goal thing is not my thing its hard to follow something all year when most the time you cant. i guess the only thing i can do is keep my grades up because i have all d and c thats not good to me.

Cory R. P1 said...

happy new year everyone! some of my new year resolutions are to get better grades. Also maybe try to behave a little bit better in school. And thats about it i guess...

brandon v per1 said...

My goals are to do good in chool and keep all my a's and b's. My resolutions are to take up more sports. I also want to try to get more after school activites.

Keden R p1 said...

My new years resolution is to keep up my ok grades and pass the fcat so i can go to high school. And this year i want to do amazing on the fcat.

michaely per.1 said...

I have lots of New Year’s resolutions. But one that I’m really going to try the hardest on is get better grades in the third quarter. another one of my new year’s resolution is to make the team I’ve been thinking of making since the beginning of the year for paintball.

blake m p.3 said...

My new years resolution is to pass school and not be such a bad kid like i was this past summer. I've made some wrong choices but this year i'm gonna try to better myself. That won't be the only thing i would want to change but i can't think of anything else right now.

Frankie PP2 said...

Some of my goals are to do better in school. I really want to do better and to get better grades. Another goal is to be a nicer person. I want to be nicer to people.

MonicaSpd2 said...

I have three New Years Resolutions.Firstly to improve my handwriting.Secondly to eat healthier.Lastly to get straight A's for the rest of the year!

David S P2 said...

I have some resolutions that I still need to work on. One of them is to get straight A's at least on one of these quarters. My second resolution is to try to learn more songs to play on the guitar. that's about all I can think of now...so let's do it again in 2010!

Lexis. R / P.4 said...

My New Year's Resolution is to, stop being lazy. I know im a lazy person and i need to do better in school so that's one of my New Year's Resolution's. Another is to pay attention, Because I know I dont do that. So I hope I do better than how I'm doing now for next quarter.

Alicia J P.3 said...

My new year resolutions are to get better grades. Also to work harder in school. Mabye try to be a little more social with others. And finally I will try to work harder on my homework.


GabrielM per.3 said...

My new years resoltion is to get better grades in school im off to a bad start though i already got grounded for getting an f on an assignment this week so lets see how the third quarter goes.

Arnie Cper3 said...

My goals are to succesfully get threw middle school. And make it to high school. but first i have to get straight A's at least one time. I dont really work to hard in school but my biggest goal is to change my attitude and start trying as hard as i can to work hard and succesfully go to high school.

AmberSM-p.3 said...

honestly, i never think of "resolutions". but if i were to have one it would be to get back into dance. i took a year off, and i really seem to miss it. Also to be active, and keep my grade up.

billy. m per.3 said...

Well for my resoultions have to be grades, get homework done on time and to study more for test. My grades are ok but they can be better. I normaly get my homework on time if I even do it. And i really need to study a lot more.

Brandon A. P3 said...

Happy New Year everyone. I haven't really made any resolutions this year, but I think I will make a few now. One thing I want to do better this year than last is pick my friends wisely. I trusted some good friends and got in alot of trouble. Another thing is to get better grades. I really want to get A's and B's on my report card but i always end up with that one C. One last thing i would like to resolve is my lack of attention. I never could pay good attention to anything important, and I want to change that. So these are my resolutions and I hope you all had a great New Years Day.

Paxton N P3 said...

My New Years resolutions are well one to get better grades in school. Do all of my homework and all of my class work. To just do better at a lot of things like in my in my sports and lose my attitude with people.

Mitchell O P.3 said...

My new years revolution is to to better in school than I have been doing. Some of my others are not to spend as much money on shoes and other things that I have been buying. My goals are to get at least an A on my report card. Well these are my goals and resolutions for the new year.

hlp3!@#$% said...

i honestly didnt think much about my goals but a few i did make were to truly finish my work and to turn it in on time.i also want to have more free time to do whatever i want and this both conflicts and is helped by the other two goals.

Jessica C. P.3 said...

My goals and resoulutions are diffrent this year although they are some what similar.Last year was to do all my work and get good grades but that didnt work out so well.This year i am going to study and work hard and ask for as much extra credit i can get if my grades get lower i will stat to use my agenda so then when i go home i have to say to myself "this is my first priorty".

michael albrecht period3 said...

My resoultion is to get better grades and study harder for up coming test. i will have to put more time in to my work. i will have to do everything that my parnets ask me to do with out fighting about it. i am going to do everything with out question from now on.

TylerK P3 said...

My goals for this year are to get good grades. plus i wont get grounded for a whole month. Also my news years resolution is to be a better son to my parents.

TiffanyM.p3 said...

One of my new years resolution is to get better grades.Then is to eat healtheir foods. And to start exercising.But my main one is get better grades.

troyip.3 said...

My first goal for the new year is to get strait A. I think I can do this by actually studying for test not just bombing them. Also I want to do better in my spanish class because I dislike it veryy much. That is what I want to do for the brand new year

Alonso E.per 3 said...

my new years resoultion is not to do better in school because i can do that when ever i feel like it witch well be soon. my new years resoultion is to make the person i love happy and keep her happy because she makes me soo happy so i wana return the favor. :)

stevenrP4 said...

my main new years resolution is to improve my grades cause they havent been good in a long time.Im going to start studying for tests and finishing my homework.This is one of my goals because i dont know anymore.

Brandon B. per.4 said...

My main new years resolutions are 1. make myself proud with good grades, 2. make my family proud, 3. master a new skill I really have no idea which skill but I'll find something.

NICKS. P4 said...

My main goal is to have good grades and go on to high school. Another goal is to lose some weight for sports. A 3rd goal would to haggle my mother to quit smoking. Those are all my goals happy new year.

selenaR per4 said...

my resolution for 2010 is to get good grades for the rest of the year and win worlds this year with my cheerleading team!! Another onr is to find a good basketball team to play on!! And the most important onr is to patch things up between my family!! happy new yaer!! and to all a good night!! haha

Adam N. Period 4. said...

I have 3 resolutions. First, to stop hurting people. Second, to stop being depressed. Third, is to start taking school more seriously.

Unknown said...

some of my goals for 2010 is that to do good in school so i can get good classes in igh school. another goal is to start doin my chors wit out havin my mom ask me to do them. and those are my goal......happy new year!!!

ashleyr-p4 said...

My new years resoulution would be to not eat that much chocolate. i eat alot of it and its bad for me now because you get pimples and i hate when i get pimples. so thats my new year resolution.

Bryan J P.5 said...

My new year resolution is to get atleast all c's for the rest of my acedemic career.For me to do that i need to leave out all the drama and listen in class.Also do my homework,eventhough i hate all that stuff.Thats my 2010 new years resoultution!

CaseyMp5 said...

My new year resolutions are to keep good grades and not get in trouble. I am going to try to keep my grades atleast at a c level. I dont want to get introuble because i always want to give my parents a brake. I always am going to try to make this the best year ever.

Jonathon L. Per .5 said...

i hav lots of goals for the new year. some of them are reallybig and some of them are not that big. i would like to complete all of them but if i dnt i would like to only do the big ones. but the smalls ones are important

Brianna Hinson per. 5 said...

some of my goals in 2010 would be to get goo grades! which is not reall working out for me all that well. the next quarter i am going to get straight As. Another goal is to be nice to everyone for the rest of the year.

Juan M per.5 said...

Juan M
Mi goal this year is to have better grades and to save up money for a new paintball gun, i also want to larn french and german not only that i also want to learn how to flight mi helicopter.

phillipt p5 said...

Some of my goals in the new year is not get in trouble, and get better grades. The reason why i what good grades because i always slip at the last second like i just did on the test. ANd the other reason why is because i always get in trouble.

Joseph.B_p5 said...

My new years resolution is to improve my grades. I also really would like to improve my behavior and be a better student. It would be nice to have fun this year too. Thats my new years resolution. Happy new years!!!!!

kristiang$ per.1 said...

Wow its 2010 i think this year is going to be great.well i have confidence that is goin to be good.
I want to get better grades way better grades.And to do better in school and everywhere else.

adrienk period 1 said...

Wow its 2010 already. My new years resolution is to get strait A's. a Also i want to behave more and not be a bad student. Thats how i want to change for this year