Hey guys, this is the last week of the quarter and our last blog for a little while. So, you have free choice for this one. Keep it clean, keep it interesting... remember, I have to read these things!
Your assignment:
Post your comment about whatever you want in at least FOUR sentences no later than THURSDAY at 3:30 pm.

I am going to blog about baseball i guess. I play baseball for pasedena lakes i play 14 and under.I play shortstop and third and hit second. I am not a home run hitter but i can place the ball and get on base in a tight game.
Since this week's blog is to write about whatever we want I decided to write about the cold weather. For almost two weeks Florida had record breaking low tempatures. Also, some cities in Florida got snow over the weekend. I am personally sick of the cold weather and can't wait for it to warm up!
HI what im going to blog about is whay i like to do!!!! As alot of people know, i am a cheerleader and a basketball player!! But alot of my friends dont know that i can sing!! I started singing weni was about in 4th grade at my church for kids!! I sing all the time! My family can also sing, so we all pick a song and sing together or do a sing off!!! My cusin, also my best friend sing togerther all the time. Like yesterday, we were at a resterount amd she brought her ipod!! we started singing taking chaces ( my favorite song) at the table!!! I have alot of fun with her!! Soo yeah im a triple threat!! haha catch ya later mrs. santana!!!
On saturday i found a five foot frozen iguana so i brang it home. Now it is living in my house and its eating very good. The first day I found it, it was a very mean one and tried to bite me. If I get bit by it probrobly i will get stitches or loose a finger, so im never going to touch the iguana so that doesnt happen.
Im going to talk about the Patriots. We got killed> But I still thin if we had Wes Welker that we would have one. Hes a game changer you know. I know how Tom Brady couldnt find anyone open but if Wes Welker was in the game he'd be open he's always open. that's it bye.
Wow the school year has gone by so fast already! It feels like yesterday I was walking into your 1st period Language Arts class on the 1st day of school. We're already beginging the 3rd quarter and then FCAT is going to come rolling around the corner. Next year were going to be in high school its amazing how time flys by.
There are a lot of sports I like to play, but my favorite is soccer. Soccer is a fast-paced game with constant running, for that reason you have to be extremely healthy and have good stamina which I do. Second I love all of the tricks you can do. I am able to do a lot of tricks and actually get by my opponent. Lastly my favorite soccer player is Cristiano Ronaldo.
The other night I cooked dinner for my family and I. I made chicken thighs in a red wine sauce. First, I sautéed half an onion. Then I added the chicken thighs, garlic powder, water, red wine, and salt & pepper to the onions. Next, I let the meal simmer for about an hour. After an hour passed I cut open a piece of the chicken to make sure it was fully cooked. You can tell that it's fully cooked if when you slice the chicken, blood does not come out. For a side, I cooked about a cup of long grain brown rice. It was pretty delicious if I do say so myself. :)
I recently just saw the movie AVATAR. It was really good. It was really long, but really good. The animation was crazy. It's my new favorite movie.
On Friday the 15th I will not be in school that day. I am having surgery on my ear. Hopefully I will be back Thursday and if everything goes well I will be able to hear better.I look forward to hearing you all when I get back.
Well i don't really know what to talk about,so i'll talk about my favorite sport SOCCER!! Soccer has been my favorite snice i was about 5 years old. This sport is very fun because you are always learning something no matter how much you already know. Soccer has been well know all over the world and we ever have a world championship called FIFA. which it is ever 4 years just like the olympics. This year it happens to be in south africa. Now get out and play some SOCCER!!!!
I had a no idea what to write about, but then it popped into my head ….Jersey shore. Jersey shore is a new TV show on mtv, it is about 7 roommates. The rooms mates are all vitals .There are 3 girls and 4 boys and they are all very cool people. It tells about there night life and there house they live in and where they work. I really enjoy watching this show and it gives me something to look forward to every Friday.
The thing i want most is to pass this quarter with all A's, B's, and C's. The second thing that i want is to start off the new quarter good. I need to do all my work. So hopefully i do good this quarter!
I recently saw the movie Avatar in 3D. The special effects were incredible and so was the plot. In the three hours I was in the theater I was completely taken from reality. It was worth the 400 million dollars it cost to make and I would definitely see it again!
i think i'm going to write about snow flurries in kendal. it's the second time in 100 years, which is normal for anywhere besides florida. i mean, really, i wish i was there for it! i've never seen real snow before, being a floridian my whole life, so this is news for me!
Hmm...so far this is the toughest one. I'm going to have to go with my new little brother. You've all heard his name, seen pictures of him, and now its time to hear a little about him too. His name is Brian not Bryan. His middle name is dedicated to my uncle, or dad's brother; the great brother, son, and husband who unfortunatly passed away. They say he looks just like him! He's about 9 pounds and is the cutest baby ever. Like all baby's, he cries and yells and eats all day. Strangely, he never does these things in public. One time for New Years we took him out into the loud, Colombian world my father lives in and- not a peep. He slept for 12 straight hours. He's only the length of half my arm (and I have a small arm). He's also the best thing thats happened to the family (since me!) My dad and stepmother take care of him and he gave us reason for my stepmother's family to come into town. They're real nice:)) I hope he ends up as cute and funny as he is now!:DD
Lets start with what happened today, I was doing my science homework when my mother yells hey Austin come here! When I walk into my parents room I notice that my parent's TV is on and the channel is seven news. My mom then told me to "watch this news alert". Apparently there had been an earthquake in Haiti that measured 7.0 on the richter scale. After I learned about what happened in Haiti, I found out that Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Bahamas all have tsunami warnings.
I can’t wait till the 3rd quarter to start because I want to start fresh and get better grades. I’m going to have woodshop for 3rd quarter… that makes me happy. I’m ready for the FCAT writing. And since I like to write, I’m not stressing it. and Mrs. Santana taught me a lot that I didn’t really know and now I know how to improve my writing.
I hope I get atleast C's in all my classes. The reason I want C's is because that means I have all my points so I can go on to 9th grade. If I get anything lower my parents will get mad. They will take away my xbox i dont want that to happen.
I really cant wait to go to high school.It should be more fun then this school.I heard that you can leave the school for lunch. And there are beter classes and alot better sports then here.
Wow I cant Believe this school year is almost over. Fcats are practically already here, I hope i get a 4 or higher on my math reading or science. I will miss Pioneer Middle alot when I go to High School. I hope to get straight A's at. least once... Also I can't wait until the lovely Bones comes out, I really want to see it
well we can do whatever i didnt think this would ever happen. I just learned how crazy life can be as a teenager some times. well my step sister has showed me how crazy it can be and if you do the wrong things how bad it can be. I have learned from her and other people whats good and bad but wow like i said a teenagers life can be crazy very crazy.!.!:)
I think im ending this quarter pretty good. Next quater I want to try to get straight A's next quarter. This year is going by fast, and it's alreaday going to be the third quarter. I can't believe it.
What I think of the first two quarters of the school year is that it was accually a really good first two quarters. There were some hard school/home work still, but evrbody seemed to get through it.
One thing I would like to talk about is how the Miami Dolphins will win the Super Bowl next year. The Dolphins will win the Super Bowl because they will trade for a pair of All-Pro wide recivers. Also, the Dolphins will have an easier schedule. All in all the Miami Dolphins will win the 2011 Super Bowl.
Im a little dissapointed that I didnt get A's and B's.I worked so hard but it seems like i always fall just short of my goals.I cant believe have a 77%.I really needed to get a B. I dont know how well Im going to do on the test. I didnt get a chance to study because I was in the emergency room last night trying to find out what was wrong with the back of my head. but i did get some good news. My shaunt hasnt been working for the past 2 or more years.
Yo it's Keden and im guna write about this cold weather. I like it and hate it because it's good and bad. It's good because it's not hot but it was a little to cold than what I wanted. And it's hard to look good with a fresh outfit with out being freezing. Also it's hard to have a good outfit because most of my clothes are good for Florida not Washington D.C. But whateva.
A pelican flying high hundreds of feet over the ocean. Such a majestic creature a beautiful bird the sea breeze running through its feathers. Then BOOM! It hits the water with a fantastic splash and rips a fish out of the water then swallows it whole. This is the beautiful pelican hunting.
yeah so this is the last blog of the quarter.This quarter has gone past so fast its amazing even tho this was a bad quarter for me.My grades were bad this quarter but everything else was fine.Alright well this the last blog and it was fun.
dinosaurs are so big like there huge and fat and scaly. i jest want one as a pet. so it can eat all the people i hate but am i afraid its going to eat me yes yes i am. i know this dinosaur essay is retarded.
I know just because there are no comments done doesnt mean im first.Next time I will try to at least get one blog done first. It is always hard but im always hanging out with allison or doing other work. So therefor I always seem to save it for the last day. Also I just heard about 2012 I dont belive that I will die.
Aww 2010 2 more years till the world ends so people say. In my opinion its not true. Like they say thiers facts to support it but in my opinion its nonsence.Thats my blog
I have no idea what to write about so i'll write about what i'm looking forward to doing this summer. First of all, i'm looking forward to getting my job and actually getting money. I also cant't wait to go on vacations and chill with my friends at my house and just have a great summer.
I would like to write about Jessica Feinstein. She is the most amazing person i have ever met! She is really nice, beautiful, and extremely smart. She always helps me when i need her to!I love Jessie!
Stan Jaffe was born November 26, 1995. His parent’s names are Cecilia and Richard. He also has an older sister named Regina. His favorite thing to talk about is his dogs. Their names are Ginger, and Butters.
I think the earthquak in Haiti was devasting to everyone. They predict over 1,000 people have died. There are many poople around the world trying to call family there and they can't get through. This is because the power is out everywhere in Haiti. Its a very bad thing that will take a long time for most poeple to recover.
I think that by far Ashley Augusty is the nicest person I know. Besides Jessie Feinstein. She is a really helpful & nice person. Shes also a really good student and I look up to her. When I grow up I want to act like her (:
WOW, as im reading all of these i notice they are so completly random. Im okay with that ofcourse, but its still odd...This reminds me of a website called My Life Is Average. Its basicaly a ton of random halarious stuff that happened to people for example I remember one about a girl who found her car filled with lollipops...I can only wish that will happen to me someday...
Usually I'm not very big at blogging, but this is a grade, so I have to deal with it. I've been thinking about movies lately, and I recently saw 28 days later and 28 weeks later. It's about a virus that spreads through great britain and makes the country a biohazard. it was a very good movie and a very good plotline. These two movies are great for people like me who enjoy watching horror/suspense movies.
My favorite baseketball player is Kobe Bryant. He is the best player in the NBA and has been for a long time. He has won 4 NBA championships. I think Kobe Bryant is the best player ever to play basketball. He is way to good for the NBA.
I would like to talk about my family. I have 1 brother 1 sister 1 mom and 1 dad. My brother and sister is in highschool. My brother beats me up a lot. My sister likes romance movies. My mom enjoys talking on the phone and my dad likes playing my xbox.
I have these 2 dogs: Rosco; and Tebow(Go Gators). Rosco is the best, and we've had him for a couple of years. But Tebow is a beast. He's so much work and he's destructive and rambunctous. I so CRAZY!!
My favorite sport to play is soccer. I like soccer because you are almost always in the game. I play goalie, right midfield, and right forward. My soccer team this year is in third place. So far this year i have 3 goals, and 6 assists.
I would like to say about the last time I went to Canada during the winter. It was so freezing that I really can't compare it with anything. I put chapstick on my lips andd it turned into wax. It took a while to come of. I had to wear three layers of mittens and still my fingers lingered numbness. I hope I can enjoy coldness sometime soon. :)
My sister is going to college soon and I'll be an only child for four years. A lot of kids may like this but my sister and I are really close and its going to suck for me. It might be better if she was going to college here but she really wants to go out of state. I really will miss her alot when she leaves.
I like sleeping till really late on weekends. My sisters will wake up at 9 and earlier and I just don't get why. I mean she has nothing to do and then she constantly complains that shes tired. The latest I've ever slept in was 3:30 p.m. on one of the days during winter break. Well I did sleep at 1 in the morning that night.Sometimes they even make me get up at 11 and tell me that some people have worked a whole work shift but I could care less because I need my sleep and I tell them that I need to catch up on my sleep from the weekdays. I think of it this way: I need about 8 hrs of sleep nightly to be energized for the day and I usually only get 5 or 6 so I sleep exta to make up for the loss hours of sleep.
:) Thanks for reading this long blog!
The Green Bay Packers recetly lost in the 1st round of the playoffs.:(
Also, the star cornerback for the Packers, Charles Woodson recieved player of the year. I think he deserved it considering he had 9 interceptions, 3 sacks, and 4 forced fumbles. 3 of his 9 interceptions were returned for touchdowns. He lifted his team to the playoffs and showed his amazing talent.
LeBron James is an amzing athlete.( better than Kobe.) Last game he wore two different colored shoes. I think LeBron is good enough to make NFL. LeBron is a pro.
So the first decade of the 2000's was crazy. I mean I survived swine flu, mad cow, 9/11, Iraq, and Y2K lets see how 2012 goes. I don't believe any of that stuff. So i survived lets see if I survive 2012
For the final blog I want to think about how the school year is alomst over and soon comes summer. Im really happy for summer because its my birthday and also its when I can see my close friends from camp. During summer is also when you can swim all you want so that a plus of summer. But, you can also look forward to the next year.
I am going to blog about how fast the school year is going so fast. I remember my first time walking into pioneer middle school i was so nerves because it was a new school and i did not know anyone. It took me four days to register in to this school. But when i did school just took off like a rocket, and now all of a sudden im goi g into the third quarter it moved so rapidly!!!
im gonna blog about school. i dont like my 2nd and 5th period but i do like the rest. i use to love math but now its 2 much work. my favorite class now is ms.santanas
its easy but i still learn.
I'm so happy this is the last week of the half. But now we have to worry about FCAT. But when we have FCAT we have no homework!!!!!! But now I can't wait for spring break.
I will blog about my favorite thing to do. When I am at home and I have nothing to do, I put on some music, mostly AC/DC and play my guitar to it. I have always liked to play my guitar to classic rock bands like Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Motley Crue, and other 70's and 80's rock bands. I play at Flamingo Road Church in the student ministry called theRUSH sometimes and it is alot of fun to be on stage and play in front of actual people I know. I have been playing for about four years and have only gotten better over time. I am trying to get a band together but it isn't the easiest task. Well, I'm just blogging about a little thing I like to do at home, and on stage.
I guess i will just blog about basketball. I like playing basketball. I love the feeling you get when you go in for a layup. Well I guess I love basketball so because it's something that I'm good at.
Okay! Well this year in 8th grade is my last year and i would like to try to make it the best without getting in trouble and so far it has nothing but trouble. I thought about my new years resoulution and thought it through and said to myself i got to be better i havent been doing such a good job but i know i could do better when i go to high school in only a few months i will be detrmined to get good grades and be a better person.
i what like to do is play airsoft. if you don't know what that is i will explain it,it is were you have a fake gun and you pick you team and then when the bell rings you try to shoot the other teams players until there are no more. if you get hit you are out of the game and you must say hit and hold your gun up and walk back to the starting line and wait until the next round.i like the game cause you can dress up like army style or in all black. i like to dress up in army style and it is my favorite gamethat lets me do what i want to do.
I have no idea what to talk about so ill guess ill talk about how happy i am that this quarter is ending. My grades arent the best this quarter so im happy that a new quarter is coming up so now i can happy a fresh start and do better on my grades. :)
okay, so im super excited. im getting my industrial on friday, its a bar that goes through the top of your ear and down to about the middle. ive wanted this for like 6 months and my mom is finally taking me. its going to hurt really bad though D: ill be sure to show it too you on wednesday when we get back.
peace out :D
What I want to talk about is all this cold weather thats going on. For winterbreak I went to new york and up there its in the 20s. So when I came back I expected it to be nice and warm. But the week I got back it was as cold as it was in new york and now im not happy.
I am going to blog about the situation that happened in Hati. It is devestating that there was an earthquake on the island. Another is that I need to do better in school because all of my grades are low right now.Thats all for now.
I think im going to bog a little about my crazy home. In a way its crazy and loud but funny sometimes. Well my mom likes birds because she had one when she was a little girl.So she decided to get more and more now we have three cockatoos two conors and one parakeet. But on top of the we are bird sitting for my moms friends because they just had a baby a little over a week ago. The birds scream and talk to you and talk to themselfs all the time and even one of our birds Rollly (oh hes a blue front amazon) he even talks to the ceiling some times. But my house is only quiet when there either eating or are in bed. So yeah you think you got it rough at your house with your family people I got it rough there too.
This weekend i want to go see the movie avatar. I heard it was really good so im gonna go sees it with my uncle whose 17,and my little cousin whose 8.But my uncles a lazy bum so he doesnt know how to drive yet, so then my grandma has to take us.
Hmmmm... I really dont know what to write about. Nothing really exciting happened to me so I cant really write about that. Umm what I can say is that this year has really flown bye. every year I sit there hoping for the year to go faster and it never does its always sit there and so work all day. An hour fells like four hours, but this year is different I feel like its monday but its already wednsday. I still wake up in the mourning like ugg I dont want to go to school today but I know that before I know it the day will be over. I guess its kinda a good thing but its also kinda bad because im going to high school and my lifes flying by so fast. Well that basically it. Thats all I have to say. :)
I am going to blog about why I don't like bloging. #1 bloging is telling other people things that they don't need or even want to know.#2 If you blog its probly because you don't have much of a life or friends to tell your problems or storys too so you post thing online so people you will probly never meet can comment on it. #3 To me bloging is a waist of time. All the time people spend bloging they could be doing something better or more usefull. They could make dinner or take care of there pets or kids they could pay bills ext... I know someone will say they dont have to do that stuff and they have nothing els to do so they blog but theres always something to do in your house theres always something that needs to be fixed or cleaned and if not you can always go out for a walk or play a sport or exercise, You can read a book for all I care... Im not telling you to stop bloging if you do im just tell you why its a waist of time for me and how much things you can do befor bloging. If you blog don't get mad at me this is just how I feel about bloging some people find bloging to be fun i guess. peace out
i would like a week off.
i would also like everyone to geta free 1000 dollars.
another thing is to have a machine tht downloads all the information for a year into our minds in 3 seconds. i also want ipods to have batteries that never die.and thats it for this week
Well I am going to blog about call of duty MDW 2 (modern warfare 2). I had a throwing knife (note this is a game) and threw it at someone, and killed his character. He sounded like a ten year old and started cursing and shouting at me. I kept using the throwing knife and he said he would "stick his hand through the T.V. and punch me. When we all hear his mom come in and start yelling saying "why are you cursing!" it was so funny!
Today i will blog about football. I play football for the cooper city cowboys. I am there nose guard which is the defender in front of the center. For the past 4years i have been on the unlimited cowboys team.
Im going to talk about the foods that i love :) I love pizza because it tastes good and i love how it gives me weird dreams at night. I also love spagettii. I eat it all the time and when ever we go out to a resturant i always order spagettii (unless they have pizza). I also like chicken but only fried chicken is my favorite.
I wish I had a Dinosaur that I could ride on.I also want a pet armadillo. I asked Nurse Jack Bauer if I could throw purple mangoes at blue chickens.He said I could only do it if I used the Velveteen Rabbit to convince Megaman to let me. It's fun saying stuff that doesn't make sense to anybody.
im goin to right about school. this year is going by very fast. and soon were all going to be 9 graders. im hoping to do good this year so i can get good classes for high school.but i didnt do so good this semester and im goin to try to do better.
Ok, I guess I'm going to talk about what I'm doing this weekend. My friend is coming down from PSL (Port Saint Lucie). I haven't seen her in the longest time so i guess well have alot too catch up on and alot of fun.
I have nothing to really write about , so im just gonna talk about what its like to be a Triplet .
being a triplet sucks , especially when you r one girl out of 2 boys .
Everyone think tha they are soo cute but they are so mean , they never stop makeing fun of me & and always have to be mean .
They are so spoiled and i cannot stand them . :)
OMG!!! Im going to blog about the earthquake that occured yesterday, Tuesday 12, 2010! There was an earthquake in Port-Au-Prince, haiti; it was terrible! The news stated that the cause was that there is a whole beneath Haiti and the Dominican Republic and when it shifted, that caused an earthquake.:( My aunt was in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic to celebrate her birthday but yesterday she had to tried to fly back here, to South Florida as soon as she heard there was a tsunami watch but no plane flights were available!!! So now me and my family are worried because she's there by herself just with her husband!!! The earthquake was felt in Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba, and the Bahamas. It was a 7.0 magnitud!!!!! That is SERIOUSSS!!!!!! Well i'll be praying for safety for those countries, i don't know about you!!!
i cant believe time went so fast Im so excited all i can think about is how fun high school is ganna be. All the memories and advatures im going to have. People usally say most of your memories are from high school so i want to live life to the fullest and make my memories live.Im ready i kno i am i hope i past. Im not that nrevous dough. I believe in my self so i know i past.
Yesterday i was on xbox with grant.He invied me to his game so we could play some other people.At first we were losing and i was doing terrible so he kept getting mad while i was just laughing.also on saturday when it was cold his mom made him go outside in his boxers to pick lemons off his tree while his mom was laughing at him and saying how warm it was in the house.
i love OClogan..On monday 1/10/2010 Me and Stevi Wonder (steven rodriguez) were playing modern warfare 2. On search & destroy when we see a player not playing named CORK CHEESE and steven and i planted claymores all around him and we would protect him. We would protect corky with our lives. and one game corky was against us so we were going to kill him and corky finally started playing and killed us all. It was a proud moment in every fathers life
Well connor cant stop talking to selena and he keeps on texting her every day.he has no life he is addicted to her. Connor is awesome. Cooooonnnooor bbbbeeeggglllleeeyyyyy. For the win.
This is my first year in this school. I can't believe that the quarter is already over. Even though i'm new i'm getting the hang of the way things work around here. I love Pioneer Middle School!!!!!
I guess im coming clean in this blog. Nobody no this but I am a figure skater. It is very fun. When you going fast that the best part. People do not belive that boys skate but a lot of people do. I hope to be a proffisonal one day.
Yes we can finally write about anything we want! Well my one of my best friends Jaimie is coming today! I can't wait! Me, Allison, and my friends Sarah and Elizabeth can't wait to see her!! She moved to Pennsylvania during the summer and we miss her so much!! I cant wait to see her today after school!!!:)
Im going to blog on this year!Like,i cant believe this half of the year has gone by so fast!i remember going into this new school only knowing about 6 people so far!now im enjoying everything about this school!not much drama like my old school,side food for students,not like my old school!i love this school especially the sports and everything else about it!go eagles!
I love to play football because I knocked my friend out. I also like it it because I hurt people. Another reason is because I like violence. My final reason for liking football is I can lose weight with it.
MY blog is about this song that was written for Jose's girlfriend.Is was written by someone with the intials of A.H.the child wrote a remix of the song Bedrock from young money he changed it to Heartrock.It said call her Mrs.Flinestone she can make my heart rock girl.It was amazing ill bring it to you to read!
Im geting a new paintball gun im really happy,:)im so going to do well on those massive fights that I normally get mi butt woupt, so I better not have spent mi money on a crapy gun. :)
I am going to blog about my dog. Her name is Roxy, she has been apart of my family for 8 years. Everyone who first walks into my house thinks she is so cute and nice. She is not a nice dog when she doesnt want to be. At other times she is a sweet heart.
I'm going to to talk about my trip to Washington D.C.. My friends and I decided to play snowball fights .The fight was total hilarious because I got to smack my friends mostly the whole time without missing a single hit .:D I hope to go back soon so I can experience things with my parents as well.
My football team was really good. We made it all the way to the state championships. We played a good football team. We lost really bad and I was upset.
My blog just got rejected not cool.
This the last blog of the quater I hope this one will not get rejected for mistakes. I got grades for the quater all b's just two c's. I hope next quater will be better for grades got all my points for classes. Don't get rejected.
These past days I've been incredibly paranoid from watching Paranormal Activity. I first watched it with my brother and sister inlaw.Then the second time I watched it was with my friends Katherine and Christina. I think with actually laughed more then screaming from being scared It was lots of fun.
Paintball, is the best sport ever, I thinks it is the best because of the addredalin rush. When playing it feels like you are in a real war in iraq. Also the equipment is so cool, and expensive. I also love the the amazing gun and power they lay out. That is why I love paintball.
I'm going to blog about breakfast since it is my favorite meal of the day. You cant go wrong with breakfast. I also love cereal my favorite cereal is captain crunch. Ialso have a glass of milk every morning.
Im going to blog about football. I have been playing football since I was 6 years old. The positions I play are linebacker and fullback. I like playing linebacker because I get to hit people. And I also like to play fullback because I get to run the ball.
I am going to blog about my guitar playing. I have been takeing guitar lessons for about 3 years now and have been getting better ever since. I like to play lead and love playing rock music. I play around 2 to 3 hours a day and hope to keep getting better and never quit it.
I'm gonna write about my good friend spencer. Spencer is a really great kid. He is a smart kid and an athletic kid. As you can see Spencer is a good kid.
Ummm...this is indeed the hardest blog so far. I can't think of anything to write about but I wanted to ask why this sites name hwisfun.blogspot.com? Because homework is NOT fun it’s boring and sometimes hard. You should change it to something else Mrs. Santana!
I am going to blog about my winter vacation. I was really looking forward to winter break because I always go to New York. I love going to New York because I have all my friends there and I’m busy all day. If I want to go somewhere with my friends I can just hop on the train or the bus rather than beg my parents to drive me like I would do here. The first thing I did when I got to New York was call my friend to hang out. I was also really looking forward to going snowboarding but my sister, my friend, and I ended up going ice skating in Manhattan. My vacation ended up being not so bad even though I missed a week of school!
Wow can write about anything. This year so far is going pretty good. My grades are better than last marking period. I have a b in math witch is the best grade ive ever had in math. This weeking is looking pretty boring I dont think im doing anything but hanging with friends.
Awww. I like these blogs! haha their fun. Since we can talk about anything i want too talk about my friends. Poor Selena hurt her leg and now she's on cruches. I've been annoying all my friend with my whistleing this whole week! Its not my fault i can stop.
Im going to talk about the science projects that were turned in. some of them were really good mine wasent that good it could have been alot better but im not thaat good at doing projects the project that i liked the most was one with what dose vitinam c do to bannas i liked all the pictures an it looked like a good bored
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