October 31, 2009

Decisions, Decisions...

Last month we went to JA Finance World to learn life lessons in managing money. For those who went, it was a great opportunity to get a glimpse into the responsibilities of real life... dealing with family, work and BILLS!  Hopefully it gave you a better insight into;  #1 appreciating your family for all the hard work they go through to take care of you,  #2  not rushing through your childhood (because you'll be grown with lots of responsiblity soon enough), and  #3  concentrating on doing well in school and in life to ensure you don't end up like some of you did on the trip... single with 2 or 3 kids making $19,000 a year!

Your Assignment:  Write AT LEAST 4 COMPLETE AND WELL-WRITTEN sentences about YOUR GOALS and WHAT YOU WANT TO DO when you're older.  You can write about where you hope to go to school (college) and what career you'd like to have, etc.  Your comment is due no later than Friday at 3:30 pm.

Oh, and take a look at the slide show below!

October 19, 2009

Blogging for the NEW kids!

Ok, so we're entering the second quarter of the school year and it's time to start blogging! 

We will be using this blog as another way to communicate with eachother... kind of like the class journals we tried.  Or, the comments you post to your Facebook, My Space & Twitter.  Many of you may already be professional bloggers, we'll see.

Let's just start from the beginning... for 'Blogging Assignments' in Language Arts, you will be asked to read my posts and the comments of your classmates and make your comment on a weekly basis.  Each week I'll put my posts up by Monday and you have until Friday to comment for 10 points each.  No comment = no points!

Remember this is a school assignment, in this arena you must still use the conventions of good writing in your comments. That means no IM language, use capitals & proper punctuation and check your spelling. I AM TAKING OFF POINTS FOR BAD CONVENTIONS!!! 

In addition, take precautions to protect your privacy; your comments are being posted on the internet... FOREVER!!  Any information too personal will be deleted and you will get a zero.  Don't post your telephone number, address or other pesonal info.  Don't post where you will be... consider that all the world can ready this stuff and think about your privacy.  

Before you publish your comment, you will be asked to Choose an Identity. I want you to select NAME/URL and enter your FIRST NAME & LAST INITIAL & PERIOD NUMBER! Leave URL blank, unless you have a cool website you'd like to link to.  If these requirements are not met, you will not earn points for your posting!

Let's start right now and ease into it. Being that Halloween is coming up and there are lots of scary movies out now, think about your favorite movies.  Your assignment is to post a comment about your favorite movies in these three categories:  best scary movie, best action or drama or comedy and best overall.  Explain some of the things about these movies that make them your favorites.  (Minimum four well-written, complete sentences.)  Comments are due by Friday, 10/30 at 3:30 pm!