November 7, 2009

Michael Brewer...

By now I am sure you've heard of Michael Brewer from Deerfield Beach.  Fifteen-year-old Brewer was doused with rubbing alcohol and set on fire by neighborhood kids, once considered friends, because of a $40 debt for a video game.  Watch the video below and read this article for the complete story. 

Your Assignment: Write about your reaction to the Michael Brewer story. Your comment must be at least 4 complete and well-written sentences and is due no later than Friday at 3:30 pm.


Christina A pd.2 said...

To start off with, I never knew someone could actually be set on fire by rubbing alcohol. I thought that was one of the false warnings on those bottles. That's just an incredibly awful way to payback someone. I am surprised Michael Brewer is still even alive after burns on over 65% of his body and to think that this happened and Broward County is just plain creepy… I’m paranoid if you haven’t noticed. I think the kids should be sentenced to whatever the sentence is. (Yes, I'm first :))

Spencer P P2 said...

I am disgusted that those kids actually poured alcohol over Michael Brewer and then lit him on fire. Those kids did it over a video game and a bike which is no excuse. I think those kids don't know how to talk out a problem which they had. Instead of lighting Brewer on fire they could have talked to him about the video game and bike. Also I'm surprised that Michael is still alive after 65 percent of his body was burned, but I hope he makes a full recovery.

Majeda M. P2 said...

WOW!!! That is messed up. I also think that they deserve whatever sentence they get. Also they should have talked it out instead doing something violent. I blame the parents because they should have taught the kids better or supervised them better.

Salma K Pd. 2 said...

After watching this video and also reading about what had happened to Michael Brewer, I was personally shocked. I could never in years imagine an incident like this could take place in a well-known safe district as Broward County. This incident could've happened to anyone, so we all should be cautious of whom we deal with and be careful of our environment.There are many cold hearted people in our community and maybe many of your peers. Many of us should take this story as a lesson. Also, this generation should remember that violence is not the way out, but only the way to ruin your own future.

Haley.F(P2) said...

Now just because a $40 debt on a video game or a bike stolen however it was said,is no excuse 2 set a 15 year old boy on fire!As I hear deerfield is getting worse because my big bro was born there,but my old neighborhood & my home was being robbed,cheated & more the most of all homes there.This will affect michael his hole life,he 80% burned & he is very lucky that he is alive & those 5 teens should be punished very bad and lucky if not dead to!So i agree with the cop with his anouncement!

Ali Hasan P2 said...

I think the boys had no reason to set Michael on fire over a video game. That's just messed up but I mean they could have asked for the game back or something. They took it to far with burning him. The boys desirve whatever charges they get.

AliciaM per.5 said...

Alright, To start off with i think anyone that needs to set someone on fire at school is a fool.
And yeah i say live life no regrets but if i ever did that to someone that would probly be the most stupid thing i could possibly do. And i would regret that.
But you never know those kids could of had some mental problem or his parents raised him wrong.
Life happens but, i hope this kid lives threw this. It shows that you gotta think before ur actions. Simple as that

Andrew B, pd 5 said...

First I would like to say good luck on heeling your burns,and I have never in my life heard of a person being lit on fire with rubbing alchol. What really makes it bad was that a group of teenaged boy did to another boy because he reported them of stealing his fathers bike. Now that poor child is facing over 75% of burns on his body. I dont know anybody that would have the audacity to even think about doing this horrible thing. I truely feel very sorry for that boy because he did the right thing, and instead of getting a reward, he got a punishment. Michel Deserves way better than that, I am thankfull that he is still alive.

Nicholas S. said...

Nichols S. per.1 First of all kids should not even be near a match or lighter. Why do they even have rubbing alcohol there parents should watch them use and and make sure they put it back. If the kids do not get sentenced then our court system need new chairmen. I am also still surprised that he is still live. he must be one tough cookie.

Samantha P. pd5. said...

I feel really bad for the kid. I never knew that if you put alcohol on someone it could set them on fire. I'm shocked that Michael Brewer is still alive after that. He's a tough kid. I hope that the police find the kids who did it and teach them a lesson. Stay Strong Michael Brewer!

Ashley g period 1 said...

I think that the Michael Brewer story is a tragedy. I feel sincerely sorry for him and his family and friends. That must of really hurt. The people who did that are very cruel and they deserve to be in jail for the rest of their life.

Kristin G P-4 said...

I feel that what happend to Michael Brewer is terrible. I know that he didn't pay the kid's the money that he owed them, but to light him on fire! Like seriously, that's plain cruel. I hope the kid's that did this to him get put in jail forever or some other type of punishment. I also hope that Micheal Brewer will be ok.

MonicaSpd2 said...

Wow,this is ridiculous. I feel bad when i hit someone, I don't understand how those kids could be as heartless as to burn someone alive. The bullying and violence rates among teens are ridiculous. We have to find a way of lowering these crime rates and put it into action asap; it may be a matter of live or death next time.

Alyssa. I. per. 1 :D said...

All I can say is WOW, how stupid can you be? Its amazing that Michael is alive. How dumb can some kids be. Im not saying im the most mature person ever, because im not. But I at least have enough common sense to not let someone set me on fire. Over a video game or something? C'mon Michael you should have used your brain! Well that's all I have to say.

~*New York Giants RULE*~

MRS. SANTANA!!! said...

Good job blogging on this issue. Remember to use the proper conventions of writing in your posts. Also be sure to read the information carefully to understand the facts.

I have an old friend from NY who is an awesome writer for the Sun-Sentinel. Click on my name to read his most recent post on the latest development in this case.

Happy blogging!

Blake M p3 said...

When I first heard of this story on the new I was shocked. It's not right to set a 15 year old boy on fire just because of $40. Those boys didn't kill him they tortured him by burning him! it's not right to kill someone. I hope those boys go to jail for the rest of their lives.

Lexis R [ P.4 ] said...

Ok, First off..I don't think that those kids should've set Michael Brewer on fire because of a dumb reason like that. It was kinda stupid to do that over a video game? And I also think that those kids should get whatever charge there faceing because that's just plain messed up when the situation could've been handled another way.

CaseyM P5 said...

I think that this is one of the most idiotic tradegys that i have heard of. The fact that someone was lit on fire over $40. The kids who did it didn't have to lite him on fire they could've just asked him to pay him the $40. I feel extremely sry to the family of Michael Brewer and hope they get through this.

Unknown said...

My reaction to the Michael Brewer incident when he got set on fire was that it was really shocking that he got set in fire. And all of that over a video game. Thanks to that he has to stay in the hospital. I really feel sorry for him. i mean really come on to set him on fire that is so messed up. They could at least talked about it. If they didn't like it they could have fought about it.

go dolphins!!!

Ariel Doron P5 said...

Frist off I think that Michael Brewer should have not been burned because he was being a good child for reporting a person who stole his fathers bike.I cried when I found out that he was burned with second degree burns. I was so happy when i found out that he was alive if it was me I would have screamed and cried my eyes out!!!! Last but not least I hope he gets better soon.

Selena R. per4 said...

Oh my gosh I can't even believe that anyone would do that!!! I think that they should hav talkd to a parent or an adult about whats goin on, instaed of taking it into their own hands. I am really happy that he is alive! I am also happy that the boys are goin to be charged with attempted murder. If i could talk to Michael, I would tell him not to hold a gudge because that will be only holding him back, Also to never give up during his physical thearapy. GOOD LUCK MICHAEL!!

TaylorO per2 said...

I think that those kids are crazy for setting that kid on fire over 40 dollars. If they would have thought before they had done that maybe they would have realized that its not worth life in jail for 40 unpaid dollars. that boy was lucky that he was able to get to the pool in time before the fire burned the rest of his body, it only burned 65%. i just wonder how those kids did it without the boy escaping or a by stander trying to help him.

Alexandra B -P.2 said...

Poor guy. I feel really bad that something like this could happen to someone, anyone, let alone a kid. I think it's obvious that they should have tried to work it out with words, but I mean setting someone on fire? That's abaout as cruel as kids can get. I know, with 65% of my body burned, I will be scared emotionally and physically. I can only hope that he is doing immensly better- knowing that one day those kids will get a taste of their own medicine or at least if they can try to find him and apologize in great depths, so he (the burnt one)can find some way to forgive them. Though, I don't know how I could after something so horrible like that happened to me.
I wonder how the parenting skills work in their families.

Christa B-P2 said...

Are you kidding me? These kids set a boy on fire because of a video game and a bike? That is horrible! The whole thing is disturbing but, what bothers me the most is that some of the parents of the boys involved are saying that their son was "at the wrong place at the wrong time" or that "he was just watching". In my opinion the boys involved should be charged as adults and go to prison! Michael Brewer will never get his normal life back and he will be reminded of what happened that day for the rest of his life. Every one of those boys who were involved with planning and setting the fire, and even the ones who knew it was going to happen should be charged with something. This whole situation could have been avoided if just one of the boys spoke up and said something!

MaddyG p2 said...

I'm just amazed that somebody would set their "friend" on fire just because of a $40 debt. Oh and Christina, I agree the kids should be tried as adults and setenced to jail, or whatever the judge sees fit. But also, you have to wonder weather he was being held down, or if he was just not smart enough to run. I dont think that what we're hearing is the full story, someone had to have been holding him still or somethiing! Anyway, I guess thats all I have to say for right now.

Ashley A - P.2 said...

Personally, I can't even imagine punching someone, but to light someone on fire, that is just plain sick. I'm not trying to blame the parents or anything, but if the parents were stricter and taught their kids better ways of handling situations, I'm sure there would be a less likely chance of this happening. I am just in disbelief that a group of kids could do this to someone. I hope that they learn right from wrong after they are done with their sentence.

Billy M Per.3 said...

Wow i can't belive that happened in coopercity. I know we have crime but being burned that takes it to a new level.

Jessica F- Period 2 said...

I was shocked when I first heard this story. I couldn’t believe this happened in Broward County. What these boys did was cruel and there is no excuse for lighting someone on fire. I think that all the boys involved, even the ones that just stood there, are equally guilty and should be tried as adults.

Austin S. P.2 said...

I find it sad how five kids would set another kid on fire over something as small as 40 dollars. It's kind of amazing how these kids could be so cold and cruel. Personally, I think these kids should be charged as adults for attempted murder. I also think that people should learn to step in when something bad is happening and help the person in trouble.

VictoriaC. period4 said...

WOW! M. Brewer should have chosen his friends wisely. But those kids are low lives as well. to light a kid on fire for MONEY is absolutely ridiculous. But it that is what happens when a kid asks low lives to lend him/her money. He could have waited for his parents to get for him. I bet he was not going to die if waited but NOOOOO he had to ask for money like a poor orfan and get horribly injured. i hope those kids get charged as adults and i hope Michael Brewer learned his lesson. If Michael is still alive today then it happened for a reason. he should be thankful to god.

Sean R. Per.2 said...

My reaction to the story was sad.I think that it was very bad that the boys set Michael on fire. I disagree fully with what the boys did. I feel very bad for Michael. Also, I think that the boys who set Michael on fire should go to jail for a long time.

Sam Dean- p2 said...

I think this incident is terrible and am puzzled how anybody could light another kid on fire. I feel bad for Micheal Brewer and didnt think this should have happened in this first place. I think the kids deserve their consequences and should be tried as adults.

avivap2 said...

This story completely shocked me, because I didn't know about this until Mrs. Santana told us on Monday. I think that what the kids did should send them either to jail for life or to the death sentence. Maybe i would get mad over $40 and maybe want to fight the kid or something, but i would never even go as far as stealing there dads bike, but they even went further than that they lit the kid on fire so he can burn to death. I hope he will be okay after his recovery.

Sam D P3 said...

People are crazy these days, i mean really i would never think of lighting someone on fire. For shure I would be mad if someone rattted me out, but seriouly ligh ting them on fire? Ihope they get atleast 20 years in jail for that. that was my thought on the incident.

Stan J per. 2 said...

Wow,how could you light someone onfire fist.My reaction to this incident wis that its digusting thing over a video game.I think these kids should be put in jail for attempted murder.But, 65 percent of his body is burnt because of this.This was plain old horrific.

jessicahper1 said...

To me this is really messed up they had no reason to set him on fire for a 40 dollar video game. But the part that makes me the most mad is that it was done by his "friends". Also he is going to have to go get surgery and plus have messed up and burnt skin for his life and the most they will get is jail for a while.I am really disgusted by this whole thing i dont know why people have to be so crule all the time but i really hope he heals up good and lives.

Spencer S-pd2 said...

To start, I hope that Michael heals completely from the burns. Hearing the story, I was in complete shock. Those kids who burned Michael, took the circumstances way to far. It is so terrible what they did to him, and also so evil. Burning a kid just because he didn’t pay you for a video game is just insane.

bryan j per.5 said...

WOW, thats crazy who in there right mind would douse someone in rubbing alcohol and set him on fire over a video game or forty bucks!Those kids deserve the chair thats just unnecessary.I hope that Michael Brewer makes a full recovery. Its amazing he didn't die after having 65% percent of his body burned.

victoria c. per1 said...

I was freaked out when i watched the video on Michael Brewer. It's crazy about what people think to do now and days. I don't think Michael should have been consequenced like that just because he didn't pay forty dollars in debt on a video game.

Rachel B P1 said...

i not only read mrs. santana's version of it, i also read the extended article and watched the video, and i still can't believe it! micheal seems like a cool guy, and he probebly has lots of friends. but i bet the boys were planning on doing it. i mean,why else would they be carrying a lighter and rubbing alchohaul on them? i still think that was cruel and uncalled for.

Alyssa. Per. 1 said...

Ok so I already commented this but after doing some reserch on this story and reading about this alot I feel that I need to comment this again. First off I would like everyone to know that Mikey is doing OK, but he isn't out of the woods yet, he still is at risk for infection or shock. IF he survies he will be in the hospital for atleast 5 months. The 5 kids who did this are in custody and are being held at the Detention Center. The youngest one involved in this crime was just 13!!!! he was our age! Mikey's body has 2nd and 3rd degree burns on 80% of his body. 4 of the kids are being charged with battery. Bent the one who set him on fire is being charged with attempted murder. My oppinion is They should all be locked up in jail for a very long time. It makes me sick to my stomach that after being arrested 4 of the kids where laughing about what they did to mikey, The only one to show remorse for what he did was Bent the one who actually set Mikey on fire. My prayers go out to Mikey and his family, we love you!!!! (:

Noah H. P1 said...

To begin, I say that I dont know how anybody would ever THINK about setting someone on fire, especialy if its over something dumb like a video game. When I heard about this kid getting set on fire just over a video game and some kind bike, I thought how dumb was the person to actually do that to someone, its just sick. Also, for the kid who was set on fire and got burns on over 65% of his body and lived, I think that was a miracle that he survived.

kaylee S per3 said...

I think this case is tragic. First thing first you dont set people on fire bottom line right there. Its not very smart, but then again no one ever said that these kids were smart. The kid that got set on fire is definetly a trooper cause if it were me id probally be dead. The kids that did this are crazy, and they definetly deserve whatever sentence they get. Its horrible that Michael is now gonna have to live with these burns on him for the rest of his life. Never will his life ever be the same cause now everytime he looks at him self in the mirror the horrid memories of that day will come back to haunt him. And for me thats enough to get me to belive that these kids should go to jail for quite a long time. Michael truly did not deserve that.

Julianna C. Period 3 said...

It's sad to see how the world is getting worst and worst. I mean set a kid on fire because of a game, thats horrible. I don't know where kids come up with these horrible things to do to people. I truly blame t.v,video games, and all those that have violence. When I heard this story I was stocked that this happened. I pray that the kid is doing great and that he is recovering well. This story is horrible and I hope something this bad happens again and again.

keden p1 said...

When I first saw the story i was so freaked out. I can't imagine what his parent's are going through and I feel so bad. It's crazy how somebody could do something like that over money and I hope the kid's that did it die.

Samantha S.P5 said...

That is just insane and unspeakably cruel! Why would you even want to burn someone over a video game and a bike? Thats just crazy!I have had a bad burn on my left hand and both knees and let me tell you that it isnt funny and its extremly painful. I can't even imagine how much pain Micheal Brewer is in. They said that what like 65 percent of his bady was burned or something? It makes me so mad to hear about what those boys did to Micheal. Whatever sentence they get they deserve! They are sick in the head and they should never be forgiven for what they have done to Micheal!I really hope that micheal pulls through this! Maybe our school shoud do a fundraiser or something to help out his family, like maybe we could make a big banner and everyone at pioneer can sign it or something.Well I hope those boys that hurt Micheal get exactly what they deserve and that Micheal will heal up!!

stevenrp4 said...

What those kids did to him was not right.They shouldnt burn a kid because of a game.Also to try to steal his dads bike.The kids should of asked for the game back or just wait.The kids should go to jail for a while for burning him.

Anthony C (P.1) said...

I think the kids that did this to Michael Brewerare messed up. Who would think of lighting someone on fire for a game is stupid. I think the kids should get major conquences for doing this. I hope that Michael Brewer recovers.

grantf p4 said...

I seriously cannot believe these kids would be so stupid as to do that. And all for a stupid $40 video game, they dont need to be put in jail they need to be in a mental institute. Because even after they did that they didnt have any regret. I mean burning someone alive takes a lot of mental and emotional strength to watch that person.

shakeel r. P2 said...

I am absolutely astonished by Michael Brewer being set on fire. A life for 40 dollars? To me that is just crazy stuff. He got 3rd degree burning and got 65 % of his body burnt, ouch!

Haylee P. period-5 said...

My feelings towards Michael Brewer case was absurb and creepy and also plain wrong. To be totally honest with you i agree with Christina A. PERIOD-2 ....And definitely to payback someone ....this is not the way to go !!!!!!!!

Dylan M P3 said...

I cant believe that someone would actually burn someone over a video game. I cant believe Michael is still alive after that. It was smart of him to jump in that pool he might have died if he did not. He has 3rd and 2nd degree burns all over his body. I would be made if someone till did not pay me but I would not burn them.

allisonp p1 said...

I think that the Michael Brewer story is crazy. Kids should not burn somebody over a game or for any reason. I think its amazing Micheal is still alive after 65% of his body being burned. Now Micheal will never be normal again over a stupid game.The kids that did it should have to help pay Michaels medical bills and be put in jail.

Kathryn K. Per.1 said...

I can not believe that kids would just set another one on fire, just because one of them told on the others. I am disgusted by those kids. Now Michael most likely is gonna have a fear of fire, and is gonna have to live with this for the rest of his life.Poor Michael is never gonna be the same

Robert W. P1 said...

My reaction to the problem with Micheal Brewer is that i was shocked. I could'nt belive that the kids put alchol on him and set him on fire. I could never do that to somebody. He was smart tho to jump into the pool. I think the Kids that set him on fire should pay for the medical bill.

brandonv p1 said...

This people have got some real issues if they light a kid on fire over 40$. These kids deserve to go to jail for what they did. his family and friends must be so upset because that is there son. It is a blessing that is still alive even though that he is pretty much fully burned. I hope he gets well sone and those kids get what they deserve.

ChristopherCotto Per:1 said...

I think if you light someone on fire you are either mental or just stupid. Michael didn't deserve that,no one does. I think thae kids who lite Michael on fire should go to jail for life.

Adrienkp1 said...

I think its discuting and terrible on how neighborhood kids set another child on fire, its sick. The kids did it over a video over $40. Now the child has burns over 65% of his body, i hope the child who was set on fire recovers.

KristianG per.1 said...

Yeah i heard about that a couple of days ago.Thats very messed up how these supposed to be friends lit him on fire.To me i think thats very messed up.I heard that like 3 of the kids got charged like adults.

michaelyperiod1 said...

Well I don’t really understand why those kids would actually light a kid up just for a bike, when I get in fights I never think of burning someone or bringing a knife or something. I’m glad that 2 of those kids should be tried as adults. I feel strongly though that all the kids should be tried as adults because they could have stopped it, or maybe they were just afraid of getting light up themselves if they snitch… but they should have said that in court… but they didn’t so, not my problem. THESE KIDS ARE SICK!

Cory R p1 said...

I am shocked that somebody could actually lite somebody else on fire for a game. Those kids got some serious issues and need mental help. They also desereve whatever jail sentence they get. Those kids are freaks.

ShelbyHodges P.3 said...

I never even knew it was possible to light someone on fire , and I never thought that someone would do that to a so called "friend". Especially over a forty dollar videogame. I think they deserve whatever the judge gives them. Because doing that to someone is like attempted murder.The boy has 65% of his body burned.All because of a video game.I was shocked when I heard this and I still am now.

David S P2 said...

Only one word can describe that incident...ridiculous. Who in their right mind would harm somebody in such a way to almost kill him, over a video game? I mean, I like video games, there's nothing wrong with them, but i think those kids are just insane for doing something like that. The least the government could do is put them in juvenile court for at least 2 months or so, but I think that they deserve much more than that.

Jordan J Pd2 said...

How stupid would someone be to actually try to kill someone over $40. I mean come on its $40, so you go and try to kill someone with your friends. Did you think no one would realize hes dead, he does have a family. If you lost $40 would that mean you would try to kill yourself or kill someone else. Now you are charged with atempted murder and now you dont have your $40 and you have this over you for the rest of your life good job.

KeithG_p2 said...

I cant believe any person(s) could do such a thing as to light somebody on fire!! That is just horrible... for and $40!! The kids who did that should be tried as adults and sent to prison for a long, long time. I dont care how clean or dirty somebody's record is. There is no exuse for something like that! :(

ShawnG-P2 said...

I don't know how something could ever escalate to lighting someone on fire. I feel bad at all for what the kids who did this to
him i think they should be tried as adults and be sent to jail. I hope he picks better friends because good friends to light you on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( and i'm just saying maybe if you payed them back you wouldn't be in the situation, Michael Brewer)

jonathon l. per.5 said...

i think that it was unecessary to set a boy on fire over an video game and if the boys would of thought befor they did it they would of realized that they could of killed the boy and been put in jail for life.

gabriel m p.3 said...

First off i think that no one deserves to be lite on fire over 40 dollars. The kids who did that should of thought about what they were doing.They hurt someone that was once there friend I dont think i would be able to hurt anyone like that. I mean i do like video games but i would never do something like that.

michael a per3 said...

I would think that it was bad that his best friend and other kid had set him on fire. It was also not right to let the person go when his friend that got burned when he was durnk. I would think that he did the most stupid thind he ever did in his live. I think that they should have not have fought over a stupid game and set your friend on fire for no go resson.

Alicia J P.3 said...

What i think about this is very sad because Michael was the vitiam and the one who will suffer the most. But, whats even more horriable is the fact that 5 teenage boys would go to the length to get alcohol and a lighter then go to this boys house poor the alcohol on thim and then proceed to light him on fire.I feel very bad for this boy because the suspects will be left go from jail later in life but, this boywill have to live with the burns for the rerst of his life. I hope these boys will be brought to justice.

Arnold C P3 said...

I have heard about that, and i think that if you would be mean enough to do that then you deserve to go to juvenile hall. What happened to that kid was terrible nobody deserves that sort of ponishment. And now the people that did it are going to juvy for a video game. And on top of it he will now be scared for life. because of a video game. I am suprised that he is still alive.

Brandon A. P3 said...

Wow this is horrible. I have lit things on fire with rubbing alchohol so I knew it was falmmable but to use it on a person is pretty messed up. Michael Brewer is lucky to even be alive after 65% of his body scorched! Theres other ways to settle a debt but you don't set a human being on fire. Well I wish the best for him and I hope he gets better.

TylerK P3 said...

I think that's just horrible i mean who would do that. Wow that's all i can say about this. There's nothing much to say but wow. I just have one question, Why?

Paxton N P3 said...

Oh my goodness i can not believe that someone would do that. I mean that you would have to be crazy to do something like that. But over $40 dollars man thats wack and i dont mean to be funny or anything like that but seriously come on. I mean I have a friend who was tortured and almost beaten to death by this group of guys who had already jumed her before and she died 2 months later in the hospital.

AmberSMp.3 said...

I think it is horrible that the society is so incredibly violent. this kids had no right to set him on fire, he did nothing to deserve that, NO ONE deserves that.

troyip3 said...

I think that thing that happened to the kid that got set on fire was awful. Those kids should be in jail for life they almost killed the kid! It was so bad that i cant even talk about it anymore. I hope the kid has a full recovery.

Jessica C P.3 said...

Horrible! I cant believe that someone coulddo such a thing! They should of talked about this maybe with an adult and they shouldnt do something just because of the things Micheal did teenagers need to grow up and stop the violence and behave and stop being so immature ....and those kids that lit the boy on fire should be in some deep trouble and should be totally ashamed of themselves

tiffnaymp3 said...

I cant even imagine why anybody would want to set a kid on fire for saying that his fathers bike was stolen. And why anybody woudnt stop it.It doesnt make any sense. I woud never in my life even imagine to do that.I wish those peple go to jail for life

Eddy A. Per.3. said...

The fact that anyone would think of doing thst to a 15year old kid is bad enuf. But to hear that kids them selfs did that to a yung 15 year old is sick. And for $40 is even worst money is money but its not worth killing someone over. And the 2 kids that watched is worst beacuse i woulent be able towatch something like that and they dident even do anything.

Josh T p2 said...

Thats the worst reason to ruin your life is because of 40$ really? if anything like tell somebody or wait it out or forget about it i mean setting someone on fire? thats terible that kids probely gonna be scared for life.

Brandon B. p.2 said...

The main reason for lighting Brewer on fire makes no sence that is was all for a video game. It is possibly the most stupidest reason to do it. You could like go by a new one, or go to his house and tell him to give it back. Seriously tho that kid who lit him on fire ( and I'm not sure wether it is one kid, or more) but he should be charged as an adult in this crime.

LeorYaloz P4 said...

I couldnt believe what i saw! i feel so bad for the kid that got burned and what happened to him wasnt fair at all. The kids that did that to him should be ashamed of themselves! hopefully they get sent to jail forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D:

Summer Auld Per:2 said...

I find this hole thing to be very scary!just think that it could have been you, just for not paying for a game or something like that. I think that the kids who did this where very wrong in what they did and clearly weren't thinking. Another thing that bothers me is that when they got arrested they where laughing about it.

Adam N. P.4. said...

I think this was a sick crime. The kids who did this are psychopaths. Even after they lit Micheal Brewer on fire they laughed about it. I hope justice gets served and Micheal has a successful recovery.

Nick S P4 said...

I think what happened to Brewer was unjustified and not the right way to handle conflict. I have always seen movies where people were set on fire but never thought someone would actually do it. I think those kids should be sentanced to however many years attempted murder gets you without paroll. What really disgusts me is that those psychos used to be his freinds

Ryan O- Per. 4 said...

I think that what these kids did was piontless. Just because he did't give them the money in or on time they almost killed him. Michael Brewer is still even alive after burns on over 65% of his body.THANK GOD these kid are put away and that Michael is still alive.So pepole alway need to thick before you act.

connor b. said...

I think that you have to be a little messed up in the head to light someone on fire and laugh after it. I think they should be tried as adults. Now the kid has to live with burns all over his body. I think it's really sad that a kid has to go through that.

patricia A pr2 said...

I think wat happen to that kid was just awful.I mean what kind of kids do this kind of thing. The kids who did this are obviosly a bad influence and should be locked up. I hope the family all the best of love its proably very hard for them

williamjp5 said...

I just cant belive that kids are killing other kids. I just think that is wrong i cant imagine the parents of the kids that are kill and most of them are for dumb things. Over a $40 dallor game come on that is really messed up. Im not saying i never got in a fight but no over a video game thats just dumb and i hate to see a kid go to jail over something that could of been talk over.

Brianna H p.5 said...

this is so crazy! Who in the right mind would sit there set someone on fire and right away knowing that you could cause someones death? Or even the fact of knowing that theyare suffering really badly burns and pain shooting threw there body. I just dont understand? No one deserves to have to go threw that no matter what they did. Over a bike thats just cruel. I cant believe Micheal Brewer a young boy had to go threw such pain. I feel thats no matter what someone did wrong they do not diserve to be killed.

JoseTP5 said...

I think that horriable!! how can you posiabley sit there and watch your "friend" being burnt 2 death. Those kids deserve what ever they get I hope there sent to jail for life. you have no soul if u can sit there and watch that...Its inhuman. those guys are words I cant even say!!!

DerrickGP5 said...

I think it unreally that a teen would set someone on fire. It all over a videogame and they were consider friends I guess you can never just people as you think they are.I am just glad the kid is still alive. That just a sicking feeling nowing some body would do that. I just hope it does not happen again.

PhiLliP ToMaSuLo p 1 said...

My reaction to this article is horrifying and why will a pearson set another pearson on fire just for fourty dollars for a video game. The boy has five month waiting period to get back to health. I the gets were really stupid for setting a kid on fire

Jenny L .Per5 said...

That is one of the stupidest things I ever heard a teenger do just because of a $40 debt. You can tell that these kids were not thinking about what they were doing. They put a poor 15 year old boy in the hospital for 5 months. Its also scary to stay that this happend in Broward County. I feel really bad for that kid and hope he gets better.

Juan moreno said...

Juan Moreno P2
I think its outragius that some one would do some thing like liding some one on fier for losing a bett over a video game!!! I really hope the kid that did this gets it god time in Jail

Keith Z P5 said...

keith z. p.5 I think that is was terrible that micheal Brewer was set on fire by five teens. Micheal was set on fire by getting rubbing alchohol puored all over him and then the lit it. I dont understand how someone can think of something that cruel to do ta a young boy. And lastly I hope the Micheal recovers and is able to not think about what happened.

Sivan.C. P4 said...

Ive hared alot of crazy things that kids do , but i never hared somthing so crazy like this. Easpily KIDSS! I dont think thats normal those kids i think enjoied it because what sick mind would come up with burning a kid over a vidoe game and a bike or whatever . Those kids should be charged as an adult & i hope they feel like bad and know what they did was soooo stupidd !

JoeyB-pd5 said...

My reaction to Michael Brewer's late fee is disgusted. It is so horrible that a group of kids could do such a thing. For those kids to burn another kid over some video game that costs only $40 dollars is insane. Those kids should be locked up for a long time!

Frankie PP2 said...

I think the kids that set him on fire are just dumb. They walk up to him pour rubbing alchohal on him and set him on fire over 40 dollars and a bike. Thats just plain dumb. And for the kid that got set on fire, why would you just sit there, get rubbing alchohal poured on you and be set alight. I think this could easily have been avoided.