We will be using this blog as another way to communicate with eachother... kind of like "Woobi, Jimmy..."; our red, yellow, green, purple and blue class journals. You will be asked to read my postings and those of your classmates and post your replies.
Even though we are on the internet, in this arena you must still use the conventions of good writing in your posts. That means no IM language, use capitals & proper punctuation and check your spelling.
Before you publish your comment, you will be asked to Choose an Identity. I want you to select NAME/URL and enter your FIRST NAME & LAST INITIAL & PERIOD NUMBER ! If these requirements are not met, you will not earn points for your posting!Let's start right now and ease into it.
Being that this Friday is Halloween, post a comment about what your costume will be. If you don't have anything planned, write about one of your favorite costumes of the past. If you've never gotten dressed up for Halloween, write about a costume or character that you like. Whatever you write about, try to give us a visual picture with your words so that we can clearly see your descriptions!